

Optimizing Surface Irrigation for Water Table Control and Salinity Minimization by Polymers and Surge Technologies

【作者】 袁普金

【导师】 雷廷武;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 农业水土工程, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过室内试验,分析了灌水方式、PAM、不同流量、不同坡度对灌水入渗速度,沟灌土壤侵蚀的影响,结果表明PAM不但可以显著地减少土壤侵蚀,土壤侵蚀量只有对照的10%~53.8%,而且可以大大地减少试验土壤的入渗速度,10ppm的PAM处理下的土壤入渗率只有对照的54%,20ppm的PAM处理土壤入渗率只有对照的42%;而灌水方式不具有减少土壤侵蚀的作用,但可以提高灌水效率;另外田间试验结果表明,流量的大小直接影响到灌水的效率,流量大不仅可以节省灌水时间,还可以提高灌水均匀度;同时研究了地下水对作物产量的影响,结果表明地下水的加入可显著地降低供试作物的产量,10%的地下水含量,可使产量减少11.8%,当地下水含量增加到20%时,则减产达到18.1%;与传统的漫灌方式相比,沟灌方式可以大大地增加宽行作物的产量,沟灌条件下的作物产量提高20.3%。

【Abstract】 AbstractFour factors, the irrigation method, PAM, flow rate and slop are analyzed in laboratory experiments. Furrow erosion was significantly reduced by the PAM treatment, the erosion with PAM treatment was only 10%~53.8% of those without PAM. PAM application with lOppm reduced the infiltration rate (IR) by 54% compared with the treatments without PAM, and only 42% for 20ppm PAM application. Compared with PAM effects, surge irrigation can not reduce soil erosion, but can increase the efficiency of the water use in surface irrigation. Besides the laboratory experiments, the field experiments also performed in Hetao region. The field experiments showed that large flow rate can not only reduce much irrigation time, but can also increase irrigation efficiency. The crop can be significantly affected by ground water, the yield of corn with 10% ground water concentration was 11.8% lower than those with pure Yellow River water, and 18.1% was lower with 20% ground water contained in the irrigation water. Compared with basin irrigation, the yield in furrow irrigation area was 20.3% higher.

【关键词】 PAM波涌技术沟灌
【Key words】 PAMsurge irrigationfurrow irrigation.
  • 【分类号】S157.1
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】123

