

On the Changing of Teachers’Teaching Ideas

【作者】 王传金

【导师】 徐继存;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 综观教学改革史,古今中外每次重大的教学改革都是以教学观念的变革为先导的。教学观念的变革伴随着教学实践的发展而产生和发展,反过来又会推动教学实践的发展。每位教师实质上都有其教学观念,犹如每个人都有自己的人生观念一样。教师的教学行为总是自觉不自觉地受其教学观念的影响。我们正处在一个教学不断改革的时代,各种教学理论和观点层出不穷,新的经验和问题不断涌现,如何加以思考、作出判断,并选择进而确立对教学实践活动最有价值的观念,是现代教师所面临的一个十分重要的问题。近几年来,学术界在强调教学观念的先导作用、呼吁教师要转变教学观念的同时,却对教师教学观念转变的内在过程、制约因素等基本理论问题的研究力度不够,这使教师教学观念转变研究成为一个颇具现实意义的课题。 概念的规范使用是构建理论逻辑体系的基础。因此,本文从概念辨析入手,澄清了教师教学观念的内涵。我们认为,教师的教学观念是教师思考教学问题所获得的结果,它包括教师对教学“是什么”的认识及其思维方式,也包括教师认为教学“应当怎样”的价值判断和选择结果。教师的教学观念是以若干单个观念相互联系的形式存在的,并且这种联系是内在的有机联系,而不是若干单个观念的简单相加。这些单个的观念纵横交错、有机联系、相互作用就形成了教师教学观念系统。教师的教学观念除了具有自己特殊的结构外,还有着内容和形式上的诸多特点,如客观性、稳定性、历史性、关联性等。教师的教学观念亦有先进与落后之分,先进的教学观念具有先导、中介、统整等功能。 教师的教学观念具有历史性,它随着社会政治、经济、文化和教学实践的变化而变化、发展而发展。因此,不同时代的教师教学观念都不可避免地带有时代的烙印,具有不同的特点。我们以教师教学观念的主要特征为线索,描绘了教师教学观念历史演进的基本脉络,并列举了几种目前在教师中存在 的错误教学观念,以此暗示教师教学观念转变的必要性与必然性。 教师教学观念转变的过程是艰难复杂的,它既反映着教学的本性,同时 也包含了教师的主体性要求,并渗透着教师所用认识工具的影响。作者依据 哲学认识论\信息论、当代思维学等相关学科的理论,将教师教学观念转变 的基本过程分为理解\评价\决策、实践四个相对的阶段,从纵向上分析了 教师教学观念转变的历时态结构。在理解阶段,教师把握了新教学观念的本 质属性,也就是理解了新教学观念所反映的客观事实和客现真理。在评价阶 段,教师以“自我”为中心对新教学观念进行价值判断,得出肯定或否定的 选择结果。在决策阶段,教师经过比较、鉴定、选择等一系列活动,确定教 学观念指导教学实践的方向、途径和方案。在实践阶段,教师将新教学观念 运用于教学实践,并在实践中检验、修正教学观念。在教师教学观念转变的 实际过程中,以上几个环节常常交织在一起,循环往复,并没有明显的分界, 所以上述四个阶段的划分是相对的。 教师教学观念的转变并非简单的纵向直线过程,诸多制约因素的存在使 教师教学观念的转变过程变得异常复杂艰难。作者在本文中将教师教学观念 转变的主要制约因素分为共性因素和个性因素两类。共性困素是指社会变迁。 传统文化\教师评价制度\教师群体教学观念、教师的物质待遇等一些对所 有教师都会产生影响,并且教师个体难以改变的因素。个性因素是指教师个 体的主体意识\思维方式、教学理论水平、教学经验等一些个性特征明显的 因素。在分析这些制约因素的基础上,作者还提出了消除制约困素、创设教 师教学观念转变所需条件的具体建议。 在结语部分,作者认为当代教师应树立素质目的观、整合课程观、多样 方法观、多元评价观,给本论文划上.了逻辑句号。

【Abstract】 The changing of teaching ideas plays the guiding role in every important teaching reform of history. The evolution of teaching ideas has been accorded to teaching activities. Every teacher has his own teaching ideas, just like every person has his opinions to his life. The teachers? teaching ideas always influence their teaching actions in a conscious and unconscious way. In an era of teaching reform, new teaching theories, new experiences and mew problems often appear. It is a big problem for teachers to think and judge them in order to change their teaching ideas and make the change of the teaching practice true. We always stress the guiding role of teaching ideas and require teachers to change their teaching ideas. But we don抰 put enough energy in researching some basic theories, such as inner process and restricting factors on the changing of teachers?teaching ideas. So this issue the author does has great practical significance. The utilization of canonical concepts is the foundation to construct theoretical system. At the beginning of this paper, the author clarifies the connotation of teachers?teaching ideas. Teachers?teaching ideas have been resulted from the way in which teachers ponder those problems of teaching course. The system of teachers?teaching ideas consists of many ideas that influence and integrate to each other.Teachers?teaching ideas have some characteristics, such as objectivity, steadiness, historicity and relatedness. They have guiding, intermediating and arranging functions. Teachers?teaching ideas of different times have different characteristics. The author of this paper depicts the historical development by the clue of main features of teachers?teaching ideas. Some wrong teachers?teaching ideas are described in order to hint the necessity of the changing of teachers? teaching ideas. The process of the changing of teachers?teaching ideas isn抰 simple. This change not only reflects the nature of teaching, but also contains teachers?subjective necessity and penetrates the influence of cognitive tool that teachers use. By using the epistemology and thinking science, the author of this paper divides the process of the change of teachers?teaching ideas into four stages, comprehending, evaluating, decision-making, practicing stages.The bady of this paper will concentrate on these four stages. At the comprehending stage, teachers grasp the essence of new teaching ideas. At the evaluating stage, teachers make valuable judgments to new teaching ideas. At the decision-making stage, teachers choose methods and strategies. At the practicing stage, teachers put new teaching ideas into practice. The dividing of these four stages is comparative. There aren抰 clear bounds among them. There are many restricting factors during the changing course of teachers?teaching ideas. The author divides these factors into general factors and specific factors. General factors effect all the teachers and teachers can’t get rid of them easily, such as social change, traditional culture, evaluating system to teachers, teachers?group ideas, material benefits to teachers and so on. Specific factors include teachers?subjective consciousness, thinking means, theoretic level, teaching experience and so on. On the basis of analyzing these restricting factors, the author also puts forward some suggestions of eliminating these restricting factors. In the last part, the author think that teachers should have some modern teaching ideas, such as diathesis p

  • 【分类号】G421
  • 【被引频次】30
  • 【下载频次】1343

