

On Schools of Instructional Theory

【作者】 郭德红

【导师】 李瑾瑜;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 教学论学派作为教学论研究的有效形式,对繁荣教学论研究,发展与完善教学理论起着十分重要的作用。20世纪50年代后,国外涌现出的众多教学论学派,推动着教学论由传统教学论迈入现代教学论时期。对国外教学论学派进行深层次的研究,有重要现实意义,将有助于我国教学论学科建设。教学论学派研究领域非常宽泛,本论文仅就教学论学派的形成过程、基本特征、功能等进行分析研究,总结其成功的经验,为我国教学论研究队伍建设提供有益借鉴。 教学论学派产生于教学理论的发展过程中,在对教学的研究过程中,人们提出了关于教学理论的不同看法与主张,逐渐形成各自的体系,发展为不同的教学论派别。本论文对国外教学论学派进行全面分析的基础上,揭示其所具有的一些共同规律。 教学论学派形成的外部条件:(1)二次大战后,科学技术的飞速发展,对学校教育提出了新的要求;(2)国际间竞争加剧,加速了各国教学改革的步伐;(3)相关学科的新成果,为教学论学派提出新的教学理论、形成学派奠定了科学基础;(4)各国政府等为教育教学研究提供了资金保障;(5)教学实践要求教学理论创新。时代呼唤有创新精神的教育家站在教学改革的前沿,提出新的符合时代发展要求的教学理论。教学论学派形成的内在因素:(1)教学理论的创新,教学理论的出现推动了教学论学派的形成,而教学论学派的形成又促进了教学理论的发展;(2)卓越的学术代表。学术代表具备的品质:一是具有深厚的哲学基础;二是有雄厚的心理学基础;三是作风民主;四是褒奖后学;五是兼容并蓄;(3)具有严谨治学、求真求实的良好学风;(4)学派成员团结协作。 此外,地域因素也是教学论学派形成的一个重要因素。 教学论学派的基本特征:(1)内聚性,学派的代表人物具有很强的凝聚力,其表现出良好的综合素质足以调动集体成员的积极性和主动性。(2)历史性,教学论学派都是在特定的历史时期,从不同的方面对教育现实中的重大问题,提出有意义的思考,从而丰富人们的教育思维。(3)前瞻性,教育家的哲学思想和教育思想一般反映了当时先进的生产力和生产关系,反映了科学技术的进步力量及学术上的先进思想。因此,他们的教学思想具有一定 的先进性和超前性。(4)批判性,教学理论的批判性对于教学理论自身演变 与发展是一种须臾不可或缺的强大动力。任何一个教学论学派都是在吸收、 继承前人的理论基础上,批判地发展起来的。批判性成为教学论学派的一个 显著特征。 学派一旦形成,就显示出巨大的功能作用。教学论学派作为社会发展和 教育发展相互作用的产物,被赋予了学术功能、社会功能和实践功能。学术 上,进一步提高了教学论研究的科学化水平,促进了教学论的发展。同时培 养了众多教学论研究人才;其先进的教育思想丰富了人类社会思想,并对社 会的进步和变革也起到一定促进作用;实践上,进一步推动了教学改革的进 行。 从教学论学派分析研究中,我们可以看出我国教学论研究队伍中存在的 问题:()研究者协作意识淡漠;()研究者在教学理论与实践相结合上存 在脱节问题;门)研究者知识结构存在的问题;N)教学实验中存在的问题; u)研究资金投入上存在问题;u)教学论研究积累不够,致使理论探讨过 热。 针对上述问题,根据国内的实际情况,结合国外教学论学派的成功经验, 对我国教学论研究队伍建设提出有关建议:O)转变教学论研究者的研究观 念,树立理论与实践相结合的研究观念;(2)培养学术带头人;(3)建立以 学术带头人为核心的研究机构,在机构建立后,加强围绕学术带头人形成的 研究集体内部的压力和动力,促进人才共生;N)发挥专业化教学论研究中 心的地域优势,针对本区域的教育教学问题扎扎实实地开展研究;u)重视 后备研究人员,特别是研究生的培养,使其不仅具有理论基础,而且还要有 实践基础,形成独立开展教学研究的能力;(6)以科学的态度引进国外的教 学理论和先进的研究方法。

【Abstract】 School of instructional theoiy (i.e. SIT), a valid form in Didaktik research, plays an extremely important role in the prosperity, development, and flourishing of Didaktik research. Since 1950’s, many newly occurring SIT in foreign countries have pushed reforms in SIT from tradition to modern, therefore, it is of great realistic significance to deepen researches in SIT and it is of great help in the construction of Chinese Didaktik disciplines. Researches on SIT range widely, therefore, this veiy thesis just analyses and examines forniational procedures, basic features, and functions of SIT, summarizes their successful experience, and provides valuable references for our Chinese research teams in SIT. SIT originates from the developmental process of instructional theory, in this process of research, different views and suggestions concerning instructional theory have been proposed. Later respective system has gradually been formed and different Didaktik schools developed. Based on a thorough analysis of foreign SIT, this thesis has revealed some mutually shared regularities. The external conditions on which SIT is formed can thus be seen as follows: 1. The rapid development of science and technology in post World War II has proposed new requirements for school education. 2. The intense competition worldwide has accelerated instructional reforms in various nations. 3. Some newly occurring fruits in relative disciplines make it possible for SIT to put forward new instructional theories and they have thus laid a scientific foundation for the formation of instructional schools. 4. Governments, institutions or organizations have provided capital or fund guarantee for educational researches. 5. The instructional practice itself requires the innovation in instructional theories. Time calls for those instructional experts who are creative and pioneering in the instructional reforms and who can dedicate those instructional theories to meet the new requirements in the development of our time. The internal factors about which SIT is formed can been summarized as the following: 1. The emergence and innovation of instructional theories have pushed the formation of SIT, accordingly, the formation of SIT will promote the development of instructional theories. 2. Some distinguished academic representatives are necessary. Their characters include: (1) a solid philosophical foundation, (2) a profound psychological foundation, (3) a democratic style, (4) awards. (5) heritage. 3. a rigorous research and learning style as well as truth-seeking study style. 4. The school members should be united and cooperative. Besides, district factor is another important one in the formation of SIT. The basic features of SIT can thus be described as: 1. condensation. It means that the school representative should have a strong condensation, that his or her overall quality well expressed is quite enough to initiate the positivity and activity of the staff members. 2. historicity. That is to say SIT, in their certain historical period, has proposed from various perspectives some meaningful thoughts upon those major problems in instructional reality. They have therefore added plenty to the instructional ideology. 3. prediction. Philosophical and instructional ideologies have generally reflected the contemporary advanced productivity force and productive relation, the scientific and technological progressive force, and the advanced academic ideology. Therefore, their instructional ideology is, to some extent, advanced and predicative. 4. criticism. The crit

  • 【分类号】G42
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】782

