

Studies upon Wood Properties and Variation of Walnut and Jujube Wood From Artificial Non-timber Plantation

【作者】 虞华强

【导师】 刘盛全;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 木材科学与技术, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 粗放和集约(两种栽培措施下的人工经济林核桃试材采集于山西省汾阳市核桃种子园。人工经济林枣木试材采集于山西省太原市晋源区、万柏林区。 一、核桃 1、两种栽培措施下人工经济林核桃各种材性的比较 集约栽培措施下核桃的的抗弯强度,抗弯弹性模量,顺纹抗压强度,全干干缩率皆比粗放栽培措施下的小;集约栽培措施下的气干密度、基本密度均较粗放的大;两种栽培措施下的气干干缩率差异不大。根据木材物理力学性质分级标准,核桃木材的各物理力学性质中等或偏小。回归分析表明,核桃木材抗弯强度、抗弯弹性模量、顺纹抗压强度与密度之间、各力学性质之间均成较强的正相关性。 集约栽培措施下胸高处的纤维长度、宽度、壁厚、长宽比和壁腔比均比粗放的小。集约栽培措施下胸高处的导管、木射线、轴向薄壁组织比量,微纤丝角和木射线高度均比粗放栽培措施下的小;但纤维比量、木射线宽度前者相对较大。 2、两种栽培措施下人工经济林核桃材性的径向变异规律 纤维长度、宽度、壁厚、长宽比、木射线高度和宽度的径向变异规律皆相似:从髓心向外,先有适度的增大,到一定年龄后在一定范围内上下波动。其中纤维长度(y)可通过生长轮年龄(x)进行早期预测,模型为:y=a+b Ln(x)。 纤维组织比量从髓心向外先略有下降,后呈递增趋势,到第9年左右增速较缓,后变化不大;木射线比量、导管比量的径向变异规律相似,即由髓心向外,开始增大,后变化不大或略有下降。轴向薄壁组织比量的径向变异规律不明显。 微纤丝角的径向变化不大。基本密度(除h4外)从髓心向树皮先增大,后变化不大。年轮宽度从髓心向树皮先增大,到最大值后又减小,以后趋于平稳。 3、两种栽培措施下人工经济林核桃材性的纵向变异规律 集约栽培措施下的人工经济林核桃木材的纤维比量从0.3m向上有减小的趋势,各个高度之间差异在0刀5水平显著;其它各种特征的纵向变异不大,方差分析结果不显著。 粗放栽培措施下人工经济林核桃木材纤维壁厚、壁腔比的纵向变异规律均为从0.3m向上先减小,向树梢又增大;基本密度从0.3m向上先增大,向树梢又减小。方差分析表明纤维壁厚、壁腔比、基本密度在不同高度之间差异均在0.05水平显著;其它各种特征的纵向变异不大,方差分析结果不显著。 4、通过对年轮宽度、基本密度与果实产量等的相关分析,可以看到:通过集约栽培措施,培育出结果量高、木材质量好、生长速度快的核桃人工经济林是可行的。 二、枣木 1、人工经济林枣木的物理力学性质 根据木材物理力学性质分级标准,人工经济林枣树木材气干密度、基本密度、抗弯强度、顺纹抗压强度、气干弦向干缩率等指标均较高,抗弯弹性模量、气干径向干缩率和全干径向及弦向干缩率等指标中等。回归分析表明,枣树木材的抗弯强度、抗弯弹性模量、顺纹抗压强度与密度之间、各力学性质之间均成较强的正相关性。 2、人工经济林枣木材性的径向变异规律 纤维长度从髓心向外逐渐增加,到十五年左右达到最大值,后向树皮方向减小;纤维宽度、壁厚、木射线高度和宽度径向变异规律不明显;纤维腔径从髓心向外有先减小后增大的趋势。 纤维比量、木射线比量从髓心向树皮有微弱的下降的趋势,导管组织比量从髓心向外,先略有上升,后上下波动。 微纤丝角自髓心向外,先减小,到第20年左右后微弱上升,且上下波动。 基本密度自髓心到树皮以直线或曲线形式降低,属于Pashinlll型。基本密度O)可通过生长轮年龄k)进行早期预测,模型为:y-8X2+bX+C。 3、人工经济林枣木材性的纵向变异规律 纤维壁厚、纤维壁腔比、基本密度的纵向变异从0.3m向上均有 1且减小的趋势。导管比量从0.3m向上先减小,后增大。方差分析表明纤维壁厚、壁腔比、导管比量、基本密度在不同高度之间差异均在0刀1 水平显著;其它各种特征的纵向变异不大,方差分析结果不显著。 4人工经济林枣木幼龄材与成熟材的划分 根据纤维长度和基本密度的径向变异特征,确定枣木幼龄期为十五年左右。枣木胸高处幼龄材与成熟材相比,年轮宽度、纤维长度、长宽比、基本密度均较大,方差分析表明其差异均在0.05水平显著,其它各项指标之间的差异均不显著。

