

Evolvement and Switch

【作者】 刘斌

【导师】 刘九洲;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 众所周知,思想的更新与媒介的发展对于一个社会的发展来说是必不可少的,然而思想的传播如何影响媒介,使之适应自身的内在需求和媒介如何通过自身的发展推动社会的思想解放以及思想自身的完善,这一组关系却深藏于表层的传播现象之中。很少为人触及。本文正是从传播学、文化学的角度出发,对晚清时期启蒙运动与报刊现代化这两个历史现象予以观照,并试图将两者联系起来加以研究,力求能从一个短暂的历史时期中发现两者之间更深层次上的关系,并期待对于今天乃至将来能有所启迪。 晚清时期,中国面临的民族危机将“开民智”的要求提出上历史的日程。由于受到当时各种历史条件的限制,启蒙者们只能选择报刊作为主要的启蒙工具。而当他们运用报刊启蒙民众时,平民大众的文化程度、理解能力等多方面的因素迫使报刊不得不面向大众,从而推动了启蒙者新闻思想、新闻观念的形成,也推动了报刊的转型。与此同时,现代化的报刊为思想的传播与民众思维方式的转变又提供了巨大的动力与广阔的空间,同时也促进了新思想观念自身的发展,成为效应的倍增器。晚清时期,报刊与启蒙的相互影响、相互促进揭示了思想传播与媒介发展之间的互动关系。弄清这一关系,对于今天的启蒙教育也具有相当的现实意义。沿着这一思路,本文共分为四个部分: 第一部分——启蒙的召唤。讨论启蒙者对于报刊与受众认识的更新,提出启蒙对于报刊转型的要求。这一时期,启蒙者对中外报刊的学习与借鉴使其新闻观念由古代官报思想向监督政府、言论机关方向发展,与世界先进的新闻思想接轨。而启蒙者本身的思想也随着社会形势的发展逐步向大众靠近,两者结合起来,向报刊提出了如何转型和面向大众的问题。 — — 第二部分——媒介的回应。分析报刊在现代化转型中出现的一些特点。启 蒙者为了“新耳目”、“广见闻”、“振民气”,他们从信息采集、语言运用以及 传播方式等方面人手对手中的报刊进行了一系列改革,使之逐步向现代形态靠 拢。 第三部分一一效应的倍增。讨论现代化转型之后报刊对于启蒙运动的推动 作用。一方面报刊推动了启蒙思想的深人,一方面它又通过信息和思想的传播 量 改变了民众的思维,并使社会中的各种力量产生了分化与整合,从而实现了启 蒙者的最终目的一一J涛就社会变革力量。 第四部分一一历史的思考。反思两者之间的互动关系,并提出对当代大众 传播的启示。随着大众传播媒介的发展,思想的启蒙将更为注重潜隐性、非严 整性与技术性,而启蒙者也必须注意如何随之而改变自己的身份和角色,使两 者相互促进,相得益彰,从而使思想启蒙在新的历史时期重新焕发生机。

【Abstract】 It is well known that the development and updating of the thought is necessary to the advancement of a society, but fewer knows how the speeding of thought made media adapt to its need and how medium promotes the freedom and perfection of thought, the couple relation hidden deeply in the appearance of communication, touched by fewer. Here is a treatise on Enlightemnent of Last Qing dynasty and modernization of periodicals, trying connect the two phenomena and study it to find further relationship between the two things in a short history period, hoping some edification from it. In the Last Qing dynasty, the national crisis created the demand of 慐nlightenment? limited by the history condition, the Enlighters had to make use of periodicals as a major tool of Enlightenment. When they enlighten the ordinary people by the periodicals, they must considered the intellectual factors of the populace, thus created the reformation of news thought and news concept, it also promoted the change of the type of periodicals, when the Enlighters propagated new idea by the new medium, the periodicals gave big impetus and space to the speeding of thought and change of the populace抯 thought, and accelerated the new thought concept developed in depth and width, the periodicals acted as a multiplicator in this way .In the Last Qing dynasty ,the reciprocal influence and promotion of periodicals and Enlightenment discovered the reciprocal relationship of thought propaganda and media development. Figuring out this relationship has reality sense to today抯 Enlightenment. Following this idea, the treatise has four parts. Partl---The call of Enlightenment. Discusses the updating of conception of Enlighters to papers and the public reading people, called for change of the type of the papers. In this period, the studying and using for reference of Chinese and foreign papers of the Enlighters made a concept shift from authoritative machinery iii K# ~4_ MASTERS THESIS to supervisory machinery on government and speech., which coincided with the world advanced new concept. The Enhighters?thought dosed to the populace with the society, these two sides questioned on how to change type and face the ordinary people. Part2?The response of the media. Analyses some characters of periodicals during type-changing to modem. The Enlighters in order to 憆efresh the hearing and seeing?抴iden the hearing and seeing? 慼igh the spirit? they set a series of revolution on getting information, using language and the method of propagation, made the periodicals closed to the modem reform. Part3---Amplify of the effect. Discourses the promotion of the periodicals after type-changing to the Enlightenment. The periodicals, One hand, deepen the Enlightenment, on the other hand, it changes the people抯 thought through information and communication, meanwhile it also integrated and disintegrated various powers in the society to achieved the final goal---enforce the revolutionary forces. Part4---The thinking of the history. Retrospect the reciprocal relationship and the edification to the people. With the development of mass media, the Enlightenment of thought paid more focus on its characters of potential, disintegrated and technology, the Enlighters must changed their status and role to made the two parts promote each other a

【关键词】 启蒙报刊现代化互动
【Key words】 Enlightenmentperiodical modernizationreciprocal influence
  • 【分类号】I209
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】300

