

【作者】 王涛

【导师】 江滨;

【作者基本信息】 广州中医药大学 , 中药学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 中药单味浓缩颗粒剂是传统汤剂改革的一种尝试,为了探讨中药单味浓缩颗粒剂在中药复方配伍中应用的可行性,本研究选取四君子汤为实验对象,分析研究其合、分煎液以及商品单味颗粒剂配伍汤液的化学成分并进行对比研究。 四君子汤源自宋代《太平惠民和剂局方》,由党参、白术、茯苓、甘草四味中药组成,具有益气补中,健脾养胃之功效。据文献报道其有效成分为黄酮类、皂苷类、多糖类及有机酸类等成分。研究中首先对各类成分的分析方法进行了可行性研究,同时对样品进行测定和对比分析研究。 一.浸出物的测定 按中国药典2000年版一部附录XA法进行。 二.总黄酮的含量测定 利用聚酰胺柱色谱-紫外分光光度法测定样品液中总黄酮,研究中对柱色谱条件进行了优化。方法中芦丁在40-200μg之间呈良好线性关系(r=0.9998),平均回收率为89.35%(RSD=2.74%,n=5),重现性试验RSD=1.29%(n=5)。本法灵敏度高,重现性好。 三.总多糖的含量测定 采用紫外分光光度法,经苯酚—硫酸显色,于490nm波长处测定。葡萄糖在10-50μg呈良好的线性关系(r=0.9992),平均回收率 四君子西合、分煎淌化学成分的比 究为92.39%(RSD二2.05$,n=4),重现性试验RSD=2.85%(n二5),实验比较了离心及滤过对结果的影响,证明滤过会造成回收率偏低。 四.总皂省的含运测定 利用大孔树脂柱色谱-紫外分光光度法测定总皂昔,以300ml 蒸馏水和150ml 10%乙醇洗脱可除去杂质,100m195%乙醇洗脱收集总皂昔,;二利用紫外分光光度法测定总皂耷含量。人参皂昔 Re在 8.4叶2 u g线性关系良好(r二0.9998),平均回收率 97.54%(RSD=3.92%,n==5),重现性试验 贴D书.33%(n乃),与吞兰素一高氯酝显色比较,该法具稳定性好的优点。 五.甘享酸的含皿测定 建立了高效液相色谱怯测定样品液中甘草酸含量的方法,流动相为CH。OH:(0.ZM NSAC-2% HAC(l:2))(63:37),流速为1.oml加in,色谱柱为C;。柱,检测波长为250urn,理论板数按甘草酸单镣盐峰计算应不低于 4800。本方法甘草酸单按盐在 1.0卡.0 n g线性关系良好(r=0.9998),平均回收率为 9819%(RSD=二.25%,n=5),重现性试验RSD二1.111。 在相同条件下制备四君于汤合、分煎液以及单味颗粒剂配伍汤液,利用已建立的测定方法分别对各汤液进行测定,结果表明,各成分含量在不同汤液中有一定差异,在汤剂中含量较高,而在颗粒剂配伍液中含量较低。 其次,对四君子汤合煎液与单味颗粒剂配伍汤液的化学成分进行了定性对比研究,分析不同溶剂提取部分的薄层色谱图,结果表明,合煎液与颗粒剂配伍汤液的主要斑点无明显差异,各药材煎煮液与相应颗粒 二 四君于汤台、分煎液化学成分的比较研究剂汤液的主要斑点无明显差异。定量及定性研究结果可提供有关部f]参考,在制备中药单味浓缩颗粒剂时应优化工艺条件,以保证有效成分的充分提取。

【Abstract】 The granule of one ingredient is a try of reformation of the traditional. decoction. In order to approach the feasibility of the use in medicinal formula of the granule of one ingredient,The Decoctlon of Four Noble Ingredients was chosen as the object of study. Decoction of Four Noble Ingredients sterms from song dynasty “Benevolent Prescriptions from the Pharmaceutical Bureau of the Tai Ping Period” composed of Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae, Poria, Rhizoma Atractylodis Macroce- phalae, Radix Glycyrrhizae. It possesses the effectiveness of the replenishing qi and invigorating middle- jiao, invigorating the spleen and nourishing the stomach. The chemical compositions have been defined, including Flavonoids, Saportin, Polysaccharide and Glycyrrhizin.The feasibility ofanalytical method ofthese chemical compositionswas studied. The resultsof quantitative analysis indicate that the content of these chemical compositions in the mixed decoction is hlgher.The qualitative analysis of different decoction was studied.The collection of illustrative plates is the same. Therefore, the relevant department must pay attention to the technological preparation of the granule of one ingredient and the internal quality standardization. 1. Assay for extract According to the Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China, the content of extract was determined. 2.Assay for Flavonoids Separating samples on a polyamide column , the content of Flavonids was determined by UV at A z4llnm The linear range of calibration curve is 4000 g(r0.9998).The average recovery was 89.35% with the relative standard deviation 2.74%(n=5).The method is simpie,sensitive and reIl iahle. 2.Assay for Polysaccharide UV mcthod was used with phenol ulfuric acid as developing reagent( A 490nm), the linear range was tO. 12 50. ig(r0.9992).The average recovery was 92. 39% with the relative standard deviation 2.05%(n4).The effect of centrifugation and filtering have been compared.The recovery of filtering is lower than centrifugation. 3. Assay for Saponin Samples were purified with a column of nacroporous resin and washed with 300m1 distilled water, lOOml 10% ethanol,then eluted with lOOml 95% ethanol.The content of Saponin was determined by IJV at A 272nm.The linear range was 8.4 2 it g ( r0.9998 ).The average recovery was 97. 54%(RSD=3.92%, n5).The method is stable. 4. Assay for Glycyrrhizin A specific and sensitive HPLC method for the assay of Glycyrrhizin was developed..lJsing methyl alcohol( 0.2M sodium acetate:2% acetic acid(l:2) ) (63:37) as floating phase,floating velocity l.Oml/min, A 250nm,the linear range was 1-5 it g(rO.9998). The average recovery was 98. 19%(RSD1.25%).The method is accurate,simple and reproducible.

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