

Study on Distribution,Pathogen Species and Controlling of Wheat Root Diseases in Hebei Province

【作者】 李冬梅

【导师】 曹克强; 朱之堉;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 植物病理学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 小麦根病是指由土传真菌引起的小麦根腐和茎基腐病害,进入20世纪90年代以来,随着栽培制度和耕作措施的改进及气候条件的变化,土传的小麦根病在河北省开始出现零星发病,并于1996~1997年在全省大面积扩展和迅速蔓延。 本研究通过1998~1999年以书信形式对河北省各市、县植保站进行问卷调查,得到54个主要市、县自1980年以来小麦主要根病的发生情况,1999-2001年进行了河北省小麦病害普查及重点市、县(邯郸、永年、磁县、曲周、馆陶、隆尧、临西、宁晋、饶阳、正定、辛集、保定、唐山和滦县)实地调查并对有关专家进行访问座谈,基本掌握了河北省小麦根病的发生与分布特点。以河北省113个市、县气象站点自1985~1998年的气象资料和河北省不同生态区的土壤类型作为划分依据,利用调查结果采用聚类分析方法,对三种主要根病(小麦纹枯病、蠕孢根腐病和小麦全蚀病)在河北省的分布情况进行区域划分,结果表明,河北省小麦纹枯病和蠕孢根腐病在全省冬小麦产区发生趋势为从南到北依次减弱。邯郸、邢台属重发区,石家庄、保定、廊坊为中发区,秦皇岛、唐山为轻发区。小麦全蚀病分布多集中在唐山、石家庄及保定的部分市县,发生为害均较重。 对河北省不同生态区(邯郸、石家庄、保定和唐山)小麦在不同生育期(拔节期和抽穗期)和不同品种间小麦根病发生情况进行调查,并对唐山、石家庄两地小麦全蚀病老病田进行调查,结果表明,河北省小麦根病的发生在品种之间存在显著差异;如邯郸市的温麦6号,在两次调查中的发病率都较高,表现为高度感病。保定市的冀麦36以及唐山的京东-8号,对小麦纹枯病均表现较强的感病性;邯郸市的邯-4589和5316,石家庄市的石-97-6365和9541,保定市的71-3,唐山市的H3007则表现较强的抗病性。 在河北省不同地区(邯郸、永年、磁县、曲周、馆陶、隆尧、临西、宁晋、饶阳、正定、辛集、栾城、保定、安新、唐山和滦县)采集根病病株标样400余份,进行室内分离培养,共分离病组织块3772块,分离菌落数2555个,将代表菌株确定病原分类归属,除所有菌株采用盖片法培养观察菌丝生长情况及产孢类型外,另对丝核菌测量菌丝直径、观察培养性状、记录产生菌核时间和生长速率;全蚀病菌在PDA培养基、燕麦培养基及玉米粉培养基上采用插片法观察瓶梗孢子及附着枝形态,散光照射保湿诱发产生子囊壳及子囊孢子;镰刀菌采用PSA标准培养基进行培养性状、生长速率、产抱类型等计测,并利用麦粒培养基和土壤接种法诱发产泡;其它菌种采用常规培养方法。将代表菌株做温室接种进行致病性测定,结果表明,河北省小麦根病发生是由12种主要病原菌所致,以平脐蠕抱菌最为常见,小麦纹枯病菌分布较普遍,但出现频率较平脐蠕抱菌要少,小麦全蚀病菌在分布上虽有局限性,但发生为害较重:不同地区不同生育期中,小麦根病病原菌种类和出现频率存在显著差异。 采用生长速率法,测定了植物提取物TS-26和 TS-90在不同处理时间及不同浓度下对分离得到的几种主要病原菌的室内抑菌作用,结果表明,用植物提取物 TS-26和 TS-90处理 5种小麦根病病原菌在 168小时后仍然具有抑菌作用,在稀释800倍时TS-26仍然具有较强抑制作用。利用TS.26和TS-90对小麦种子分别进行拌种和浸种处理,用三种小麦根病病原菌进行土壤接种,测定两种植物提取物在温室内对小麦根病的苗期防治作用,并用TS-26对小麦种子进行拌种和浸种处理,测定其对小麦纹枯病和根腐病的田间防治效果,结果表明,两种植物提取物对三种小麦根病都有一定防治效果,且TS26防效优于TS-90,浸种处理防效优于拌种处理。

【Abstract】 Wheat root diseases are foot and root rot diseases caused by soil-borne fungi. Since 1990, the wheat root diseases have occurred severely and become a major obstacle for wheat production in Hebei province. Disease investigation was made first by inquiring letters from plant protection station of each county in Hebei province from 1998 to 1999. The data about the occurrence of wheat root diseases from 54 counties were collected since 1980. By investigating wheat root diseases in different counties (Yongnian, Cixian, Quzhou, Guantao, Longyao, Linxi, Ningjin, Yaoyang, Zhengding, Xinji, Luanxian) in Hebei from 1999 to 2001, and visiting experts, the occurrence and characteristic of wheat root diseases were obtained. Based on weather conditions of 113 counties from 1985 to 1998 and the types of soil in different ecological areas, the distribution areas of different root diseases such as sharp eyespot, common root rot and take-all were classified by means of cluster analysis. The conclusion was that the occurrence trend of wheat sharp eyespot and common root rot disease in south of Hebei is severer than in the north. Handan and Xingtai is the main damage area, Shijiazhuang, Baoding and Langfang are the moderate damage area, Tangshan and Qinhuangdao is the light damage area. Take-all disease of wheat distributes in some counties of Tangshan, Shijiazhuang and Baoding. Based on root disease investigating in different growth stage and in different ecological area, the resistance of main wheat varieties in Hebei province was quite different. The high-susceptible varieties are Wenmai-6 in Handan, Shi-97-6365 in Shijiazhuang, Jimai-36 in Baoding and Jingdong-8 in Tangshan. The middle or high- resistance varieties are Han-4589 and 5316 in Handan, 9541 in Shijizzhuang, 71-3 in Baoding and H3007 in Tangshan. There are more than 400 samples cofleted from different areas in Hebei such as Handan, Yongnian, Cixian, Quzhou, Guantao, Longyao, Linxi, Ningj in, Yaoyang, Xinji, - 48 - Zhengding, Luancheng, Baoding, Anxin, Tangshan and Luanxian. 3772 tissue numbers were isolated in lab, and 2555 colonies were obtained. The main strains were identified. The growth and way of spore-germination of each fungus was observed by grass- covering method. The diameter and the growth rate of hypha, the time of sclerotium appearing of Rhizoctonia spp. were observed. The phialospores and hyphodia of Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici were used for fungus identification. The ascus and ascospore were induced by keeping moisture and illuminating of scattered light. Fusarium spp. were cultivated in PSA medium for observing feather and rate of hypha growth, type of spore-germination. Spores were induced by cultivated in wheat seed medium and inoculated in soil. The other strains were cultivated in common medium. The main strains were tested for their pathogenicity. The result showed that there are 12 species pathogens of wheat root diseases in Hebei province. Among them, the most common pathogen is Bzpoloris spp., The distribution of Rhizoctonic spp. is widespread, but its appearing frequency is less than Bipoloris spp. Although the distribution of Gaeumannomyces graminis var.tritici is limited, its harmfulness is rather serioug. The variety and appearing frequency of pathogens are quite different in different areas and different growth stages. The inhibition effects of plant extracts TS-26 and TS-90 against the main pathog

  • 【分类号】S435.121
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