

【作者】 孙玉环

【导师】 韩传模;

【作者基本信息】 天津财经学院 , 会计学(国际会计), 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着以无形化为特征的知识经济时代的到来,以及科学技术的进步和竞争的白热化,无形资产在企业生存与发展中的地位越来越重要,并有逐步取代有形资产而成为企业主要资产的趋势。商誉作为最无形的无形资产,在企业生存和竞争中的重要性亦日益凸现。但迄今为止,各国会计界在有关商誉的诸多问题上尚未达成共识,各国商誉会计实务亦相差甚远,致使在经济实践中引起混乱。因此,作者选择商誉会计问题研究作为毕业论文,旨在对有关商誉会计的问题进行分析研究,以期有助于完善商誉会计理论,指导商誉会计实践。 本论文总共分为七章。作者首先在第一章中对商誉的基本概念、内容、特征进行了分析论述,并提出了一些自己的观点;第二章就商誉会计研究和商誉会计准则制定进行了国际比较;第三章讨论了商誉的确认问题,作者经过分析认为:确认自创商誉,摈弃外购商誉是商誉会计的发展趋势;在第四章,作者讨论了商誉的计量问题,认为商誉难以计量并不等于不可计量;第五章是商誉的会计处理,作者通过深入细致的分析,在现有的会计处理方法的基础上提出了一种新的方法即“修正的逐年重估法”;在第六章,专门就有关负商誉的问题进行了论述,包括负商誉是否存在、负商誉的概念和性质、负商誉的会计处理等;最后一章对建立我国商誉会计准则提出了一些建议和构想。

【Abstract】 Goodwill accounting has been a touchy problem both in the regulation of accounting and in accounting practices because of its great differences among different countries. This thesis is attempted to do a systematic research on goodwill accounting problem. The thesis is composed of seven chapters. In the first chapter, the author discussed and analyzed the basic concept, content and characteristics of goodwill, and expressed some new op i n io n. The second chapter is about the international comparison of goodwill accounting research and goodwill accounting standards. In the third chapter, the author discussed the problem of recognition of goodwill, specially the internally generated goodwill; In the fourth chapter, the measurement of goodwill is discussed; The fifth chapter is about the accounting treatment of goodwill, a new method is raised;The sixth chapter is specially about the negative goodwill including its concept, its recognition and its accounting treatment and so on.In the last chapter, the necessity of development of goodwill accounting and its standards in China are discussed. And some suggestions are developed for development of goodwill accounting standards in China.

  • 【分类号】F230
  • 【下载频次】1362

