

The Blossom Biology of Ground-grow Chrysanthemum and Regulation of Flowering

【作者】 王慧娟

【导师】 张敩方; 高亦珂;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 露地菊是一菊花新品种群,为进一步提高其观赏性及其在城市绿化中的应用,进行了如下几方面的研究工作:1.露地菊的开花生物学,主要是花芽分化的时期、分化的过程及其与环境条件的关系;2.露地菊在自然条件下的生长开花动态,及其与花芽分化的关系;3.光照、栽培措施、助长剂对露地菊生长和开花的影响。 研究结果表明:1.露地菊的花芽分化分为花序分化和小花分化两个阶段,共九个时期,花芽分化是在长日照、高温环境中进行的。2.露地菊花蕾的发育呈Logistic曲线,发育过程中日照渐短。3.露地菊的生长亦呈Logistic曲线,并且露地菊的花芽分化阶段正是植株旺盛生长的时期。4.随着扦插期的推迟,露地菊的花期有短期延后。5.补充光照对金凤凰无影响,也可使东林瑞雪和矮红在春季反季节开花。6.遮光与摘心的组合实验不能改变花期。7.助长剂对东林瑞雪的生长有显著影响,而对露地菊的花期则无作用。8.适时摘心可短期延缓露地菊的生长和开花。 本文通过对露地菊的开花生物学及花期调控的一些栽培技术措施的研究,对进一步深入研究露地菊的周年生产提供了依据。

【Abstract】 AbstractGround-grow Chrysanthemum is a new variety group. For studying and popularizing it, this paper studies several aspects: l.The blossom biology of Ground-grow Chrysanthemum; 2.The trends of growth and flowering; 3.The effect of illumination ~. cultivation methods and chemical reagents to Ground-grow Chrysanthemum.The results show as follows: l.The process of flower bud differentiation of Ground-grow Chrysanthemum is finished under the long days and higher temperature, which includes two stages of inflorescence differentiation and floret differentiation. 2. The flower bud development of Ground-grow Chrysanthemum conforms to the Logistic Curve while the sunshine gradually shortening. 3. The growth of Ground-grow Chrysanthemum also conforms to the Logistic Curve. When the flower bud differentiates, the plants grow luxuriantly. 4. With the postponement of cutting time, flowering time are delayed for a short time. 5. Replenishing illumination has no influence on some varieties but it enables some other varieties to flower in spring. 6.The combination treatment of shortening illumination and pinching can?t change the florescence. 7. The chemical reagent that can promote plant growth has significant effect on some varieties growth and no effect on anthesis. 8. Pinching in right time can postpone the growth and flowering of Ground-grow Chrysanthemum for a short time.The blossom biology and some cultivation methods of regulating flowering are studied in this paper. This paper can provide basis for making a thorough investigation and studying the year-round production of Ground-grow Chrysanthemum.

  • 【分类号】S682.11
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】515

