

【作者】 于玲玲

【导师】 樊琪;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 应用心理学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 职业期望,是个体对某种职业的渴求和向往,是个体对待职业的一种态度和信念。职业期望属于个性倾向性的范畴,是职业价值观的外化,也是个体人生观、世界观的折射。职业期望直接影响人对职业的选择,并进而影响人的整个生活。研究中专生的职业期望,对于帮助中专生合理设计自己的职业生涯,促进中专生的成才和全面发展,具有重要意义。本研究采用塞普尔职业价值观量表和自编问卷进行调查,并辅之以结构访谈,对659名学生、家长和教师进行问卷调查。通过SPSS8.0 FOR WINDOWS数据统计软件进行数据处理。结果表明: 1、中专生的职业期望同大学生、研究生一样,有追求完美的倾向。工作稳定有保障、有较好的报酬、领导开明公正、能发挥自己的专长、事业发展顺利和与同事关系融洽是中专生择业时最看重的条件。 2、在工作的稳定性和能独立自主地工作两个职业因素的看法上,在校生和往届生之间存在明显的不同。 3、在校女学生更重视工作条件中与生活关系密切、能体现个人生活质量的内容,男学生更重视工作条件中与自我体验相关、能满足个体自我实现需要的内容。 4、不同年级的学生对职业的某些期望存在显著性差异。新生更重视职业的社会属性,应届毕业生更重视职业的个人属性。 5、在校生对自己和家长对子女的职业期望表现出高度的一致性,而与教师对学生的职业期望存在差异,在校生注重职业的稳定性和社会属性,而教师则重视职业的个人属性。 6、家长和教师对中专生的职业期望既有一致性又有一定的差异。 7、往届生在职业现状中所获得的实际报酬远低于对职业所期望的较好的报酬。 8、中专生在择业时很注重经济收入,但很少考虑其它的保障措施。 9、中专生十分看重就业后是否还有继续学习的机会。

【Abstract】 Abst r actA person’s work expectations show a person’s desireand preferences for a certain type of career. They a1soref1ect a person’s attitude towards the job. They arematters of indiyidua1 inclination. It is theexternalization of views about work value and also is areflection of individual’s outlook on life and the world.It directly influences a person’s choice of a career.Eventually it inf1uences a person’s whole 1if e. It is ofgreat significance to study senior secondary yocationalschool students’ work expectations to envisage theircareer jobs and estab1ish themse1yes in their futurecareers. 1n this research the inyestigation was made byusing Soper’s Whrk Value Questionnaire, revised byProfessor Huang Xiting of Southwest Teachers’ Co11ege anda self designed questionnaire, comp1emented by structuralinterviews. The questionnaire investigation inyolved theP8rticipation of 659 students, parents and teachers. Theana1ysis of data was carried out through the SPSS 8. 0 forwindows with the following results:l. The senior secondary vocational schoo1 studentshave the sane strong desire for perfection in workexpectation as co1lege students and the postgraduates. Jobstability, good sa1aries and an open--minded boss, thechance to give ful1 p1ay to one’s own professiona1knowledge or skil1 in the job, smooth deyelopment ofone’s career and good re1ationships with colleagues arethe most important criteria when a student chooses a job.2. In--schoo1 students and former graduates havesignificantly different Yiews on the re1ative iIIlPortanceof job stability and the possibi1ity of workingindependent 1y.3. The female in--schoo1 students 1ay stress on workingconditions that have c1ose re1ation with 1iving conditionsand that can embody a person’s qua1ity of 1if e. The maleIIin梥chool students attach importance to those elements that concerns self梤ealization and learning through personal experience on the job.4.Students of different grades have significantly different attitudes in terms of certain expectations for their future careers. Newly enrolled students stress the social aspects of the job while new graduates emphasize the personal aspects of the job.5.The work expectations of in梥chool students agree to a great extent with their parents?expectations. There is significant difference in work expectations between in?school students and their teachers.6.Parents and teachers have different views on the senior secondary vocational school students work expectations, yet in some instances they have identical view on these problems.7.In reality, the payment received by graduates falls short of their expectations.8.Students pay more attention to the income they will receive from jobs than to other aspects of job satisfaction.9.Students value the possibility of further education after starting their careers.Written by Yu ling lingDirected by Fan Qi

【关键词】 中专生职业期望
【Key words】 Medium LevelVocationalSchoolStudents Work Expectation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】G715.5
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】574

