

Study on Microvasculature of Lung in Bactrian Camel

【作者】 杜晓华

【导师】 王建林;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 基础兽医学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究采用铸型扫描电镜技术对双峰驼肺脏微血管的立体构筑形式做了观察。结果表明:双峰驼肺脏微血管排布密集,分支走行较规律,血管铸型较好地保持了正常肺脏的大体形态,展现了微血管分布的三维空间构型。肺脏胸膜下区毛细血管主要由微动脉、终末微动脉、毛细血管前微动脉及毛细血管四级血管逐级分支构成,也可由终未微动脉直接发出,并相互吻合成胸膜下毛细血管网。胸膜下毛细血管网较粗疏,网孔孔径一般大于毛细血管管径,网孔多呈六边形和五边形。双峰驼肺泡毛细血管的来源丰富,可由胸膜下或小叶间隔毛细血管延续而来,也可由毛细血管前微动脉发出的毛细血管支形成,还可以通过终未微动脉直接发出的毛细血管支构成。肺泡毛细血管相互吻合成单层致密的网状结构,似网套样包绕在肺泡周围,网孔孔径通常都小于毛细血管管径,网孔形状不规则,以卵圆形和椭圆形居多。双峰驼肺泡微血管的构筑中还可见大量伸展不完全,处于皱缩状态的肺泡毛细血管。微动脉、终未微动脉和毛细血管前微动脉的铸型表面均显示有清晰的、环状排列的平滑肌细胞的压迹,毛细血管前微动脉及毛细血管表面还可见卵圆形内皮细胞核的压痕。双峰驼肺间质微血管丰富,与肺脏微血管之间存在有广泛的、不同水平上的吻合。

【Abstract】 The microvasculature of the lung in the Bactrian camel(Camelus bactrianus) was studied with the replicascanning electron microscopic method.The results showed that the microvessels of the lung arranged densely,branched and coursed regularly,of which the corrosion casts revealed a complex three-dimensional network completely.According to the microvascular architecture,the subpleural microvasculature mainly comprised the arteriole,the terminal arteriol e,the precap ii lary arteriole,and the capillary. Sometimes,the terminal arteriole directly gave rise to large number of capillaries which anastomosed with each other.forming the subpleural capillary network.The network was loose,in which the diameter of the mesh was larger than that of the capillary,and the mesh was often hexagon and pentagon in appearance.The resources of the alveolar capillary were rich,which originated from the capillaries of the subpleural space or interlobular septulum,sometimes from the precapillary arterioles or from the terminal arterioles directly.The alveolar capillaries anastomosed with each other and formed a single layer of dense network,surrounding the alveolar,the diameter of its mesh being larger than that of the capillary.The mesh of the alveolar capillary network was irregular polygon in appearance,but oval and elliptical mesh was much more.Plenty of collapsed alevolar capillaries were found in alveolar microvascular architecture of the lung in the Bactrian cainel.There are obvious imprints of the smooth muscles on the surface of the casts of the arteriole,the terminal arteriole and the precapillary arteriole.On the surface of the casts of the precapillary arteriole and the capillary,there are obous imprints of the endothelial nuclei as well.Numerous am tomoses on different orders were found between the pulmonary microvasulatures and the bronchial microvasculatures.

  • 【分类号】S824.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】91

