

Reflections on Translation Criticism

【作者】 张永华

【导师】 李家荣;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 这篇论文研究的是翻译批评。尽管其意义人所共知,翻译批评却并不多。而且,很多批评家只满足于译文与原文的比较,进行“挑错”式的批评。这种批评常常被认为是对译者的攻击,因而招来激烈的反击。笔墨官司就此不断。相反,有些批评却因充斥着溢美之辞而为旁人所讥。很多学者已经认识到这两种倾向都不是翻译批评的正常现象,也都不利于我国翻译事业的健康发展。 南京大学教授许钧及其同仁致力于探索翻译批评的新路子。他们的许多思想极富启发性,他们也属于走出书斋、进行调查的少数先行者。1995年夏,他们与上海“文汇读书周报”联合举行了一次关于读者对《红与黑》不同译文接受程度的调查。根据调查的结果,他们给出了一个译文的排行榜。显然,这种批评是比那种单纯凭个人好恶发议论的批评要有说服力。本文重点介绍并分析了他们的这种新批评,对其优、缺点进行了研究。 本文的最后将提出一种新的批评模式。这种模式是在许钓等人的研究思路基础上,根据其他学者思想对其加以修正补充而得出的。简而言之,它可称为“社会文化批评”。这种新批评从不同文化相互作户的角度研究译者、译文、读者、批评家及其他相关人员在这一过程中所起的作用。考察的重点是那些可能影响译者选取翻译对象、确定翻译目的、选择翻译方法的因素,那些可能影响译文的出版、销售的因素.那些可能影响译文在读者和评价者中接受程度的因素。这些因素都属于社会文化的范畴。译文对译入语文化的影响也是考察的重要方面。显而易见,批评家将尽量不对译丈做主观性的评价,而是努力研究与个人口味倾向性无关以事实,因而,这种批评是形式主义的;批评家将对以上种种因素进行客观以描述,因而,这种批评是描写主义的;批评家力图借鉴自然科学的方法进行研究,因而,这种批评又是实证主义的。与那些持现有方法的谨慎的批评家一道,这些新批评家应该会对中国的翻译事业有所贡献,至少他们也可匕提供一种新的批评思路。

【Abstract】 The present translation criticisms are not quite satisfactory. Many of critics are satisfied themselves with text comparison. Words and sentences are studied to find out the best equivalence to the original work. Then judgements about the quality of a translation are made on the basis of the degree of equivalence. However, as whether equivalent or not is judged to the preference of the critic. such an assessment is not so just or objective as the critic has expected to be. No wonder it is often regarded either as an appraisal or a denouncement. Disputations thus begin. Many scholars are unsatisfied with this kind of translation criticism. Ne~v critics are explored. Xu Jun, a professor at Nanjing University; is a diligent explorer. He tries to study translation in a larger domain than text comparison. He and his colleagues value responses of readers to a translation very much. They did a research in 1995. Sample survey was carried Out for readers?responses to different translations of Rouge et Noir. A recommendation list of translations was made according to these responses. Their ~vay of study is worthy of commendation. Few scholars are doing researches in this way. Too many scholars are contented with speculative study. It is out of question that their methodology is valuable. An analysis will be given to it. Merits as well as defects in the research will be pointed out. In the last chapter of this paper, some ideas on translation criticism will be proposed. To this writer, a formal, descriptive and positive critic needs recommendation. Translations and translators will be examined against a larger background. the interactions of cultures. As translations and translators are unavoidable media of these interactions, their function to the interaction will be on the focus. Social and cultural factors affecting translators, readers and commentators need attention. The writer believes that together with the present way of criticisms this New Criticism might be beneficial to the cause of translation.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】352

