

Theoretical Study on Starting and Fall-out Protection of Synchromotor of large pumping station

【作者】 葛强

【导师】 严登丰;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 水利水电工程, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 我国有大型泵站300余座,水泵配套动力机普遍使用同步电机,其中仅江苏省境内江水北调、太湖治理工程等即装有同步电机139台。 同步电机的正常使用寿命(指线圈)应在20年以上,但据统计,各地大泵站同步电机运行寿命多在20年以下,有的仅10余年;部分运行时间较长的大型泵站同步电机每年均需大修;有的泵站泵机组起动困难或无法起动。 另外,大泵站同步电机起动及运行过程中,常有电力的、机械的、水力的等因素干扰,当扰动的幅度或量值大到一定程度,超出电机的稳定极限时,会引起电机失步,造成泵机组运行中断及设备损坏事故。 人们常把电机损坏率高及泵机组难于起动归结到电机本身的制造及安装质量,为此厂家在制造工艺中采取了种种加强措施,但效果不明显,电机损坏事故仍时有发生。通过对大泵站同步电机起动、运行及励磁装置工作状况的分析和研究,结果表明:导致同步电机损坏及起动困难的原因与电机所配励磁装置保护技术性能不完善有关;特别是先期起动失败后再多次频繁起动及运行失步时未起保护作用或保护不到位造成。本文主要内容是:围绕大泵站同步电机起动过程、运行中的失步机理及危害、失步时电磁物理过程等方面进行了细致深入的理论研究;用“等面积定则”分析大泵站同步电机失步的稳定界限并提出求解方法;提出预防同步电机失步的措施。研究成果对确保大泵站泵机组安全可靠运行、充分发挥工程效益具有重要的意义。

【Abstract】 II ABSTRACT There are more than 300 large pwnpmg stations in our country and most of them driven by synchromotors. 139 synchromotors for the South-to-North Water Transfer and Taihu Harnessing project has been installed in Jiangsu province Technically, synchromotors are designed to have a service life of about 20 years while, according to statistics, most of the actual service life can not be as long as 20 years. To make matters worse, some of the synchromotors could only work for about 10 years and for those running A relatively a long time needed overhauling every year. Some of them had difficulties in starting or could not be started at all. The users of these synchromotors tend to attribute the frequent mechanical failure and the difficulty in starting to the poor quality of the synchromotors so much so that many manufacturers of the said synchromotors have taken all sorts of effective measures to improve the quality in the production, which has not turned out great effect in avoiding the mechanical trouble. In fact, the running and starting process of synchromotors are often affected by such factors as electrical, mechanical and hydraulic factors as well. As the magnitude of interference amounts to a certain degree, that is to say, above the stability limitation for the synchromotors, it will cause fall-out of the synchromotors, interrupting of the running or damage to the pumping system. The analysis and research of the starting and running of the synchromotors iii many large pumping stations and the working condition of excitation system have indicated that the causes leading to damage to the motor or difficulties in starting are relevant to the poor technical characteristics of the equipped excitation system, especially resulting from the frequent restarting after failure to start the motors and the failure to protect or protect the synchromotors improperly in the fall-out. The dissertation gives a profound and extensive theoretic research of starting process, causes of fall-out and damages caused by fall-out as well as the electromagnetic process in large pumping station. The 揈qual Area Criterion?is used in this research to analyze the stability limitation of the synchromotors fall-out in detail. In the end, the study also puts forward a couple of practical methods to prevent synchromotors from fall-out and corresponding solutions to the fall-out. This study is of great significance in guaranteeing the safe running of pumping stations and in improving engineering benefits.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】TM341
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】256

