

【作者】 康小波

【导师】 石秀华;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 武器系统与运用工程, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 自动化立体仓库是现代生产物流系统的重要组成部分,其总体方案设计的水平和效率将直接影响物流企业在市场中的竞争力。因此,开发自动化立体仓库计算机辅助设计软件具有很重要的现实意义。 本文以物流系统计算机辅助设计理论为依据,实现了自动化立体仓库的计算机辅助设计。论文主要内容: 1.对物流系统规划的有关理论作了研究; 2.采用参数化的设计思想,用AutoCAD自带的开发工具VBA(Visual Basicfor Application)对AutoCAD进行了二次开发,建立了完备的设备图形库和设备参数库,实现了各种设备的参数化设计; 3.开发了存储设备各项参数的后台数据库,以便于软件在完成自动化立体仓库总体布局的基础上,把整个系统的模型信息存入该数据库; 利用本文所开发的软件实现了某集团公司自动化立体仓库的总体布局,使用结果表明该软件有一定的工程实用价值。

【Abstract】 Automated storage/retrieve systems is an important constituent part of the Materials Handling Systems0 The level and efficiency of the general blue print design will directly effect the competitive capacity of the logistics enterprise in the market0 So it has great practical significance to develop the computer-aided design software to AS/RSO In this paper the CAD of AS/RS is realized according to the corresponding CAD theory of MI-IS0 The contents are generalized as follows: At first, an introduction of the basic layout theories of the MHS is given; Then the AutoCAD is secondary developed using the VBA with a parametric design method; A complete graphics and parameters library of the equipment is built up, and the design of the MHS equipment by change the parameter is achieved; A Database for storing the parameter of MHS equipment is developed, It is convenient to keep the model抯 information while the total layout of the AS/RS is completed; Finally we use the AS/RS CAD software complete a total layout of the AS/RS for a certain company, It抯 indicated that this software has certain engineering values in practical application0

  • 【分类号】TP391.72
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】342

