

Study & Comparison on the Art Image of TV Commercials between China’s mainland and Hong Kong

【作者】 周道宁

【导师】 费勇;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 文艺学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要是结合文艺学之形象思维理论与大众传播学概念,发展出一套“电视广告艺术符号传播/译码模式”,以解释现代电视广告如何塑造和利用艺术形象,向社会大众演示、教育一套套的“美和艺术品味”。说明了在商业利益的导引下,目前广告活动在通俗艺术、美学层面上,负担了塑造社会品味的功能;消费者购买名牌产品所支付的昂贵金额,实际上是在“购买广告”和消费“广告中的艺术形象”,我们大可以理解这为现代商业社会的“形象消费”现象。而文中另一重要的观点是透过分析、比较香港和内地数百个电视广告形象,评比其中的不同的表现手法特征,除了较直接叙述产品功能的广告之外,发现内地广告,主要以“忆苦思甜”、“父子情深”和“国族形象”作为商品依附的艺术形象,而香港则偏向塑造“反抗社会”、“荒诞幽默” 与“物欲色诱”的形象以吸引消费者。文中并以法国当代思想家和符号学家罗兰.巴尔特(RolandBarthes,1915~1980)提出的(ERC)RC慨念,分析以上两地不同广告手法的形象内涵、象征和文化特性,展示了内地与香港现时之共性→分歧→渗透的文化整合现合现象。

【Abstract】 The purpose of this study is to develop, based on the mix of the image theory in Art and Literature and the concept of mass communications, a madule of transmitting and decoding artistic signs on TV ads. The module helps explain how nowadays TV ads sculpture and use art images to teach and demonstrate the taste for beauty and art. This explicates the function of nowadays advertisements through folk art and design in defining social tastes, under the lead of commercial good; and explicates that a consumer spending huge amounts of money for any labels, is indeed buying commercials and paying for the art images on ads. We can thus note, the 搃mage disbursement?phenomenon in modern commercial world. On the other hand, this study also provides a critique of skills employed through analysing and comparing hundreds of TV ads between Hong Kong and the mainland. Besides direct illustration of product functions, the ads from the mainland tend to portray a sense of 搒weetness from bitter memories? 揻ather-and-son relationship? and 搉ational and tribal ties?so as to associate them with the product. However, the Hong Kong ads tend to give the feeling of 揷arefree and rebellion? 揳bsurd and humor?and 損rimitive stimulation?so as to attract consumers. Through the (ECR)RC concept of Roland Barthes, the French thinker and symbolist, this study also analyses the contents, symbolism and cultural characteristics of the tactics employed in the ads of the two places; and reveals the phenomenon in which how the mainland and Hong Kong cultures have in common, differ and blend.

【关键词】 形象符号译码内涵品味区间
【Key words】 ImageSymbolEncode ConnotationTaste-distinction
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】J905
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】884

