

【作者】 张朝枝

【导师】 吴楚材;

【作者基本信息】 中南林学院 , 生态学(旅游管理), 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 我国的旅游规划事业随着旅游业的提档升级,旅游资源开发热潮的掀起,逐步经历了由资源导向性规划走向综合性规划的阶段,旅游规划研究与实践工作取得了可喜的成绩。 然而,县域作为我国最完整的基本行政单元,其在旅游规划中的地位却没有得到重视。长期以来,一些县域领导在简单的资源观的指导下,对旅游资源进行盲目开发,造成自然环境恶化,人文生态破坏等现象,一些县域旅游规划也因产业地位不明确,过分夸大旅游业的贡献,缺乏对旅游支持系统的规划等原因而不具备可操作性,严重影响了旅游规划的实施。 实际上,由于县域经济的特殊性与复杂性,县域旅游规划的编制较一般区域旅游规划而言更复杂,这主要是因为:县域经济具有典型的农村性和对农业的严重依赖性;县域城乡二元分割关系复杂性等等。在市场经济时代,处于宏观经济与微观经济结合部的县域旅游规划,不应因为有省市域总体宏观规划而丧失其应有的地位,相反,正因为市场经济时代经济因素的不可预测性更高,旅游业的发展对旅游规划提出了更高的要求,“未来越朦胧,规划就越有必要”,县域旅游规划应该受到相当的重视。 鉴于县域经济的复杂性,以现行的旅游规划视角来对县域旅游进行规划时,总觉得顾此失彼,笔者尝试性地用系统分析方法对旅游规划的思维方式进行了分析,即以旅游系统为规划对象,构建成旅游规划对象系统。笔者认为旅游规划的对象系统是由市场系统、旅游产品系统、旅游产业系统以及支持系统构成。然后,笔者在此基础上提出从旅游规划对象系统分析——旅游系统反馈调控——旅游系统的优化与整合的旅游规划思维方法,提出了县域旅游发展规划的“3131规划模式”即进行三项分析,确定一个目标体系,进行三项规划,落实一套规划实施措施的县域旅游发展规划模式,最后,笔者构建了旅游发展规划的相应的技术体系,尝试性地探讨了几种新的旅游规划技术与方法。 在理论探讨的基础上,笔者以系统思维方法为依据,以“3131规划模式”为指导,以湖南省资兴市(县级市)为例,对湖南资兴市旅游发展作“3131规划模式”的规划,即进行了三项分析:产业现状及其SWOT分析、市场评价与目标市场定位、资源评价与开发定位;确定了一个目标体系:旅游产业发展目标体系;进行了三项规划:旅游形象定位与旅游产品规划、旅游产业规划与产业结构高速、支持体系与可持续发展规划;落实了一套资市旅游发展规划实施与反馈控制的方案。

【Abstract】 With the development of tourism planning in China, tourism resources dcvelopment becomes marc and more popular, and the tourism planning have gone through 3 stages: resource-lead planning stage, markct-lcad planning stage and integrated planning stage. Great achievements have been made in the field of tourism planning in China. However, county-region, the fundamental complete administration unit, is overlooked in the tourism planning field. For a long time, with the guidance of simple concept of tourism resource, some leaders of the county developed tourism resources aimlessly, and it bring with the result of natural environment destroyed and human ecological spoiled. In fact, because of the characteristic and complexity of county-region economy, county-region tourism planning is more complex than others. That抯 for the reason of county-region economy has the typicaf characteristics of rural area and agriculture dependence; county-region is the segmentation line between urban and rural, and so on. In the market economy time, between the provincial mac-tourism planning and scenery spot mic-tourism planning, county-region tourism planning should be emphasized. Because of the complexity of the county-region tourism planning, we can not get well with the planning with the tradition methods of tourism planning. Here the author tried to use a new kind of thoughts method to consider the tourism planning of county-region, and put forwards a new concept of tourism planning target system, which consists of market system, product system, industry system, and support system. Then, author discussed the methods and the technology system of tourism planning with the system concept. That is: system analysis梥ystem control--system optimize, then, the author established a mode of county-region tourism planning: 3131 planning mode. They are 3 analyses, I target system, 3 items planning. Based on the theory the author put fox-ward and the 3131 planning mode he established, the author take Zhixin county in Hunan as example, applied the theory and the mode in county region tourism planning.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南林学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】F590.1
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1404

