Analysis of Primary and Middle School Headmasters in Henan and Research of Countermeasures
【作者】 寇杰;
【导师】 余学锋;
【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育管理, 2001, 硕士
【摘要】 千秋基业,教育为本。振兴教育,希望在教师,关键在校长。中小学校长素质的高低,直接关系到中小学办学方向和办学质量,关系到基础教育的发展,关系到国家和民族的未来。 本文属应用性研究,从对素质概念的剖析入手,分析了中小学校长素质的含义、结构,并对河南省中小学校长队伍的素质状况作出分析和评价,在此基础上,尝试提出有针对性和操作性的一系列提高校长队伍整体素质的途径和方法,为“十五”期间河南省中小学校长队伍的建设和培训工作提供决策参考。 素质的概念具有狭义和广义之分,研究中小学校长的素质是从教育学意义上的广义的素质概念出发的,即研究中小学校长的主体现实性。中小学校长素质特指校长履行岗位职责所必备的职业素质,它是校长从事学校教育和管理工作必须具备的德、识、才、学、体等各个方面的总和。 河南省是全国第一人口大省,教育人口占全省总人数的27.7%,全省共有中小学校长53000人,由于受传统文化和经济发展水平的制约,加之当前政策对校长的素质要求偏低,缺乏相应的激励和监督机制,中小学校长培训形式化等原因,河南小中小学校长队伍的整体素质不高,与沿海经济和教育发达省市,与基础教育改革和发展的要求,与未来中小学校长应具备的素质之间存在明显的差距。主要表现为少数卜匿氯;I 巧上堂仟”亡 丫、木。八lA引E R S 了旺S工S中小学校长思想品德素质不高,法制观念淡薄;知识相对陈旧,教育理论水平不高;实施素质教育的能力、学校常规管理能力、改革创新能力相对不强等方面,一定程度上也反映在其学历结构、专业结构、职称结构等几个方面。为此,进一步加强我省中小学校长队伍建设,大力提高这支队伍的素质水平,使之更好地为实现素质教育目标服务,为我省驹教育的改革与发展服务,已成为摆在各级政府和各级教育行政部门面前的重大课题。 要提高我省中小学校长队伍整体素质,应采取以下对策:要面向教育改革和发展的需要,提高校长的学历层次;严格选拔任用制度,把好校长入口关;建立开放的校长选拔系统,建立校长人才库;科学构建中小学校长的培训体系,加强校长培训工作;完善相关政策,建立校长素质提高的激励机制;建立健全约束和监督机制等。
【Abstract】 A headmaster is critical in running a school, whose abilities will directly influence the trend and quality of elementary education, the development of primary and middle school, the future of our country. This representation sets out to analyze and comment on the quality of the team of PMSH (primary and middle school headmaster) in Henan province through the analysis of the requirements of onstitution education? in which a series of measures and ways have also been proposed to evaluate the quality of the PMSH team. This representation serves also as a reference for the plan making of the construction and training of the PMSH team in Henan in the enth Five Year Plan?period. The implication of uality?can be put in both a narrow sense and a broad sense. The study of the quality of PMSH in a broad sense in term of education, mainly focuses on the present situation of PMSH. The quality of PMSH refers to the essential qualities that are required for the headmasters to perform their duties both as educators and administrators. It consists of morality, experience, intelligence, knowledge and physical health conditions, etc. The Henan province is the most populous province in China, possesses a PMSH team of about 53,000. Owing to the restriction of historical, geographic, economic and social factors, the quality of the local PMSL-I team is very poor, the lack of promotion and supervision system makes the situation even worse. The problems with the quality of PMSH are mainly as following: a small proportion of headmasters have poor morality; some are weak in educational theories; some fail to carry out properly the comprehensive quality education for the students and school daily management; some lack imitativeness and spirit of innovation. These problems are also minored in the array of headmasters?academic experiences, professional titles, specialties, etc. Therefore, the further enhancement of the construction of PMSH team and the promotion of its overall quality have turned to be the imperative tasks for the government educational offices at different levels. To elevate the quality of the PMSH team and face the reformation of elementary education, the following measures should be taken: setting up rigid personnel system and choosing head masters strictly in accordance with them; contracting scientific training system for the PMSH team; implementation of involving policy: setting up promotion plans to elevate their qualities; setting up comprehensive supervision and restriction system.
【Key words】 Henan; the quality of the PMSH team; research; countermeasure;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 华中师范大学 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
- 【分类号】G637.1
- 【被引频次】3
- 【下载频次】380