

The Static and Dynamic analysis of Triple-layer Space Trusses

【作者】 刘京红

【导师】 杜守军; 夏亨熹; 刘芸波;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 水利水电工程, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 三层网架是双层网架的有机组合,是空间结构领域的又一重要开拓。由于三层网架结构具有整体刚度大,内力分布均匀,经济技术指标好,所有杆件尺寸短小,制作运输安装方便等优点,促使它在大跨度空间结构中的应用日益广泛。对于形式更加丰富的三层网架,有必要对其静力及动力特性方面的问题进行深入细致的研究。本文采用铰接杆系计算模型,对几种形式的三层网架进行了结构静、动力特性分析和竖向地震响应分析。利用空间桁架位移法、修改的满应力法、子空间迭代法、振型迭加反应谱法编制了三层网架的静动力分析程序。利用该程序,对两种形式新颖的三层网架——斜搁四角锥三层网架和斜搁抽空四角锥三层网架进行了计算分析,并与通常采用的斜放四角锥三层网架、正放四角锥三层网架、正放抽空四角锥三层网架进行了比较。结果表明:斜搁四角锥三层网架、斜放四角锥三层网架和斜搁抽空四角锥三层网架与正放四角锥三层网架和正放抽空四角锥三层网架相比,杆件受力更均匀、杆件内力峰值降低,具有更好的经济技术指标和更好的抗震性能。此外,本文还对上述五种形式的三层网架及相应形式双层网架的经济技术指标进行了对比,结果表明:在大、中跨度中应用三层网架比双层网架的杆件内力分布更为均匀,内力峰值减小,经济效益明显提高。基于上述分析,最后提出了三层网架的一些设计建议及有待于进一步解决的问题。

【Abstract】 Triple-Layer space trusses are organic combination of double-layer space trusses. Its appear is an important deploitation for space structure field. For the advantages of larger stiffness, reasonable distribution of internal force, favorable technical economic characteristics and manufacture convenient etc, triple-layer space trusses are used increasing widely in large span space structures. As for much more types of triple- layer space trusses, it is necessary to particularity analysis their static and dynamic behaviors. In this paper, static and dynamic studies on some types of triple-layer space trusses with ream member model were processed. Based on the space truss displacement method, the modified full stress method, the subspace iteration method and the mode- superposition response spectrum method, an analysis program of space trusses was compiled with Fortran 90 computer language. With this program, two novel types of triple-layer space trusses -- leaning-laid pyramid triple-layer space trusses and leaning- laid pyramid triple-layer space trusses with openings were studied. Compared with this two novel types, three customarily used types -- diagonal square pyramid triple-layer space trusses, orthogonal square pyramid triple-layer space trusses and orthogonal square pyramid triple-layer space trusses with openings were studied too. The result indicated that compared with orthogonal square pyramid triple-layer space trusses and orthogonal square pyramid triple-layer space trusses with openings, leaning-laid pyramid triple-layer space trusses, leaning-laid pyramid triple-layer space trusses with openings and diagonal square pyramid triple-layer space trusses have advantages of more reasonable distribution of internal force, reduced the maximum of internal force, much more favorable technical economic characteristics arid better capability of oppose vibrate etc. They are three better types of triple-layer space trusses that compete successfully with more conventional types. Furthermore, technical economic characteristics of triple-layer space trusses and double- layer space trusses were compared. The results indicated when used in large span and middle span, triple-layer space trusses have more reasonable distribution of internal force, good economic effects, reduced the maximum of internal force and more favorable technical characteristics. Based on the analysis, some suggestions for engineering design of triple-layer space trusses are given, and the problems that need to be further studied are presented.

  • 【分类号】TU356
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】249

