

【作者】 刘红敏

【导师】 李安桂;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 供热通风空调, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本文分析了龙滩水电站围护结构吸放热的特点,计算了龙滩水电站围护结构的吸放热量,指出水电站发电机层、母线层、水轮机层的设计负荷中必须考虑围护结构的吸放热量,而母线洞、主变洞则可忽略不计。经计算,7月份五洞室热负荷值为: 发电机:=(围护结构吸放热量)/(厂内热负荷)= (111.01)/(885.79)=12.5%;母线层:=(围护结构吸放热量)/(厂内热负荷)=(53.23)/(318.57)=16.7%;水轮机:=(围护结构吸放热量)/(厂内热负荷)=(61.75)/(155.63)=39.7%;母线洞:=(围护结构吸放热量)/(厂内热负荷)=(8.59)/(1579.7)=0.5%;主变洞:=(围护结构吸放热量)/(厂内热负荷)=(90.12)/(1922.19)=4.7%。可以看出,前三个数值大于5%,后两个数值小于5%。 龙滩水电站空调系统分为两大部分,一为主厂房空调系统,另一为主变洞空调系统。主厂房空调系统采用机械进风,机械排风的送排风方式。主变洞空调系统采用自然进风,机械排风的送排风方式。 对主厂房两种送风流程两种送风温度共四种送风方案进行分析。通过空调期冷热能耗分析对比得出空调系统的优化方案:送风温度为 22.5℃,最大送风量为72×10~4m~3/h,空调系统为无回风串联流程,即新风──发电机层──母线层──水轮机层──母线洞──室外。在考虑实际运行可能性的前提下,对主厂房月送风量进行分析,给出了月送风量建议值,空调期各月能耗值和室内空气温湿度状况。 主变洞空调系统考虑了进风交通洞的吸放热效应,得出了进风交通洞吸放热对进风参数的一些影响规律。由于交通洞的较强的吸放热效应,在送风量为121.5×10~4m~3/h时,可使温度从31.3℃降到28.20℃,所以主变洞不需空调机组。综合进风参数的变化规律和实际运行可能性给出了月送风量建议值和室内空气温度状况。

【Abstract】 This dissertation analyzes the characteristics of the heat absorption and heatemission of Long Tan hydroelectric power station’s building enclosure,calculatesthe quantity of the heat absorption and heat emission of Long Tan hydroelectricpower station’s building enclosure,and draws a conclusion that the heatabsorption and heat emission of hydroelectric power station’s building enclosuremust be considered in considered in calculating the designing heat load of the halls of generator,bus-line, and water turbine, whereas it is on the contrary when it comes to thebus-bar space and the main transformer space.(the three formers:(the heat absorption and emission quantity of building enclosure)/(the heat load only from the inside equipments of the room)>5%the two laters:(the heat absorption and emission quantity of building enclosure)/(the heat load only from the inside equipments of the room) <5%)The air-conditioning system of this hydroelectric power station includes twomain parts.One is the system of the main workshop; the other is the one of themain transformer.This dissertation analyzes two air-conditioning plans with two differentsupply air temperatures.Through the energy comparison consumed by air-conditioning system it gets the optimized plan of air-conditioning:the supply airtemperature is 22.5℃ and the maxim supply air quantity is 72×10~4m~3/h. The tandemrOCess ’iW retam air is: nee aiwh generator h8ll-he bus--1ine ha11-ne wattwine ha1tw botw We As outsiue bei0ering tnerea1ity POssibility, it ana1yZes theoth1y SUpo1y air ~ity’ Inakes SUggstionson the wnth1y sUPply air qUantity, and gives the air peeters in each ha11.The systco of the main transfOrIne considers the hea absorPtion and the heateeission of the 1Ong tranSPO tUnn1, and gets are changing lare about the air--inWters inf1uenced by the 1ong trmwt tunne1. Because of the heawhsorptioneffect caused by the tnaport tunnel, which can chang the air with 3l. 3C tOthe air with 28. 2()C then the air f1rte is 121. 5x bo, the sain transforWe dOeS not need the air COnditioning a11 the year boidering the rea1itypossibi1ity and the changing M1y air ~itL it analyzes the anth1y SUPP1yair Mtity, nIaks sugg6stions ou the edy SUPP1y air ~ity, and gives airteInPeraure in each ha11.

  • 【分类号】TV735
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】143

