

Innovation of Rural Public Goods Institution

【作者】 周小常

【导师】 唐启国;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 1978年的家庭联产承包制瓦解了建立在集体经济原有均衡的农村公共产品供给制度,并且诱导出了政府主导的以“乡统筹村提留”及各种“自筹经费” 为物质基础的新的农村公共产品供给制度。在这种制度框架下,农村公共产品供给存在长久以来难以的一些解决,成为影响农业综合生产力提高、农民生后水平提高和农村安定团结的隐患。为了抓住问题的实质,从根本上解决上述问题,笔者选择了“农村公共产品供给制度创新”作为硕士论文,以期构建一系列适合我国农村的公共产品供给制度。 全文的第一、二章是理论基础部分。第三、四、五章是文章的核心部分,按提出问题、分析问题和解决问题的思路展开。在第一章中,介绍了公共产品定义、特征、分类和解决了公共产品由谁供给、怎样供给和供给多少的问题。在第二章中,介绍了农村公共产品的定义、特征、分类和地位。在第三章中,首先介绍了公共产品供给制度的具体内容,然后,描述了人民公社时期和1978年后至今农村公共产品供给制度的变迁历史,以及现行制度下存在的严重问题。在第四章中,总结出现行供给制度的四个方面的弊病,并一一分析形成原因。在最后一章中,从制度及制度创新理论背景入手,指出政府才是农村公共产品供给制度二次创新的主体,又针对现行制度的弊病,提出了创新思路,最后给出几种具体的供给模式。

【Abstract】 Innovation of Rural Public Goods Supply Institution A BSTRAC抣? Rural reform in 1978 disintegrated the balanced supl)l)?I nsti tuL ion ol itiial public goods based on collective economy, and induced a new oIic, ~vlicie the government is the main pro\抜dcr and the cost of rural public goods is largely relied on various non梚nstitutional charges tiotn rural residents. Serious problems, chronically irresolvable, resulting from the current supply inst it LI lion, hIll i hi Led agricultural comprehensive productivity from enhancing, and living standard of rural residents from improving, rural Society from developing stably. lo grasp tile essence oh the problciiis and to so I ye them radically, II ic a Lit luuis selected L lii s subject and seek to CStdl)l isli a Series of practical SL1pI)ly I list ii Lit iou ol rttral l)tuLJl ic goods. The anterior two chapters set up a solid theory l)ase. 憈he rest three chapters are following the clue of briiiging forward, analyzing and ii 1W) resol VII ig I uoi)lculls. The First Chapter introduced the concept, characteristics and classifications of public goods and how to realize the optimization of put)t ic goods provision. [lie dc fuji Lion, lcat ire and classifications of rural public goods arc 1)lovjded and the in poutaiiee of uuual pu1)t Ic goods is emphasized in the Second Chapter. ilie fluid Chapter firstly iuitioduccd the W)nClCLC content of supply msti tot ion, and Ihen described and coin ~sired two di lI抏reuit s ~慞l~ I)? institutions respectively duuing the period o~ demonic commtni ty and iilier I 978抯 uiiioI reform. Consequently, the serious problems, caused by current institution, ale preseiitcd. 憈he Fourth Chapter summarized four d isadvaitages of current snl)ply iiistittii ion and also analyzed their reasons. Beginning with the background of institution and institutional innovation, tl~c last chapter, pointed out that the government is the only initiator of tile second innovation. Furthermore, to conquer the disadvantages ot current StuJ)phy institution, new ideas were l)tlt l~rward. Eventually, thuis paper pro\抜lled several梔etailed providing modes and all kinds of public goods cati lull into this catalogue. Z1~ou Xiaoch.tng(Agriculttttatl Economic Maiiagcitcitt) Directed by Profcssor 慒ang Qiguo

  • 【分类号】F321
  • 【被引频次】26
  • 【下载频次】782