【Abstract】 The walnut wood samples were got in Fen yang Walnut Seed Garden of Shanxi province in two sivcultures. The walnut trees cultivated with fertilization, graft and shear measures in the first siviculture, but in the second not .The jujube wood samples were got in Wanbo forest district of Jinyuan ward,Taiyuan city, Shanxi Province. The results were as following: 1. Walnuta) The comparison of walnut wood properties in two sivculturesThe average of each property of the walnut in the first siviculture such as the maximum bending strength, modulus of elasticity in static bending, the compressive strength parallel to the grain, tangential shrinkage rate from wet to air-dry, shrinkage rate (tangential, radial, of volume) from wet to oven-dry is smaller than that in the second one, but the average of shrinkage rate (radial, of volume) from wet to air-dry, air- dry density, basic density is bigger. All the mechanical strength properties are medium or low in terms of the wood physic-mechanical classifying criteria. Regressive analysis shows that each physic-mechanical property positively related to density and the mechanical properties positively related to each other.The average value of such properties as each fiber formal feature except lumen, micro- fibril angle, ray height, and the tissue proportion (vessel, ray, axial parenchyma) of the walnut in the second siviculture is bigger than that in the first one, but the tissue proportion of fiber, raywidth, basic density is smaller.b) The radial variation laws of walnut wood properties in two sivculturesThe fiber length, length-diameter ratio, width, wall thickness, ray height and width possess the similar radial variation pattern: increase moderately firstly, then fluctuate from pith to bark, the radial variation pattern of the fiber length follows Panshinllor Panshinlll, and fiber length(y) could be predicted by the model: y=a+b Ln(x).From the pith to the bark, the proportion of fiber decreases moderately firstly, then increase, and after the ninth growth -ring fluctuate, but vessel and ray proportion follow an opposite pattern. Axial parenchyma varies randomly from pith to bark in two sivicultures.Microfibril angle varies a little from pith to bark in two sivicultures.Growth - ring width increases moderately firstly, then decreases, and then varies a little from pith to bark.c) The axial variation laws of walnut wood properties in two sivculturesIn the siviculture with fertilization, graft and shear measures, fiber proportion of the walnut wood declines from stump to the top, and differs significantly on 0.05 level among different stem-heights. All the other properties vary a little among different stem-heights.In the siviculture without such measures, the fiber wall thickness, fiber wall-lumen ratio possess the similar axial variation pattern, decrease first, then increase from the bottom to the top; basic density increase first, then decrease from the bottom to the top. The analysis of variance shows that the fiber wall thickness, fiber wall-lumen ratio, basic density differ significantly on 0.05 level among different heights, and all the other r properties do not differ significantly among different heights.d) Regressive analysis shows that it is feasible to cultivate fruitful,fine-wood, fast-growth walnut artificial plantation with fertilization, graft and shear measures. 2. Jujubea) The physic-mechanical properties of jujube Regressive analysis shows that each physic-mechanical property positively related to density and the mechanical properties positively related to each other. The maximum bending strength, the compressive strength parallel to the grain, tangential shrinkage rate from wet to air-dry are high, and modulus of elasticity in static bending, radial shrinkage rate from wet to air-dry, shrinkage rate (tangential, radial) from wet to oven-dry are medium in terms of the wood physic-mechanical classifying criteria.b) The radial variation laws of jujube wood propertiesThe radial variation p

  • 【分类号】S781
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】235

