

【作者】 邱元杰

【导师】 刘心松;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 计算机系统结构, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 电力产业是国家的基础能源产业,随着科技的发展,其自动化系统也在不断的发展。基于对现有应用环境的分析,我们发现具有高可靠性、高性价比、高可扩展性和高性能的分布式并行计算机自动化系统具有极大的应用前景。为了获得这样的系统,我们基于Linux系统开发了具有自主版权的分布式并行操作系统,以便在这个系统上开发电网自动化系统。 本文首先介绍当前的分布并行系统的发展情况和电网自动化系统的发展情况,从而提出了电网自动化系统对分布并行操作系统任务调度的需求;接着讨论分布并行操作系统中任务调度的问题、矛盾和常见算法;然后提出了衡量任务调度算法好坏的几个指标,并以此分析了投标算法的性能,提出了改进的意见。 本文重点描述了在电网自动化分布并行操作系统中使用的智能化任务调度,包括任务调度模型、任务调度算法、节点负载衡量和镜像执行的处理。然后介绍了任务调度的实现情况。 本文最后介绍了系统测试情况。就系统的调度时延、可靠性、有效利用率和负载平衡情况进行了测试,并给出了测试结果和说明。

【Abstract】 The electric power industry is a national foundation industry. Electric power automation system is developing with the development of science and technology. The analysis of the electric power automation system show that the distributed parallel computer automation with high reliability, high price/performance, and high expandability has open vast application . We are developing a electric power automation system based on Linux distributed parallel operating system. First this thesis presents the development situation of the distributed parallel syste駃 and electric power automation, and give out the requirements for the distributed parallel system in the electric power automation. Then this thesis discusses the task scheduling algorithm in distributed parallel system, poses several parameters to evaluate task scheduling algorithm, analysis the performance of bidding algorithm,- and puts forward some improvement. This thesis places emphasis on distributing task梥cheduling model, task scheduling algorithm, load balance and mirror image processing. The implementation of a task梥cheduling algorithm is also introduced. The scheduling delay, reliability, utilization efficient and load balance are tested. The test results are given in the end of this thesis.

  • 【分类号】TP316.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】127

