

Development of Monitor & Control System for Laboratory Simulative System of Tractor-implement Combination

【作者】 祁学军

【导师】 李相平;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 车辆工程, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本文介绍了拖拉机作业机组仿真试验台监控系统及其开发设计方法。该系统具有接收下位机发送的试验数据、显示实时试验曲线和数据、保存试验数据、查询历史试验曲线和数据等主要功能,并且可以实现系统的用户身份确认、在线保护、用户密码修改和提供帮助等辅助功能。通过本监控系统的操作和显示界面可以实现拖拉机作业机组仿真试验的可视化,为“拖拉机作业机组仿真试验台”整个课题的进一步研究提供了一定的试验手段和环境。 拖拉机作业机组仿真试验台监控系统是基于 Windows 98操作系统平台,采用C/C++语言,使用应用非常广泛的 Microsoft Developer Studio中的Visual C++6.0作为开发工具开发完成的。在开发的过程中,采用了面向对象程序设计思想,充分运用了Visual C++ 6.0的MFC类库(Microsoft Foundation Class,微软基础类库)。其中,运用Visual C++ 6.0的ActiveX技术中的MSComm 控件和计算机的RS-232C串行口实现了上位机和下位机的串行通讯,采用多线程技术实现了监控系统后台处理接收数据事件,利用开放数据库连接(ODBC)方法实现了监控系统和外部的MicrosoftAccess97的MDB格式数据库文件的连接。而且,在开发过程充分考虑了系统界面的友好性,采用目前流行的Windows图形窗口风格,依据人机界面设计原则,使系统运行时的人机交互尽量容易。 本监控系统经过试验验证表明,系统运行可靠,基本上能够满足目前的拖拉机作业机组仿真试验的试验要求。

【Abstract】 This paper introduces a computerized monitor & control system applied in the laboratory simulative system of tractor梚mplement combination, and the methods of the system design and developing. The system have primary functions that include accepting experimental data sent by slave microprocessers, displaying real梩ime experimental curve line and data, saving real梩ime experimental data and querying former experimental curve line and data. Further more, this system carries out some assistant functions, such as validating identity of user, protecting system on條ine, modifying password, providing help, and so on. By dint of operation and display interfaces of the system, Visualization of the test of the laboratory simulative system of tractor梚mplement combination is made true, and the system provides certain means and environment for in梔epth research of the whole task. This system is based on Windows 98 operation system, and by use of C/C++ program language, the system is developed by Visual C++ 6.0 included in Microsoft Developer Studio. The system adopts the method of Object桹riented Programming(OOP) and fully apples MFC (Microsoft Foundation Class ) of Visual C++ 6.0. Serial communication between master PC and slave microprocessors is achieved successfully by use of MSComm of ActiveX controls in Visual C++ 6.0 and RS?32C of PC, and parallelly accepting data is achieved by applying Multi梩hread technique, and a Microsoft Access database file is linked to the system by the method of Open Database Connectivity(ODBC). Furthermore, possession of friendly interface is fully considered in course of developing, according to the principle of human? computer interface design and by apply of fashionable window style, communication between user and computer is made very easy. Through validation of practical test on test platform, it is made clear that the system is reliable and can meet test抯 needs of the laboratory simulative system of tractor梚mplement combination.

  • 【分类号】TP391.9
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】76

