

【作者】 唐洪梅

【导师】 李锐; 周莉玲;

【作者基本信息】 广州中医药大学 , 中西医结合基础, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 石菖蒲作为临床常用中药,广泛应用于癫痫、痰厥、热病神昏、健忘、中风失语、耳鸣、老年性痴呆等疑难病症,是为数不多的治疗脑病的良药。本课题主要研究石菖蒲对中枢神经系统的作用、作用的物质基础以及作用机理,为进一步开发石菖蒲提供依据。●目的 1.提取石菖蒲的不同部位(挥发油、含油水提液、去油 水煎液),进行体外和体内(脑组织)成分的综合分 析,探索石菖蒲对中枢神经系统作用的物质基础,初 步确定其有效部位。 2.通过石菖蒲对士的宁所致惊厥小鼠的影响实验,观察 石菖蒲不同部位对小鼠的惊厥潜伏期、惊厥次数、惊 厥发生率、死亡时间、死亡率等的影响,探索石菖蒲 对中枢神经系统(CNS)的药理作用。 3.通过石菖蒲对谷氨酸钠所致惊厥小鼠的影响实验,观 察石菖蒲不同部位对小鼠的惊厥持续时间、惊厥发生 率等的影响,进一步确定石菖蒲对CNS的作用。 4.通过石菖蒲对大鼠脑电图的影响实验,观察石菖蒲不 同部位对脑电图的振幅、频率的影响,证实石菖蒲对 CNS的直接作用。 5.通过对动物脑组织超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化 脂质(LPO)、一氧化氮(NO)、γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)、 谷氨酸(Glu)、天冬氨酸(Asp)、甘氨酸(Gly)、丙 氨酸(Ala)、牛磷酸(Tau)等指标的测定,探索石菖 蒲不同部位对CNS作用靶点。●方法 1.水蒸气蒸馏法提取石菖蒲挥发油和去油水煎液部位, 回流法提取含油水煎液部位,并采用气相色谱质谱联 用(GC-MS)的方法,分析测定体外和体内(脑组织) 写宫时时申枢神@皿筑的作用丑机理研玩 成分。 2.采用腹腔注射士的宁(兴奋脊髓)溶液的方法,造成 小鼠惊厥的实验模型,观察石葛蒲不同部位的药效。 3.采用侧脑室注射微量谷氨酸钠(兴奋大脑)溶液的方 法,造成小鼠惊厥的实验模型,进一步观察t1H蒲不 同部位的药效。 4.通过直接针刺电极,单极导联的方法,在生物机能测 定仪卜直接描记大鼠脑电图,考察石葛蒲不同部位的 对脑电图的影响。 5.采用邻苯三酚自氧化法测定SOD、TBA法测定LPO、 硝酸还原酶法测定NO、高效液相色谱柱前衍生法测 定GABA、Gin、ASp、Gly、Ala、Tau等氨基酸类神 经递质,探索石直蒲不同部位对CNS的作用机理。@结果 1 石葛蒲不同部位的化学成分及进入动物脑组织的成 分分析: 1.l石葛蒲不同部位的化学成分分析 GC-MS分析发现,石葛蒲挥发油部位的主要成分为: 顺式甲基异丁香酚、反式甲基异丁香酚、富蒲二烯、 悦香素、p-细辛醚、a-细辛醚。水提液部位的主要 成分为:顺式甲基异丁香酚、反式甲基异丁香酚、p- 细辛醚。去油水煎液部位的主要成分为:卜细辛醚(含 量很低)、有一未鉴定峰(特征成分)。 1.Zfi兽蒲不同部位透过大鼠血脑屏障的成分分析: 透过大鼠血脑屏障的成分有一挥发油部位;榄香素、 p-细辛醚、Q-细辛醚;水提液和去油水煎液部位中均 未检出透过大鼠血脑屏障的成分。实验结果证明石蔓 蒲的一些成分如p-细辛醚等对大脑有直接的作用,因 为血脑屏障是血脑间物质交换的限制系统,药物对中 枢神经系统的直接作用,必须通过血脑屏障,而药物 经口服后,一些未被破坏及未与血浆蛋白结合的非离 二 石宫@对申根神觉皿以的你用及机思研玩 予药物才能透过血脑屏障对CNS产生直接作用。 2 石葛蒲挥发油、水提液能明显延长士的宁所致惊厥小 鼠的惊厥潜伏期,减少惊厥次数,小鼠用药后出现自 发活动减少,有低头、伏卧等行为,表现为中枢镇静 作用;水提液、土油水煎液还能使惊厥小鼠的生存时 问明显延长,且能降低惊厥所致小鼠的死亡率,各组 均个能降低惊厥的发生率,即个能对抗惊厥。 3 石葛蒲挥发油、水提液,去油水煎液均能明显缩短谷 氨酸钠所致小鼠惊厥持续时间,明显降低惊厥的发生 率,表现出中枢镇静和对抗惊厥的作用,本实验结果 提示打拿蒲的挥发油及水溶性部位均存在中枢镇静 作用的有效成分,对兴奋性毒素导致的脑损伤有很好 的保护作用。 4 脑电图实验表明,挥发油及水提液能显著降低大鼠脑

