

【作者】 武敏刚

【导师】 许淑芳;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 结构工程, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 进入九十年代以来,随着安居工程的实施和小康住宅的推进,我国居民对住宅的需求量急剧增加。同时,由于可持续发展战略的全面铺开,在建筑领域内正在进行墙体改革与建筑节能。我国未来住宅体系的走势是小高层住宅,基于建筑要求,住宅有许多隔断墙,所以小高层住宅采用框剪、剪力墙体系是较合理的。由于传统现浇钢筋砼剪力墙结构的墙体截面积大,故承受竖向荷载的能力比较容易满足,但墙体的自重、刚度大,在地震作用下惯性力大、侧向位移很小,所以一般认为剪力墙结构延性差,属于脆性结构。除此以外,传统现浇钢筋砼剪力墙结构在保温隔热等建筑节能方面远不能满足节能要求。正是在这种情况下,本课题研究的是钢筋空心剪力墙板,它既具有好的节能性,又具有自重轻、刚度小、延性好(尤其是试件三)的特点,将其用于剪力墙结构体系会是一种有着良好节能性的“延性剪力墙结构”。 本课题为钢筋砼空心剪力墙板的试验研究与理论分析,课题试验的对象为三个钢筋砼空心剪力墙板。试件一、二、三分别为整体式、带十字撑形式、分体式钢筋砼空心剪力墙板。首先研究在低周反复水平加载试验下试验对象的强度、变形和能量的特性:开裂荷载、屈服荷载、破坏荷载;各试件的滞回曲线和骨架曲线;延性情况;初始刚度和刚度退化等参数;进而用SAP有限元程序分析空心剪力墙板的应力分布和位移大小,与实验结果做了对比。最后给出了空心剪力墙板承载力计算公式及设计建议。

【Abstract】 With the perfromance of the settling residence project and the developing of the comfort-able residence,Chinese have been requiring more and more dwelling houses since 1990.At thesame time,the Sustainable Development is fully undwer way,so wall materials reform and energy saving constructions have been performing in the civil engineering field.Clearly,sub-high rise residences will prevail on all types of Chinese residences.For architecturalrequirements,residences have many walls.As a result,it is comparatively reasonable thatsub-high rise residences are frame-wall structures or shear wall structures.We all know thatshear wall structures have large sectional area and the capability of bearing vertical loads isrespectively high.Nevertyeless,under seiemic forces they have large inertia forces and smalllateral displacements.Therefore it is known that tyey have poor ductility and belong to brittlestructures.Besides,they are not up to the standard of energy saving.For above reasons,oursubject studies hollow shear wall of R.C.which has not only good energy saving capability butalso small self-weight,small stiffness and good ductility.If the wall is put into use,shear wallstructures will be energy saving and ductile structures.The paper focuses on the experimental study and theoretical analysis of hollow shear wallof R.C.Its test specimens are three different hollow shear walls of R.C.The No.1,No.2 and No.3 specimen,in its given order,is ordinary style,"X"steel bracing style and silt style ofhollow shear wall of R.C.Firstly,by low-cycle and reverse horizontal loading test,theirproperties in cluding strength property,eformation property and energy property are studied.We in ~ for evew ~ we StUdr the - of for ~ bo ~ bond ds 1ed the edty -- the pe or pe m all becurves; the for Of W tw nd M wt W by me Of a the-- mp at sss As ds or be ana the -- of diSPbo are~ ffe ch at mp ch the -- at be the bo~ ha tal the ~ -- are ds nd ~ bo

  • 【分类号】TU375.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】81

