

Studies on the Postharvest Physiology of Younane Fruit(Prunus salicina Lindl var.Cordata)

【作者】 宋虎卫

【导师】 潘东明;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 果树学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 以油(木奈)果实为材料,初步研究了不同贮藏温度和不同药剂处理(CEPA、ABA、GA3、Spd、Ca2+)下果实采后品质成分、呼吸强度、内源激素(Eth、ABA、GA3)、多胺、脂氧合酶及保护酶等生理生化动态变化规律,以及油(木奈)果实冷藏保鲜技术最佳处理组合,并探讨它们与乙烯及果实成熟衰老之间关系及作用机理。结果表明: (1)油(木奈)果实采后呼吸强度、乙烯释放速率和EFE酶活性高峰在时间出现上具有协同性,而与ACC含量变化有异别;不同贮藏温度对其影响差异显著,低温贮藏能明显抑制果实呼吸强度和乙烯释放量的变化,推迟跃变发生。 (2)采后不同贮藏温度下果实脱落酸含量在变化过程中均有峰态出现,并且与内源乙烯高峰期相遇,衰老后迅速下降。外源ABA处理在跃变前能明显加强呼吸强度和内源乙烯的变化,其对乙烯的影响可能发生在SAM→ACC的水平上。 (3)贮藏期间果实GA3含量呈缓慢下降趋势,其在采后7d、63d有小峰出现。外源GA3能降低果实呼吸速率和乙烯释放量,抑制ABA积累和脂质过氧化,延缓果实后熟衰老。表明其作用机理可能与抑制内源乙烯生成、提高保护酶活性和消除自由基保护细胞膜结构有关。 (4)油(木奈)果实采后多胺含量中以Put、Spd为主,Spm含量较低。多胺总量和Spd、Spm含量变化呈波动下降趋势,而Put缓慢增加。室温条件下PAs含量最低,低温贮藏能促进多胺类化合物的合成。外源Spd处理能在ACO水平上抑制油(木奈)果实采后内源乙烯的生成,并能有效延阻MDA含量增加,抑制SOD活性下降和POD活性上升。 (5)脂氧合酶在油(木奈)果实后熟衰老过程中有三次高峰出现,首次高峰发生在采后7d左右,后两次高峰分别与呼吸强度和乙烯峰期相投合。表明LOX与内源乙烯生成有一定关系。 (6)采后浸钙能提高果实呼吸强度和乙烯释放速率,表明Ca2+对油(木奈)果实成熟衰老具有促进作用,但其对乙烯的影响似乎与其生物合成过程无关。 m贮藏期间油捺果实硬度、有机酸、维生素C和叶绿素含量皆呈下降 变化,果肉中乙醇含量逐渐增加,类胡萝卜素含量前期增加,衰老后下降。 综合各实验结果表明,油捺果实冷藏保鲜以采用 2 C-4 C+0.04。-0.06。PE 膜包装+100ms儿g GA3+乙烯吸收剂处理效果最好,可保持果实贮藏 70天 左右,风味品质尚好,好果率仍为100%,失重率为0.87%,并未发生褐变。

【Abstract】 Changes of some physiological indexes including respiratory rate, ethylene production and its biosynthetic characters, concentrations of endogenous abscisic acid, gibberellin3 and polyamines, the activities of lipoxygenase and protective enzymes (superoxide dismutase and peroxidase) during younane(Prunus salicina Lindl var.Cordata J.Y Zhang et al) fruit postharvest maturation and senescence under various storage temperatures and reagent treatments (ethrel, abscisic acid, gibberellin3, spermindine and calcium) were preliminarily studied. In addition,changes in quality ingredients of younane fruits during storage periuod and the optimal combination of treatments for younane storage and preservation were also studied. The relations between the physiological indexes and both ethylene and fruit ripening and senescening were discussed. The results showed as follows:(l)The changes of younane fruits postharvest respiratory rate showed double climacteric pecks. The changes in respiratory rate were similar to the changes in ethylene production and the activity of ethylene forming enzyme, but differed from the changes in content of I -aminocyclopropane- I -carboxylic acid. The effect of different storage temperature on the above-mentioned indexes was significant. Low temperature significantly inhibited the respiratory rate and ethylene evolution rate during storage, delayed the appearance of climacteric peak.(2) The changes in abscisic acid content of younane flesh at different storage temperature showed single peak. The period of peak appearance agreed with that of ethylene production. ABA decreased quickly after senescence. Exogenous abscisic acid treatment before climacteric period led to the respiratory rate and ethylene production increases.(3)Generally, gibberellin3 content of flesh decreased during storage period, but two little peaks were found at seven and sixty-three days after harvest. The treatment of exogenous gibberellin3 efficiently reduced the respiratory rate andethylene production of fruits, inhibited the accumulation of abscisic acid and lipid peroxidation, delayed fruit ripening and senescence.(4)Three kinds of polyamines(putrescine, spermidine and spermine) were found in younane fruits after harvest. Contents of putrescine and spermidine were far higher than those of spermine. Total polyamines and spernidine, spernine decrease during storage period, however the content of putrescine increased slowly. Suitable low temperature storage led to increase of polyamine synthesis, under room temperature polyamine content decreased slowly.(5)The changes of lipoxygenase activity showed three peaks during the ripening and senescence process of younane fruit. The first peak occurred at 7 days or so after harvest, and the second and third peaks occurred at the first respiratory peak and ethylene production peak, respectively. There was a significant negative correlation between lipoxygenase and fruits firmness.(6)Calcium treatment after harvest led respiratory rate and ethylene release rate increases, suggesting calcium accelerated younane fruit senescence. However, Calcium had no influence on ethylene biosynthesis process.(7)During storage period, the fruits finnness, the contents of flesh titratable acid , vitamin C, chlorophyll decreased, while the content of flesh alcohol increased. Carotenoid content before climatical peak increased, but decreased after climatical peak. The suitable conditions for refrigerated storage and preservation of younane fruits were as follows: polyethylene plastic package of 0.04mm 憲 0.O6mm+ ethylene absorber + 2 C --4 ~ +1 00mg/kg gibberellin3. Seventy days after storage, the rate of good fruits was still 100% and weight losing rate was merely 0.87%, and none of browning fruit was found.

  • 【分类号】Q949.7;Q945.65
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】217

