

The Research and Realization of the SDH Network Management Information Transformation System

【作者】 尹霞

【导师】 高会生;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学 , 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 开发SDH集中网管可以解决SDH网管中的多厂商问题。通过标准的Q接口开发,进而实现基于TMN体系结构的SDH综合网管具有很大的技术难度。利用网络监听的方法,可以实现基于TMN的SDH网管和非基于TMN的综合监控系统之间的互联。本文探讨了网络实时监听的实现方法,介绍了自行开发的网络实时监听软件。最后结合实例说明利用它可以获取基于以太网实现的SDH网管的原始数据,为进一步网络管理的研究打下基础。本软件还可用作网络监听应用进一步开发的通用平台。

【Abstract】 To solve the problem in the multi-producer of the SDH network management, it is necessary to develop the SDH centralized network management. It is difficult to realize the SDH synthetic management based on TMN by implementing the development of the standard Q interface. The interconnection of the SDH network management based on the TMN and the synthetic supervision system can be realized by the network monitor. This thesis discusses the realization of the real-time monitor, and introduces the network real-time monitoring software developed by myself. Combined with a example, the thesis make a conclusion that the original data of the SDH network management based on the Ethernet can be captured by using the software. The software make a sound foundation for the further research of the network management. This software can also be used as a universal platform for the network monitor application software.

【关键词】 同步数字体系网络管理以太网网络监听
【Key words】 SDHNetwork ManagementEthernetNetwork Monitor
  • 【分类号】TN914.223
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】190

