

Internet Economy and Innovation of Real-Estate Sector

【作者】 胡彦

【导师】 邓宏乾;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 区域经济学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息技术的发展,互联网得以诞生,互联网的出现彻底改变了信息的传递方式,使人类社会的生产、生活进入了一个全新的阶段。互联网能够加快信息的传递,减少社会资源的浪费,提高生产率。目前互联网的意义已经不仅仅是简单的技术形态,它已经渗入生产生活的每一个部分,并形成一种新的经济形态——网络经济。古老的房地产业由于网络经济的出现也悄悄地发生了变化。本文试图从经济学原理和网络经济现状出发,结合我国房地产业现状,分析未来网络经济条件下,我国房地产业发展的创新方向。 文章第一部分首先介绍了网络经济的概念及网络经济的形成,接着从经济学原理的角度对网络经济进行了分析,认为网络经济加快了信息传递的速度,减少了信息不通畅造成的生产浪费,提高了生产效率,有着极强的生命力。电子商务是网络经济的重要组成部分,本章介绍了其发展过程中先后出现的三种形式。本章还着重介绍了当前我国网络经济发展的现状,包括网络技术、网络基础等。最后谈到网络经济将融入传统经济中,传统经济也将在网络技术的改造下成为新的网络经济,网络经济实质是未来的传统经济。 文章第二部分对网络经济下房地产经营管理方面的创新进行了分析,认为在房地产企业管理方面出现了企业组织扁平化、企业管理知识化、企业形式虚拟化;指出在房地产开发投资方面网络采购具有重大作用,并对网络采购发展现状进行了分析;同时还描绘了房地产商品本身出现的网络化趋势;最后重点分析了房地产商品在网络经济下的市场营销创新。 文章第三部分对网络经济条件下房地产经纪及物业管理创新进行了分析,认为在网络经济下房地产中介的组织结构、业务流程均发生了重大改变,网络中介必将成为房地产中介主流;同时认为物业管理也插上了网络经济的翅膀,出现智能化管理,大大改变了居住现状和物业管理的经营方式。 文章第四部分从房地产业的行政管理方面对网络经济下房地产业可能出现的变化进行了探索性的分析。文章首先对网络经济时代,经济发展对我国房 og曰霎自1 历十堂付D才 \;’-——M )IASTERS THESIS 行政管理提出的挑战进行了分析,认为在经济活动对网络依赖全面加强的情况 下,房地产行政管理网络化不可避兔。文章同时提出了相应的房地产行政管理 设想,包括虚拟房地产行政管理部门运作设想、房地产政府部门公共网络服务 的主要内容设想、房地产政府部门数据库设想等。

【Abstract】 Because of the development of information technology, Internet was born. The appearance of Internet completely changed the means of information exchanges. The daily life of human society has entered a brand-new era. Internet can accelerate information flow, reduce social resources waste, improve productivity. Now the significance of Internet lies not only in technology terms, but also in every aspect of our dailylife. A new type of economy has been established Internet Economy. The traditional real-estate sector has been changed unconsciously by Internet. Starting from economic principles and current situation of Internet economy, this dissertation tries to analyze the development direction of Chinese real-estate sector on the condition of Internet economy. Part I of this essay firstly introduces the concept of internet economy and its development, then analyzes internet economy from economic principle perspective, concludes that internet accelerates the speed of information exchanges, reduces production waste caused by information exchange lag, improves productivity, so it has strong vitality. E-cornmerce is an important component of internet economy. This Chapter presents three aspects of E-cornmerce in its development. Also Current development of Chinese Internet economy is emphasized in this chapter, which includes several important indicators, such as Internet technology, Internet basis, quantity and quality of Internet users. Finally, predicts that Internet economy will integrate into traditional economy and the traditional economy reformed by lntevnet technology will become a new internet economy. The essence of Internet ewnomy is traditional economy in the future. Part II analyses innovations of the real-estate management in the internet economy, concludes that it causes three changes in real-estate enterprise management, namely, the flatization of enterprise organization, intellectualization of enterprise management, imagination of enterprise mode. Also in this part we present the important function of Internet shopping in real-estate development investment and the development of Internet shopping. Meanwhile, we analyze real- estate marketing innovation in Internet economy. In Part LII, we analyze the innovation on real-estate intermediation and maintenance in Internet economy, discussing the great changes in organization structure and transactional procedure of real-estate inter mediation. At the same time, with the development of internet, real-estate maintenance management has been deeply transformed. Part IV gives an exploratory analyses of possible changes in real-estate administrative management in internet economy. Firstly, we analyze the challenges faced by Chinese real-estate administrative management in Internet economy, concluding that on the condition that economic activities intensi?their dependence upon Internet, lntemnetization of real-estate administrative management is inevitable. At the same time, relevant suggestions on real-estate administrative management have been projected, which contains imaginary operation of real-estate administrative management departments, main content of public services provided by real-estate administrative management departments, data base of real-estate adnimistrative management.

【关键词】 网络经济房地产业创新
【Key words】 internet economyreal-estateinnovation
  • 【分类号】F299.233;F062.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】386

