

The Study on the Development of the Higher Professional and Technological Education

【作者】 朱植刚

【导师】 刘筱红;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 行政管理, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 高等职业技术教育是我国教育的重要组成部分,是职业技术教育的高层次,也是对高等教育的补充和发展。本文介绍了我国高等职业技术教育的发展状况,指出了存在的问题,运用行政学、行政法学、管理学、教育学的基本原理,对我国高等职业技术教育的发展进行了阐述,探索出发展高等职业技术教育的具体措施。 本文介绍了我国高等职业技术教育的发展历程:“九五”计划第一年,《职业教育法》正式颁布后,全国职教工作会议提出,通过“三改一补”,大力发展高等职业技术教育。此后,通过调整、改办与合并等方式新成立了一批职业技术学院。1998年,国家教育部提出了“三多一改”,高等职业教育开始了大发展时期。1999年,国家教育部决定把高等职业教育、高等专科教育和成人高等教育三教统筹,形成合力,共同走高等技术应用性人才的培养道路。 2001年1月,国家教育部又发出通知,决定组织实施《新世纪高职高专教育人才培养模式和教学内容体系改革与建设项目计划》,60个教改研究项目已被批准立项,120多所学校参加。 本文指出了我国高等职业技术教育发展过程中存在的主要问题:高等职业教育社会地位不高、收费高、学生报到率低、硬件条件差、办学质量差、办学无特色、就业出路难、继续深造难等。 本文分析了我国高等职业技术教育发展的动因:社会对高职教育的需求迫切、发展高职是全面提高全民族科学文化素质的重要途径、发展高职符合世界教育改革潮流。 本文提出了加强高等职业技术教育发展的新思路和新举措: 首先高职要办出职教特色。高等职业技术教育既不同于普通高等教育培养的理论型、设计型人才,又不同于中等职业教育技能型人才。它具有人才层次的高级性;知识能力的职业性;人才类型的技术性;毕业生去向的基层性。 l。Hd。lrF AIH j= :N 4 \、。、。、。八HSIER S 7三三S卜 高职教育应贯彻产教结合的原则,加强实验实习基地建设。高职学校就 实行职业教育与生产劳动相结合,学校与企业相结合,贯彻以能力为本位的教 学思想,建立符合教学要求的实习基地,加强实践教学,增加学生实际动手能 力,把学生培养成为生产、建设、管理、服务等等第一线工作的高级技术应用 型人才。 其次,健全和提高高职教育的学历教育体系。扩大中职生对回升人高职 的比例,优秀高职学员可以通过考试,“专升本”,并可继续报考研究生:高职 教育应有本科乃至硕士、博士研究生层次。 最后,调整教育结构,创新教育模式,扩大招生,拓宽就业渠道。高等 职业技术院校要以市场为导向,面向社会扩大招生,调整专业结构,其专业设 置应当根据经济发展及社会的需要和本校的办学条件来决定,降低收费标准, 学生实行勤工俭学,毕业生实行学校推荐就业和个人自主择业相结合,根据毕 业生就业谋生的需要,我认为,应该是先谋生,再成长;先就业,后择业,拓 宽就业渠道。这样,高职学校才有办学活力,才能够扩大规模,成长壮大。我 国的高等职业教育就能够健康发展。 高等职业教育作为高等教育的重要部分,是振兴国家经济的保证,正面 临着一个大好的发展时机,研究中国高职教育发展的要求,探讨高职发展的改 革思路,是二十一世纪经济发展和高等教育发展的客观要求。

【Abstract】 The higher professional and technological education is most important combined part of education in our country and is also the high administrative level and is supplement and development. This article introduces the developments of the higher professional and technological education and points out the existing problems. Using the basic principles of the science of administration, the science of administrative law, the science of management and the science of education, elaborates the developments of the higher professional and technological education in our country and explores the concrete steps of developing the higher professional and technological education. The article introduces the developing processes of the higher professional and technological education in our country. After the first year of 搕he Ninth Five Plan? The Professional Education Law?is formally issued, the conference of the professional education of our country pointed out that we developed greatly the higher professional and technological education by 搕he Three Reforms and one supplement? And then, set up a set of professional and technological colleges by adjusting, changing and combining. In l998.the National Education Department pointed out ~the Three Many and one Transform. The higher professional and technological education began to develop greatly. In 1999,The National Education Department decided to combine the higher colleges and the adult colleges into joint forces and run the training road of the higher talented persons. In the January, 2001, The National Education Department also informed organizing and practicing 憕the New Century Plan of the Higher Professional and the Higher College Education Talented Person Training Modal and Teaching Content Systems?Reforms and Building Items? Sixty teaching reforms and studying items were approved.120 colleges joined. The article points out the main existing problems in the developing processes of the higher professional and technological education in our country: the social ii~ ) position of the higher professional education, the higher tuition; the lower entering rate of the college students; the worse condition, the lower college quality, the college with no characteristics, the difficult way out, the difficult continuing studies and so on. The article analyzing the developing reason of the higher professional and technological education in our country .Jt is the demand of the society, is the important road to rise the our national scientific and cultural qualities and is in keeping with the trend world抯 education reforms. The article puts forward the new concrete thoughts and many new policy steps. Firstly: The higher professional colleges should run the professional characteristics. The higher professional and technological education is neither different from the general high universities which train the theoretical and designing talents the middle professional education which runs the technological of the talents. It has the super characteristic of the talents, the professional characteristic of know ledge and abilities, the technological characteristic of the talents?types, the basic level characteristic of the graduates. The higher professional and technological education should carry out the prin

  • 【分类号】G710
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】713

