

【作者】 时会钦

【导师】 王磊;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 多组分复杂物质的含量测量,尤其是非接触测量,是人们一直以来致力于研究的课题。由于光学、光电子学方法本身快速、无污染的特点,使其在这方面比其它方法更具有优势。但是传统的光学分析仪器体积大、价格昂贵,不能适应自动化以及在线工业检测等方面的需要,开发成本低、方便携带的高性能仪器正在引起国内、外研究人员的广泛兴趣。 传感器融合技术是信息科学领域内的一项高新技术,是多传感器阵列结构和各种模式识别算法的有效结合。基于综合应用光谱分析原理和传感器融合技术实现多组分物质分析系统微型化的一种全新思路,德国Jena传感器研究所特别设计了光学多传感器阵列。本文是利用此器件开发微型光谱系统即实现这种新思想的初步探索。 本文的研究工作表现在以下几个方面: 1.深入研究光谱分析技术原理、仪器结构及发展现状,结合新型传感器结构、参数和性能,认为可行及确定大致方案; 2.在充分领会原理和新思想的基础上,精心设计了自动光强控制电路及光电检测电路,并完成硬件调试,得到预想的效果; 3.选择快速、高精度的12位A/D转换IC,基于微机ISA总线开发了具有查询、中断和DMA三种数据传送方式的采集卡,用C语言编写调试查询式采集程序; 4.用实验室配置的重铬酸钾溶液测试了系统的性能,结果证明此器件可以反映物质对特定波长吸收的光学定律,也发现了现有结构的局限性和存在的问题,提出了改进建议和对后续工作的启发。

【Abstract】 Content measurement of multi-component mixture, especially untouched measurement, is a research subject which people applying to for a long time. In this respect, optics and optoelectronics method is superior to others because of its merit in speediness and non-pollution. But the traditional optical- analysis equipment is too expensive and too big in volume to meet the needs of industry automation online detection. The development of low price and portable instrument with good characteristics is arousing people’s interests. Sensor fusion technique is a new technique about information science. It involves multi-sensor array structure and various pattern recognition methods. Based on sensor fusion technique, a new idea of micromation of spectrum analytical system has been proposed by Jena-sensor graduate school in German. Multi-sensor array was also made for this thought. As an initiative research, the paper designs a miniaturized spectrum analytical system. The main efforts in this thesis are as follows: 1. Spectral technology is studied firstly in this paper. Structure and Parameters of the new type sensor are also concerned. The feasible scheme is proposed as an analysis result. 2. Automatic photon intensity control circuit and optoelectronic detecting circuit are elaborately designed centered with optics multi-sensor array which was specially made by Jena-sensor graduate school in German. 3. Data acquisition card is developed based on quick and high-precision A/D converter. It has three kinds of data transmission mode: query, interruption and DMA. 4. Single-component (K,Cr,07) sample liquid is used to test system performance. The result proves that the sensor chip can reflect absorbance law. Questions existed in the system are found and some advice is given.

  • 【分类号】TP212.14
  • 【下载频次】168

