

【作者】 张明华

【导师】 高羽飞;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 市政工程, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 给水设计秒流量的计算是建筑给水排水中最重要的课题之一,是设计中使用最频繁的工作,如何将设计秒流量计算得更符合实际情况是一个值得探讨的问题。许多专家及设计人员反映我国现行的规范公式给出的设计秒流量过大,过于保守。在中国工程建筑标准化协会建筑给水排水委员会和《建筑给水排水规范》编写组的建议和指导下,本文采用概率方法,运用程序运算分别对美国亨特方法和俄罗斯现行规范采用的方法进行了深入探讨,并在此基础上提出了符合实际情况、计算简单及方便查阅的计算公式。 根据调查、程序运算结果及水力学分析和图表,分别对影响给水设计秒流量的两个最重要因素──卫生器具使用概率p和给水保证率Pr,进行了量化分析,文中提出:给水保证率对设计流量的影响程度不显著,采用Pr=9.99;卫生器具使用概率p影响程度显著。因此如何选用合适的使用概率尤为重要。 本文从两种角度探讨了使用概率p的确定:一种按人们生活卫生行为及卫生器具规格、使用人数、器具的配置等因素确定;另一种按用水定额、使用人数U、器具的配置N等因素确定。综合分析评价提出:第二种使用概率p在处理不同卫生器具同时使用时(通常情况),更合理,更有说服力。 按照住宅类型,进行了大量的数据分析得出:当量总数N与使用概率p的乘积和设计流量qg存在很大的相关性的结论。拟合出适合工程人员设计、查阅的计算公式及相应图表。 通过对该计算公式与规范公式、修订式及美国和俄罗斯现行规范采用的方法的比较分析,作者认为概率方法理论可靠,计算结果符合实际情况,所得计算公式计算简单、应用广泛,克服了现行规范存在的诸多不足和缺点,值得推荐使用。

【Abstract】 The determination of water supply second flOw is one Of the most importantsubject in bulding water supply and drainage and is the most frequentn question in designing.How to make the design flow accord with actual situation needs inquiring into.Manyexperts and designers hold than the design flow provided ty the normal formal is larger andconservative. With the proposal and advico of CECS-TC24 and CCE-WWE-P, the paperpresents a calculation formula based on probability method with studying theHunter’ method Russian method deeply.According to investigation、program operation and hydraulics, the paper makesquantification about the twoo important factors influencing the design flow──ferquency offixtuer use p and water supply reliability Pr. The paper presents that water supply reliabilitydoes not make marked influence, so the value of Pr is supposed as 0.99, while the frequencyof fixture use influences markedly. So it is more important to get a proper valu frequencyof fixture use.The paper discusses the frequency of use from two different aspects. The first one isthat the value of frequency of use is determined by times of water use、the Style of fixtures、the number of people of use and the number of fixtures. The other is that the value offrequency of use is determined by water quota、the number Of people of use and the numberOf fixtuers. With analyzing synthetically and appraisal, the second one is more convincing and reasonable in using different fixtures.According to the type of buildings,with many data,es draw such conclusion that the equivalent of fixtures N and frequency of use p are interrelated to the design flow qg.We get the simulation formual.Analyzing this formula with normal formula、revised formula and formula ofAmerican code and Russian code, I thind this simulation formula can be recommeng for its s~ calCUallon. wch ase and wt ed aCtUal situation.

  • 【分类号】TU991.02
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】158

