

【作者】 杨长生

【导师】 金同轨;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 市政工程, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 深床过滤在给水和废水处理中是一个非常重要的处理单元,滤料的种类和性能对过滤操作过程起至关重要的作用。水质指标的提高也要求提高处理水的质量,因此,研究滤料的特性有利于优化过滤操作过程。 本试验采用粗、细石英砂、陶粒、无烟煤四种净水材料作为滤料进行直接过滤性能研究,根据流动电流原理对滤料的τ电位进行了测定,并测定了滤料的其它物理参数。 在每组对比试验中,比较过滤性能好坏时,均以硫酸铝作混凝剂,在滤层滤料的表面积相等的情况下进行。通过大量实验和数据分析得出以下结论: (1)滤层的比截留量范围为10-3~10-2数量级,可通过滤层比截留量分布情况判断过滤性能的好坏;(2)对不同过滤模型与试验数据进行分析得出球型滤料比表面模型在本试验中较适用;(3)粗、细两种石英砂在整个滤层滤料表面积相等的情况下,过滤出水浊度相同,滤池过滤性能的评价采用单位面积滤层滤料表面积更为准确;(4)粗粒径滤料的过滤性能,就水头损失而言,优于细粒径滤料的过滤性能;(5)无烟煤滤料的过滤性能比细石英砂的过滤性能好; (6)陶粒滤料的过滤水头损失小于粗石英砂滤料的过滤水头损失,出水浊度是否优于粗石英砂过滤的出水浊度,因过滤操作条件不同而不同。另外,对过滤连续性方程作了更合理地推导。

【Abstract】 Deep bed filtration is a very important treatment unit for water and wastewater treatment. Thekind and quality of filter media are keys to filtration process. Stricter rules of water qualitypromote higher treatment goal. Therefore, study on the characteristic of filter media is necessaryto optimization filtration process.The main purpose of this thesis is to study direct filtration performance with uniform media, thekinds of media include coarser and finer quartz sand, earthenware media, anthracite media. Basedon the streaming potential theory, a simple apparatus is provide to measure the zeta potential ofgranular media. Other physics-chemical parameters of media are discussed also.Contrast experiment of two pilot filter to removal kaolin by Al2(SO43 is studied in the conditionof equivalent bed surface. Based on analysis and calculation, research results include:1. The order of specific deposit in filter bed is about 10-2l0-3, distribution of specificdeposit could be used to access the property of filter.2. Specific surface model for spherical media is suitable in this research.3. Specific surface per area media is a suitable index to evaluate property of filter.4. Filter performance of coarser media is superior to finer media in view of head loss.5. Filter performance of anthracite media is superior to finer quartz sand.6. Head loss of earthenware media is less than coarser sand, contrast relation betweentheir effluent turbidity is varies with operational condition.In addition, a more rational conservation equation is deduced for deep bed filtration.

  • 【分类号】TU991.24;X703
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】489

