

【作者】 刘铮

【导师】 刘加平;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 建筑技术科学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本文是作者做为主要参加人的国家自然科学基金项日《内蒙古民居调研》研究的 部分成果。根据历时六年的实地调研和对所获取资料的整理与研究,从多方面探讨蒙 古族民居的演变过程及其影响因素。旨在从研究不同时期、不同类型的草原蒙古族民 居及其环境特性入手,依据未来内蒙古草原可持续发展的要求,确立草原生态民居与 住区的设计理论基础。 草原蒙古族民居历经数千年,是草原民族文化的缩影和典型标志,也是蒙古比族 为适应自然、改造生存环境在建筑方面获得的经验与智慧的结晶。为了充分认识过 去、面对现在和探求未来,论文首先较为翔实地总结分析了内蒙古自治区草原牧场的 分布、地理特征、气候特点、太阳能与风能资源的分布情况;随后对草原蒙古民族特 有的生活方式、生产方式、民族文化、传统习俗等做了较为系统的阐述。 本文在总结了前人对蒙古族民居研究成果的基础上,提出了以不同时代来划分蒙 古族民居──传统蒙古族民居、普通型草原牧民住宅、太阳能牧民住宅、新型牧民住 宅,揭示蒙古族民居在演变过程中所经历的不同发展阶段。以给出代表性实例的形式 论证各个不同时期民居发展演变的特点。 笔者为了深入研究不同类型蒙古族民居的环境特性,从建筑环境学的角度省视了 民居的演变、发展,及其环境得以不断改善的内在规律,文章重从建造这些民居的 材料特性、构造特点和形成整体房屋后的热湿环境、能耗指标、太阳能利用率和利用 形式以及其它环境特性来进行研究。通过对环境特性的分析,认识其精华所在,并将 这些研究成果与民居的形式和内容相结合,构成一个对蒙古族民居研究较为新颖、系 统、完整的理论体系,以求用绿色建筑思想理论的精髓指导未来草原民居的发展方 向。在继承民族文化、促进世界文化多样性、保持草原生态平衡的基础上,充分开发 利用太阳能、凤能等无污染可再生能源,利用当地的材料和先进的节能技术,研究设 计相关的节能构造;结合新型草原生产、经济模式逐步形成的过程,研究设计可持续 发展的草原民居与住区方案。

【Abstract】 This thesis is part of the research of the national natural science fund projct-Investigationand Research on Dwllings of the Inner Mongplia with the author as a major participantBased on six year’s on-the-spot investigation and research of materials obtained, itapproaches from various angles the evolution and infulential factors of dwellings of Mongol,and aims at theoretcal basis for the future sustainable development of prairie in the InnerMonglia and ecological residence of prairie by means of research on Mongol’s dwellingof different types of in sifferent periods and on its environmental characteristics.Going through thousands of years, the Mongol’s residence is the epitome and typicalsymbol of the culture of the prairie people as well as the crystallization of experience andwisdom of Mongol in architecture in order to get adapted to nature and remake livingenvironment. To obtain a full understanding of the history, current situation and futureptospect of the Mongol dwellings, the author first makes a full and accurate summary andanalysis of the distribution, geographical and climate features, and distribution of solar andwind energy resources of prairie pastureland in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, andthem gives a systematic exposition of living style, production patterm, culture and traditionalcustom peculiar to prairie Mongol.With the previous research as a basis, the thesis divides types of residence according todifferent periods-traditional, ordinary solar energy generated, and new type of dwellings,and also the thesis demonstrates with typical examples the characteristics of developmentand changes of dwelling in various periods.In order to further research into the environmental features of Mongol’s dwellings ofdifferent types, examine from architectural aspect its evolution, development and the internallaw of the constant improvement of its environment, the thesis focuses on the materialcharacteristics and structural features when the houses are being built, and on thermal andhumidity environment, energy consumption index, utilization of solar energy, and someother environmental characteristics and understanding of the essence, a new systematic andcomplete theory of Mongol’e dwellings is constituted, with the research fruit and the formand content of residence combined together.On the hasis ofeq naed culbe -- the varieIy Of wall cwhboon, andwi -- boance orwi the bo devW or~ uwelling shunbe ghtal be the tbeorethal essence Of pe edbo We; meurces that can be-- the powi such as sofor and wind enco should be Anly exPobo;retw N Sawi M should be W with led medals and adVancedenw sartns dsfogy wi mp ot ~ beling ana habo edon wimndbole -- bod be ds~ co!ntw wh the ~ ha ornewtwe pe and econoic PatternS.

【关键词】 蒙古族民居环境特性可持续发展
  • 【分类号】TU253
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】877

