

【作者】 卓翔

【导师】 庄善裕; 赵许明;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 经济法学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 国际互联网络的出现,标志着人类在信息革命上的又一次飞跃。这一最初用于军事目的的神奇发明,在过去的近二十年时间里,由于一直被限定在军事、科研等领域;自九十年代初与商业“结亲”以来,立刻表现出极其卓越的才能,短短两三年,以疾风扫落叶之势,迅速席卷全球。互联网越来越成为人们生活中不可缺少的一部分。谁也无法否认,这个由一根根连线构筑成的虚拟的网上世界,正在不可思议地改变着我们的生活方式。随着人们工作、生活方式的每一次重大改变,人与人之间的关系总是会出现一些新的情况,要求社会建立一些新的行为准则和道德规范,以协调人们在新的工作、生活方式下的利益和关系。网络革命使各国在法律体系方面受到了一系列挑战,建立和完善与高速信息网络经济关系相关联的法律法规日趋迫切。 本文围绕网络环境下的著作权侵权问题,结合有关数据材料,涉猎网络先进发展国家的立法经验和典型调查案例,对网络时代的著作权定位、各国立法趋势、网络著作权保护和网络服务提供者的著作权侵权责任、对网络侵权案件的司法管辖权、网络数据库的著作权保护、网络链接的侵权责任问题、技术保护措施对网络著作权保护的屏障作用等有关问题尝试进行探究,力求为网络著作权提供全方位的法律保护体系。

【Abstract】 The advent of Internet symbolizes another stride of information revolution of the mankind. This miraculous invention for originally military use, though had been restricted to the spheres of the military and scientific research, have exerted the superb performances since the engagement with commence in the early 1990,its popularity swept the world on a large scale instantaneously. The Internet is becoming more essential in the daily life of people. It is out of question that the virtual community of the net is changing our mode of life unpredictably. Naturally something should be done to regulate and administer surfing the web with the steps of technical development. With the great change, the adjustment and modification of new behavioral codes and ethnic regulations are urgent in order to coordinate the interest and the relationship under the changed circumstances. We are stepping towards the era of information. The mastery and control of information is the spring of social assets and power at present. It becomes more aware that the Internet is challenging the legal framework in effect. There is no exception of the copyright law. Passing through the threshold of the information era entails optimizing the copyright law system. This dissertation centers on the copyright tort on the Internet, ranging from occidental legislative experience to oriental one, touching some typical cases on the Internet tort. In combination with the statistics, the paper presents the global view of copyright of the era of Internet; analyzes the copyright tort liability of Internet service providers; illustrates the jurisdiction of Internet tort; deals with the copyright protection of the database; makes the research on the tort of web link; and takes insight into the technical barriers of copyright protection. The aim is to give an all-round legal mechanism for copyright protection on the Internet, while there is still a long way to go.

【关键词】 网络著作权侵权保护
【Key words】 Internetcopyrighttortprotection
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】D923.4
  • 【下载频次】656

