

Research and Experimentation on Teachers’ ln-service Education Based on the Primary Schools in the lmpoverished Areas of Northwest China

【作者】 陈金龙

【导师】 王嘉毅; 李秉德;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文是《加快贫困地区普及义务教育步伐的研究与实验》的子课题研究的阶段性成果。本研究选取甘肃省临夏回族自治州积石山保安族、东乡族、撒拉族自治县癿藏乡(学区)的36名教师为样本,采用行动研究的研究理念,综合运用文献法、问卷调查、深度访谈、参与观察等多种方法对他们的培训需求进行全方位的了解,在此基础上制定出指导实验工作开展的详尽培训方案,并成立了强有力的培训工作领导小组,以期通过开展一系列的培训活动,从实践中探索出一条适合于为西北贫困地区提高基础教育质量、加快普及义务教育步伐、深化教育改革、全面推进素质教育服务的教师在职进修教育模式——校本师资培训模式。 校本师资培训是指学校根据自己的发展规划。在对学校教师的现状与潜力进行系统评估的基础上,充分利用校内外的各种教育资源,通过自行规划设计或与专业研究机构、研究人员合作等方式开展的旨在满足学校发展需要及促进教师专业成长的培训活动。这是在世界“教师教育”中职前培养教育与在职进修教育日趋统合和完善,教师的在职进修教育受到空前重视的时代背景下而出现的一种提高在职教师素质的新模式,并因其“以学校为中心”、“以学校为定向”的目标定位及其在提高教师素质、促进教师专业发展方面的突出贡献而成为世界“教师教育”,尤其是在职进修教育的主要模式和新的发展方向。因此,校本师资培训模式在西北贫困地区的实验及推广对于提高西北贫困地区的教师素质,促进该地区的教育发展具有重大的理论意义与实践意义。 本实验研究正是在此思想的推动下,结合西北贫困地区小学的实际,坚持“为了学校”、“基于学校”和“在学校中”的原则,在“能教、“会教” ti·Ill· 和“愿教”三个层吐,围绕“转变砒、提高能力、扩充知识”三方面采 取了一系列的培训措施,进行的旨在探索适合于为西北贫困地区提高基础教 育质量、加快普及义务教育步伐、实现由“应试教育”向素质教育转轨服务 的校本师资培训新模式的尝试: 在“转变观念”方面,举办了《对素质教育的基本认识》胞、组织了 “为弘扬师蹬与呼”的专题宣传培训与“团结执教”的宣传教育活动、还 通过组织实验教师到办学条件好、水平高的西北师范大学附属小学参观访 问、交流学习,开阔他们的视野。 在“提高能力”方面,以教师的课蛐学技术训练为重点,开展了写字 示范教学、加强“听课一赔一一评课”的指导以及组织观摩兰州市 教学新秀的课堂教学等活动,并为实验学校鹏教学基本功训练等录像带供 广大实验教师观看学习。 在“扩充知识”方面,因还不具备向实验教师系统传栅需知识的条件, 只是栅一些相关的书报杂志,要求他们以自学的方式来扩充各自的本体性 知识与条件性知识中的理论部分,至于郧性知识中的娜部分与实锄知 识的扩充则力图寓于“提高能力”之中去实现。 通过一年的实验研究我们发现,在本实验的条件下,实验教师的整体素 质在实验前后有了显著的提高,在教学效果上表现为学生的成绩较前有了明 显的进步。实践证明,校本师资培训模式的确是一种符合西北贫困地区小学 实际、能切实从不同学校、不同教师的不同实际需要出发来提高在职教师的 素质、促进该地区教育教学质量提高的师资培训新模式。在西北贫困地区的 教育改革与发展中具有独特的价值,应加以灿推广。

【Abstract】 This thesis is a periodical achievement of Research and Experimentation on Accelerating the Steps of Popularizing the Compulsory Education in the Impoverished Areas of Northwest China.Thirty-six teachers, who came from nine primary schools in Biezang town, Jishishan Baoan, Dongxiang and Sala autonomous county, Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture of Gansu province in the northwest China, were invited to participate in our research. In order to find out the respective needs in the in-service education of teachers, we adopted Action Research pattern and used research methods synthetically, such as literature review, questionnaire survey, in-depth interview and participant observation and etc.. All we do is to advance an efficient way to enhance the in-service teachers?quality by using the school-based model of teachers?in-service education, and then to improve the quality of primary education, and to accelerate the steps of popularizing the compulsory education in the impoverished areas of northwest China.According to the schools?own development plans, and the assessment of the present situations and potentialities of teachers, the school-based model of teachers?in-service education is to plan the training solely or collaborate with the academic research institutes and researchers, and make full use of all the resources inside or outside the schools that can contribute to the training, in order to realize the development of the schools as well as all the teachers in the schools. This is a new model of improving teachers?quality, which emerges in the trends of the unity of pre-service education and in-service education in teachers?education. Now it has been the main melody of teachers?education, especially in teachers?in-service education. Therefore the school-based in-service education has the realistic significance in enhancing teachers?.Iv.Abstract V.qualities and advancing the educational development in the impoverished areas of northwest China.With the development of this theory, based on the situation of the impoverished areas of northwest China, and under the principles of 搃n school, based on school and for school? we draw up the specific plan for guiding the research, setting up training leading group and carrying out a series of training activities on three aspects: changing ideas; advancing abilities and enlarging knowledge.In order to change the participants?ideas, we conducted courses of lectures on Fundamental Understanding of Quality-oriented Education, and propagandized several topics, such as Applauding for the Morality of Teachers and Teaching as a United Collective etc..In the respect of advancing abilities, especially the ability of teaching in classrooms, we developed writing teaching by demonstration, strengthened the guidance of how to prepare and evaluate a lesson, and visited the demonstration lectures of classroom teaching in Lanzhou.In the respect of enlarging knowledge, because of the limitations ~of conditions, all we did was to provide the participants with some books, journals and other materials and tell them to study the subject-matter knowledge and the theoretic part of the conditional knowledge by themselves in their spare time.All the measures we have taken were proved that the school-based in-service education model is effective in improving the quality of in-service teachers, so it should be popularized in the impoverished areas of northwest China.

  • 【分类号】G625.1
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】295

