

Multimedia Synchronization Research of Multimedia Database

【作者】 王洪亚

【导师】 傅德荣;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 电路与系统, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 多媒体(mulitmedia)技术是随着计算机的硬件和软件技术的发展,在人们对更友善的人机界面、多种媒体信息处理能力的需求下发展起来的。由于它所具有的数字化、交互性、整合性等特点,使其在计算机辅助教学、出版印刷、计算机仿真等领域中得到了广泛和深入的应用。随着多媒体应用的日益广泛,应用先进的数据库技术对多媒体数据进行存储、管理和综合的要求促进了多媒体数据库管理系统(multimedia database managementsystem)的产生和发展。与传统的关系型数据库管理系统相比,多媒体数据库管理系统有数据量大、等时性和同步、非结构化、特殊的用户操作播放、倒退、快进和基于内容的检索等许多技术特点和难点。目前多媒体数据库中的主要研究内容有多媒体数据的建模、多媒体表现(presentation)与同步的建模、多媒体数据库管理系统的体系结构、基于内容的查询处理和检索机制、新一代用户接口技术等。其中多媒体表现与同步的建模是本文研究的重点。 本文首先对目前流行的多媒体同步建模方法如时间线模型、参考点模型、层次模型等进行了分析与比较,给出了不同的同步模型的优缺点和适用范围。接着对多媒体数据库中的同步集成模型进行了需求分析,由于面向对象理论中的继承性、封装性、多态性和可扩充性非常适合多媒体数据的特点,结合目前多媒体数据库研究和应用的情况,我们选择面向对象的模型作为多媒体数据建模的概念模型,但是面向对象模型中的集成和引用等特性还不足以描述多媒体对象间的同步展示关系,因此在面向对象的概念模型之外,我们在时间流Petri网的基础上提出了一个新的同步集成表达模型HETSPN,用以对多媒体对象间的同步展示关系模型化。HETSPN同步模型基本达到了计算机辅助教学软件同步需求分析中提出的多媒体数据库同步集成模型所应满足的要求——能够全面的对逻辑同步、媒体间同步、媒体内同步进行一致完善的建模,具有易于操作,建模方便等特点,并为同步的实现打下良好的基础。由于HETSPN同步模型是在TSPN同步模型的基础上构建,并且在链接同步层、复合同步层和原子同步层的同步描述中都采用了TSPN的描述方法,所以能够对多媒体作品的同步需求进行一致的建模;库所的类型化使得HETSPN不但支持超媒体结构,而且具有层次建模的能力,这使得复杂多媒体作品的同步模型的规模易于控制;场景级用户交互建模能力弥补了TSPN对用户交互支持的不足,使用户能够在场景级方便的控制多媒体作品的展示;通过场景表达式的定义和修改变迁语义弥补了很多同步模型不支持空间同步的缺憾。在文章的最后我们还给出了应用层次扩展TSPN建模的实例并进行了计算机模拟,实例分析和计算机模拟的结果都显示该模型较好的完成了对多媒体作品的超媒体结构、时空同步、场景级用户交互和层次化的建模。 【zdsgn叫 拍十堂付N方 丫“——/v(丁ER S 工H日引S

【Abstract】 ~tASTER S THESIS IAbstractl With the development of the hardware and software technology of the computer, multimedia, the new generation technology, has come forth in the need of more friendly user-interface and multiple information processing ability. For the characters of digital, interactivity and integration , multimedia has got wide and deep use in CAL, publishing and printing, computer emulation ect. With more and more applications of multimedia, the demand of using advanced database technology to store, manage and synthesize multimedia data fasten the emergence and development of multimedia database management system. In the contrast to traditional relational database, multimedia database has many new technological characters such as large data amount, isochronism and synchronization , non- structural, special user operation and retrieval based on content ect . Nowadays the main research areas of multimedia database are multimedia data modeling, multimedia presentation and synchronization modeling , the architecture of multimedia database, retrieval and query based on content and new user interface ect. First , in this paper some popular multimedia synchronization modeling methods such as timeline model, reference point model and hierarchy model are analyzed and compared .The merit and shortcoming of theirs are discovered. Then the request analysis of multimedia synchronization model of multimedia database are discussed . Because inheritance, capsulation and polymorphism of object- oriented theory are fit for the character of multimedia, the object-oriented model are used as conceptual model to modeling multimedia data . But the character of 昳ntegration and reference is not enough to describe the synchronization relationship of multimedia objects . So except the 00-conceptual model , based on TSPN, we put forward a new multimedia synchronization model . In multimedia synchronization request analysis of CAL software , we can find that a good synchronization model should sustain unifonn logical , inter-stream and intra- stream synchronization modeling. The LIETSPN has reached the demand. Because HETSPN is based on TSPN and apply TSPN describe the synchronization relationship in logical , composite and atomic layer , it can model the multimedia application in a uniform way ; typed place sustain not only hyper-media structure but also hierarchy modeling ,which makes the scale of synchronization easy controlled ; user participation on scenario level remedy the shortcoming of TSPN; scenario expression and semantic changing in transaction offset the weakness of many synchronization models . Finally we give the application example of HETSPN and its computer simulation ,which indicates that this model provide the good ability of modeling hypermedia architecture , temporal and spatial synchronization and user participation on scenario level.

  • 【分类号】TP311.134.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】211

