

The Design and Realization of Student Score Management System of Medical College Based on B/S Structure

【作者】 滕冲

【导师】 胡金柱;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 微软推出的服务器端执行的ASP技术,极大的方便了对服务器端数据库内容的访问与编辑。本文的基础就是利用ASP技术与Web数据库的结合,开发出的一个基于B/S结构的医学院校学生成绩管理系统(以下简称SSMSMC)。 首先,本文探讨了数据库运行的体系结构,介绍了浏览器/服务器模式的工作方式及特点:比较了主机/终端、客户机/服务器和浏览器/服务器等三种模式各自的优缺点。比较结果表明,浏览器/服务器模式继承了客户机/服务器模式的优点并克服了它的缺点,不受操作系统和硬件的制约,而且能防止“胖客户机”现象的发生,比较容易实现不同网络间的连接。浏览器/服务器模式是目前广泛使用的主体结构。因此,我们开发的SSMSMC系统采用了浏览器/服务器模式。 在此基础上,本文还探讨了实现Web数据库的不同方法。对于在Web服务器端提供中间件的方法有两种:CGI和API。其中,CGI效率低,速度慢;API虽然克服了CGI的缺点,但兼容性差和开发难度大。用Java技术虽然可以通过JDBC技术来访问数据库,但目前JDBC标准尚不完善。客户端技术功能有限,不能完全控制其过程。PHP技术稳定性好,安全性高,但由于它对不同数据库操作所使用的函数不同,当数据库发生变化时,改动非常大,并且其安装过程很繁琐。 微软的ASP是一种比较容易实现的功能强大且高效的数据库访问技术,它实际上是一种在服务器端开发脚本语言的环境。因此,我们在开发SSMSMC的过程中采用了ASP技术来访问学生成绩数据库。 ASP的内置对象及ActiveX服务器组件,以及提供的ADO对象实现对数据库的访问具有其独特的优势。因此,本文重点讨论了如何利用ASP技术的内置对象、ActiveX服务器组件和ADO对象来实现对学生成绩数据库的访问方法,给出了设计细节和具体步骤和方法。在第五章还具体给出了SSMSMC的实现细节。

【Abstract】 \IASTER ~ Abstract ASP(Active Server Pages) is a good techology to visiting database system on server, which is developed by Microsoft company. Based on a combination method of ASP and web database, we design a student score management system of medical university based on browser/server structure. At the beginning of this article,we discuss system design background and whole article抯 frame. The second part of the article, we study terminal/mainframe, client/server, browser/server model and summarize their advantages and disadvantages. Browser/server is better than client/server, and it doesn抰 depend on operating system and hardware, and client on browser/server model isn抰 too 揻at?so browser/server model is used to this application system. we introduce the different method of visiting web database. If some application system adopt CCI technology, system will be slowly; API increases difficulty for developer; JDBC is not perfect; client technology抯 function is limited; PHP has a good robustness and security, but there are many functions that will change with database changes, and it is difficult that we install PHP抯 running system. ASP doesn抰 only improve system抯 performance, security and practicality, and reduces request to client and difficulity of system抯 development also. The articles design score management system with ASP technology. We make use of object,property,method in ASP to complete many functions,including browser splitint many pages in query section and count vistor. We research the relation between server and score data with ADO.Compared SQL language with object,property,method in ASP,the result is we find out a combination method of them. At Iast,the article realizes the student score management system of medical university by ASP and web database technology.

  • 【分类号】TP315
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】789

