

The Research on Multimedia Publication

【作者】 李娟

【导师】 夏南强;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 计算机应用, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 多媒体出版物是继电子出版物之后出现的又一新兴媒体,它体现了现代信息技术在出版业的应用,是出版领域的一大革命,给传统出版业带来了良好的发展机遇,同时也使其面临严峻的挑战。伴随着多媒体技术等信息技术的发展,集影、视、听为一体的多媒体出版物显示出广阔的应用前景和市场潜力。因此,本文对多媒体出版物进行系统的阐述,探讨了它的类型特征,对其发展现状、存在问题、制作技术方法、出版发行、宣传推广等进行了综合研究。 本文第一章从多媒体出版物的由来讲起,分析多媒体出版物的起源,探讨多媒体出版物的特征,及多媒体出版物与传统出版物的区别。第二章根据多媒体出版物的内容和形式特征对其进行分类,分为教育类、参考工具书类、报纸、图书、杂志类等,然后分门别类地进行特色分析。第三章讲述了多媒体出版物制作特点、要求和制作原则,并详细介绍了出版物的制作流程,包括调查选题、脚本设计和综合集成等。接着对各种多媒体信息如文本、图形图像、动画、视频等的制作及格式转换等进行详细阐述。最后对常用的几种多媒体集成创作工具进行了介绍,并指出它们的优缺点及使用范围。第四章从出版单位的效益出发,讨论了多媒体出版物营销的重要性,并介绍了几种常见的促销方式。重点论述了多媒体出版物单行版、联机版和网络版等出版发行方式的不同,对各种发行形式的特点及优势进行了分析。第五章论述了多媒体出版物知识产权的重要性。在制作多媒体出版物时我们应如何遵守知识产权,如何获取各种媒体素材的版权许可,以及对多媒体出版物这一新型媒体应如何实施知识产权保护。分析了它的保护方式、保护技术和保护法律等方面的问题。第六章对当前我国多媒体出版物的现状及存在问题进行了分析,提出了有关的发展对策,并对多媒体出版物的前景予以展望。最后对全文进行总结,并提出多媒体出版物今后的研究方向。

【Abstract】 Multimedia publication is another new media following electronic publication. It symbolizes the application of modern information technology in the publishing industry, and starts a whole-scale reform in the industry. It not only provides a good opportunity but also poses a fierce challenge to traditional publication. With the development of multimedia and other information technologies, multimedia publication, which integrates film, video and audio, shows bright perspectives and promising market potential. Therefore, the author conducts systematic research on multimedia publications, including classification, character, the methods of designing, publishing and marketing, intellectual property, present state and promotion, etc.Beginning with the history of multimedia publication, the author makes inquiry into its origin and characters in Chapter One, especially the differences between multimedia publication and traditional publication. In Chapter Two, multimedia publication is categorized into several groups according to its content and forms. In addition, the author analyses characteristics of each category respectively. In Chapter Three, the author expounds the standard of the designing of multimedia publication, and describes its design process in detail, such as selection of subjects, script designing, design of every media material, the overall integration, theproduction and format transformation of different media messages like scripts, graphics, animation, video. The author also compares several common multimedia integration tools, and analyses their advantages and disadvantages respectively. In Chapter Four, the author discusses the importance of marketing of multimedia publication, introducing us a few commonly used promotion skills. Then a few important publishing forms are described for us, including oflprint version (CD-ROM), on-line version and Internet version. What’s more, the author analyses then- superiority and application fields. In Chapter Five, the author discusses the importance of the intellectual property of multimedia publication and how to protect its property. In Chapter Six, the author analyses condition and problems of the multimedia publication and present us a series of strategies for the development of multimedia publication, and predicts its prospects. Finally, she summarizes all the major points of the thesis, and points out the direction of research on the multimedia publication.

【关键词】 多媒体出版物类型特征制作出版知识产权
【Key words】 MultimediaPublicationTypeCharacterDesignPublishIntellectual Property
  • 【分类号】G237.6
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】305

