

【作者】 杨文升

【导师】 于沛霖;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动(法学), 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 在近现代法治国家中,律师制度在国家法律制度中具有十分重要的地位,律师制度的发展与完善程度是衡量一个国家法治状况和民主文明程度的重要标志。一个法治国家没有健全的律师制度是一种历史的倒退,是一种社会的愚昧。我国的律师制度由于恢复和发展的时间较短,虽然取得了一定的成绩,但仍存在诸多不足之处,亟待从实践中加以总结和完善,从理论上加以探讨和提高。当前在我国对律师制度的研究中虽然取得了一定的成果,但是多数研究往往仅停留在具体律师实务的层面上,对现行律师制度优劣的深入分析以及系统的对策性研究不多,同时也往往忽视了律师学基础理论的研究。为此,本文力求在借鉴世界有关国家和地区律师制度的科学实践和理论研究成果的基础上,针对我国具体国情和我国律师制度建设的问题和难点,提出尽量周全、可行的解决方案,力图在理论上有所突破和创新,并尽量做到体系的完整和协调,从而进一步提高全社会的法治意识、权利意识,更好地为完善我国律师制度的立法和司法实践服务。在本文中,笔者首先阐释了律师的概念、性质,其次介绍了中外律师制度的沿革及发展概况,并总结了律师的地位和作用,最后在分析了我国律师业面临的机遇、挑战和存在的不足的基础上,通过借鉴吸收世界先进国家的有益经验并紧密结合我国的国情和律师业的实际状况,提出并论证了完善与发展我国现行律师制度的构想。

【Abstract】 In modem legal state , the lawyers?system is more important in the legal system of the nation . Develop level of the lawyers?system is an important symbol to judge the level of constitutionality and democracy of the state . It is backwards of history and ignorant of the society if a legal state have no perfect lawyers?system Though our lawyersystem have gained some fruits, which developed so shortly that more defects required perfect immediately. For that, the article uses the experience of other countries to our reference , and put forward practicable project to solve the problem , which would improve the legal and right sense of the whole society and serve the legislation and application of the lawyers?system . In this article , the author first sets forth the concept and nature of the lawyer. Second , the author introduces the history of our country and lawyers?system of other countries, and sums up the position and function of the lawyer . Finally by drawing experience of developed countries and combining with the realcondition of our country , based on the analysis of the oppirtunity , the author sets forward and demonstrates the construction of improving our modem lawyers?system.

【关键词】 律师律师制度完善发展
  • 【分类号】D926.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】683

