

【作者】 陆海波

【导师】 吕炳朝;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 PDA是Personal Digital Assistant的缩写,字面意思是“个人数字助理”,即通常所说的掌上电脑。近几年有关PDA的技术飞速发展,这种手持设备集中了计算、电话、传真和网络等多种功能。它不仅可用来管理个人信息(如通讯录,计划等),更重要的是可以上网浏览,收发Email,发传真,甚至还可以当作手机来用。尤为重要的是,这些功能都可以通过无线方式实现。当然,并不是任何PDA都具备以上所有功能。即使具备,也可能由于缺乏相应的服务而不能实现。但可以预见,PDA发展的趋势和潮流就是计算、通信、网络、存储、娱乐、电子商务等多功能的融合。 本文介绍了PDA的发展历程,着重探讨PDA当今的技术热点及今后的发展方向,再详细介绍作者所参与开发的一款智能型掌上电脑,包括其硬件电路和软件设计总体思路,以及部分具体电路设计和软件流程。围绕实现简单、成本低廉、回报丰厚的宗旨,对硬件电路的芯片选型及其具体特性作了详细介绍,并特别介绍了独创的快捷键电路设计和软件扫描流程、CPU模块的内部特性和端口分配、电源供电模块的具体参数特性。基于PPSM开发的应用软件和系统管理软件具有效率高、占用存储器资源少、较易升级的特点。桌面软件和通讯软件以及自定义的通讯协议在本文中都有重点介绍。

【Abstract】 SUBJECT SPECIALITY: Automation theory and engineeringTHESIS TITLE:The Research and Development of One Kind of Intelligent PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)MASTER: Haibo LuTUTOR: Professor Bingchao LvPDA is the abbreviation of Personal Digital Assistant. We usually call it as “Palm Computer” Recently the technology about PDA has been developing rapidly. Such kind of hand-held equipment includes a lot of functions such as computing, fax, network and so on. They can be used as not only personal message managers, but also Internet browsers through whom faxes and e-mails can be sent out or received. Above all, these functions are achieved by wireless modes. Of course, not all PDAs have these functions above-mentioned. Even if they possess them, maybe these functions cannot be realized because lack of the corresponding services. But we can anticipate PDA’s developing tide and trend is the blend of computing, communication, network, store, entertainment and electric commerce functionsThis paper includes PDA’s developing career, some current technology focuses and it’s developing direction, and then particularly contains the total design thought about the intelligent PDA whose development the author took a part in, which includes some hardware circuits and software procedures.

【关键词】 PDA掌上电脑PPSM电子商务
【Key words】 PDA/Palm Computer/ppsm/E-commerce
  • 【分类号】TP368.33
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】407

