

Competing ·Racing ·Overtaking

【作者】 范欣

【导师】 刘九洲;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 今天的中国传媒已经别无选择地走进了市场,那么它就必须在以“森林法则”为“游戏规则”的角逐中不断地奔跑和超越。 媒介品牌是市场竞争的产物。市场意味着竞争,只要有竞争就会产生品牌的需求。在20世纪最后二十年,随着媒介市场的逐步形成,媒介间竞争不断升级。经过了媒介的弱竞争时期、媒介价格竞争时期,中国媒介进入了品牌竞争时代。而中国的媒介品牌和媒介品牌化经营也从自发到自觉地孕育、生长并走向成熟。那些不同时期、不同样貌的媒介品牌,不仅辉映而且推动了中国传媒事业乃至时代的前行。 媒介品牌是市场竞争的矛盾体。利润的驱动使受众眼里的一些媒介品牌正在难以辩明的“报人”和“商人”的双重角色之间危险地摇摆:中国的社会主义性质决定了它的媒介品牌必须具有真实性、多元性,而媒介的市场化进程又不可避免地使传媒品牌往往呈现出虚伪性、单面性;当我们的媒介从政治高压下释放出来,在媒介品牌及媒介品牌化经营中本应并举的宣传性(?)呈现出矫枉过正式倾斜,时时发生矛盾。 媒介品牌是市场竞争的手段。媒介品牌与媒介品牌化经营既有着它们兴起发展的历史必然性与现实合理性,又带有与生俱来的深刻的内在矛盾。它是一个历史与现实交给我们的悖论。市场竞争的信条是“适者生存”,实践已证明了媒介品牌是中国媒介必须进行的变革中的适应者,市场竞争的有效手段。探究、求证媒介竞争的实质是“注意力竞争”,始终保持“注意力竞争”的强势是媒介品牌化经营的改善之道。 在过去、现在乃至未来的相当长的一段时间里,我国媒介一直是在角逐中处于劣势的奔跑者和追赶者,它顽强地实现着对自身的超越。在互联网开启的新一轮的角逐中,我们目标是成为领跑者,我们将一直保持的姿态仍应是奔跑!在奔跑和思考中,我们将不断超越的是在今天还显得可望而不可及的一个个对手……

【Abstract】 with the media industry抯 entry into the market, it must run incessantly and excel in the rivalry. Media brand is the result of market competition. Market means competition, and thus the need of brand is unavoided. In the last two decades of the 20th century, media L C> hs ent~ il the brand competition period after the small-scall - ~petition period and the price-competition period. And media 1> .~. i~ well as the brand marketing in China has already matured from spontaneous to conscious. The 慳rious kinds of ~ ierent periods have reflected and promoted --1--? oetween the 搈edia  to balance. The reality of ~~Iai1sm in cnlna na~ aiready decidei that media brands in this country inevitably turn out to be false and one-sidedness. Once media are free from political hich should have laid turn ~ ~ be ccorrr.. ~d and O~. Media brand is a means of market cu.npetltion. -. -. irket not onl~ ave historical inevitability and realistic rationality in ti. ~r flourishing ~upm~ e the profound internal contradiction ever since birth. And it is a paradox which histo:-. ~ r~ >tv aive us. The rule of the game which is believed in market competition is the survivai of the fittest,and it has been proved by practice that media brand is the survivor in media reform in China which must be carried on and an effective method in market competition. The essence of research into media competition and proof-seeking is the competition for 揂ttention?which is used to enhance brand marketing. In the past, now and a very long period of time into the future, the mass media in China is bound to play an inferior role as runner and chaser. It surpasses itself unyieldingly. In the new competition which is triggered by the development of internet, we aim at the leading position in the running track. The pose we adopted all the way is still running. During the course of running and thinking , we shall overrun the competitors one by one who seems so far to be invincible.

  • 【分类号】G206.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】456