【Abstract】 ACOrus tatarinowii schott. as a broadly used herb in clndcs,is widely aPPlied to the ePilePSy, PhlegIn -induced synCope,unconsciousness caused by febrile diseases, amnesia, aPhemiacaused by wind strOke, tinnitUS and senile forentia, and it isone of the few good herbs for ccrebral diseases.This stody mainlyaims at exPoring the fUnction of Acorus tatarinowii schOtt tO thecental neUIa syStCm, its atrial base fOr the boon and theftmchonal mechasm. Its puopse is tO Provide scientific baSisfOr fwther developing Acorus tabonowii schOtt.Objective1. TO explore the Inaterial base of Acorus tatarinowh schOtt tbritS thechon tO the central neural system and Pthearily ideIItifyits effodive PartS. by deriving different ghs from AcorusWnowii schOtt and making synthetc analysis with thediffercnt perts of the intemal and extemal ingrwhents of thebomal’s brain tissue.2. To Observe the effeCt of the diffetal op of AcorusHnowii schOtt on the mouse’s convulsing latCnt period, itsconvulsing frequency, itS onset frequency of cOnvulsion. deathincNon and its mortality with a view tO exPloring tbePharInacological M of the hation of Acorus tatarinowiischOtt to central nend Sydem(CNS)3. To Observe the effect of the differen Parts of AcorusWnowii schOtt on the beion of convulsion of themouse and convulsion occurrenee nd so as tO furthur confirmthe funCtion of Atorus tatarinowii schOtt to CNS byexperimenting the effect of Acorus tatarinwii schOtt on themouse of the convulsion caused by sodium glUtamate.4. TO observe the effbet of the different Parts of AcorusWnowii schott on aznpltale and frequellCy of5eleCtrOCnCePbalOgraIn of the rat in order tO Prove thc direCfunction of Acorus tatarinowii schOtt tO CNS byexperimenting its effect on electrOecePhaogram.5. To exPlore the hat1on pointS of the differen pe Of Acoruswtamli SCho tO CNS, by testing edces Of SOD .LPO, NO GABA.Gu. AsP, Gy. all and Ta4 etc.Mathodsl ExtraCing the volatile oil and the decoction of the de-fatting ofAcorus tatarinowii schOtt respehvely by distilling method andcircumnuencc method, and ndng analysis with andmensUfating the ingredcnts of the differen pe of Acorustatarinowii inside and outside thc mouse’s brain by GCAlSmethod.2.Observing the drug effeCt of differmt PartS of Acorustatarinowii thOugh makjng an convulsing mouse’s model byinjecting strychnin solulion into the mouse’s bomen cavityThe sollltion is used tO excite the spinal cord.3.Further obsehang the drug effect of the different pe ofAcorus tatarinowii schOtt thrOugh Inaha an cOnvulsingmouse’s mOdel by injeCtin sodium glUtamate solution into themouse’s IatCral ventricle. The SOation is used tO excitC thebrain.4.Looking into the effect of the different pes of ACorustatarinowii schott on elcctrbenCePhalogram and cording therat’s eleCtrOe~opo using bioinstrUmenotion by directasuMtUre electrode and whPOlar lead method.5. Exploring the mechanism of the funcion of the different pesof Acorus tatarinowii schott tO CNS thrOUgh testing LOP,SOD, NO and excitatory atmitter of amino acidsresPeCtively by TAB method, borhol aotic okidationmethed and nitric aGd reducthe method, and mcnsedngamino acids neurotransmiher such asGABA, Gl u AsP Gly Ala,Tau by HPLC method.6Resultsl. The analysis of cheIniGal ingredients of differen Parts ofAcorus tatarinowii schott and of the ingredents which haveenter the animai’s brain tissue.l.l The analysis of chemical ingrdientS of different Prt ofAcorus tatarinowii schOttGC-MS analysis shOws tha the han ingredients of thevolatile oil of Acorus tatarinowii schOtt are cis-isoeugenol methylether,hanS-i socugen ol -methyl ether,acoradiene, e lemi ci n, P--asarone, Q --asarone The main ingrediellts of decOCtion arecis-isoeugenol methyl, ether, tranS-isoeugeno l-methyl other, D--asarone, and the main ingrdient of the deodion of thede-fatting of AcorUS tatarinowii schott is D --

【关键词】 石菖蒲镇静神经递质
【Key words】 Acorus tatarinowii schottsedationneurotransmitter
  • 【分类号】R285.5
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】652

