

【作者】 程变爱

【导师】 韩平; 宋文;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院文献情报中心 , 图书馆学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 数字图书馆是21世纪图书馆的发展方向,网络信息资源乃数字图书馆的重要信息组织对象。随着网络的飞速发展,网络信息资源的数量迅猛增长,用户存取和利用网络信息资源的需求与日俱增,满足这种需求的前提和基础就是对网络信息资源进行描述与组织。 论文首先概述了网络信息资源的定义、类型与特点,分析了对网络信息资源进行描述与组织所存在的困难;继而介绍了当今图书情报界正在探索的描述与组织网络信息资源的两种方法,一种即为扩展现有的编目条例与MARC格式以使其适应网络信息资源描述与组织的需要,另一种则是另辟溪径,以元数据的手段描述与组织网络信息资源;同时,论文还着重对典型元数据方案都柏林核心集的应用进行了分析与探讨,并结合本研究,作者在国内首先试作了CNMARC到都柏林核心集的较为详细的映射;最后,论文调研了我国数字图书馆背景下网络信息资源描述与组织建设的问题,在概述现状的基础上,分析归纳了我国网络信息资源描述与组织应遵循的基本原则,并就我国数字图书馆背景下网络信息资源的描述与组织建设的问题提出了自己的若干思考和建议。

【Abstract】 Digital library is the developing trend of library in 21St century, networked information resource is the information organizing object of the digital library. With the rapid development of the network, the amount of networked information resources increases very quickly. Therefore, the description and organization of the networked information resources is very crucial to accessing and utilizing the resources.At first, the paper introduces the definitions, kinds and special profiles of the networked resources. It analyses the difficulties in describing and organizing the networked information resources. After this, two ways of describing and organizingnetworked information resources are given in the paper. One of it is to change the MARC to make it fit the description and organization of the networked information resources. Another is the metadata way. The paper also analyses the typical metadata schema----Dublin Core, and the mapping from Dublin Core to CNMARC is firstly set forth. At last, the paper discusses the description and organization of networked information resources in our country. On the base of the introducing related station, the paper discusses the principals during describing and organizing the networked information resources in our country. The paper puts forward some considering about the description and organization of networked information resources under the Chinese digital library, at the same time, this paper also puts forward some suggestions about the description and organization of networked information in China.

  • 【分类号】G250.7
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】707

