


【作者】 邢荣发

【导师】 邱树森;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 中国古代史, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以十九世纪中葡政府对澳门的政治管制为背景,衬托出这个时代澳门城市建筑发展的起落;再从具体的中西建筑物分析中,将十九世纪澳门城市实貌展示出来。 从十九世纪上半葉的混合管治到下半葉的单一管治,都对当时澳门的城市发展有着重大的影响。经济方面的变化,对城市建筑发展又有着决定性的作用;政治及经济变化中又引申出人口增减问题,这更是城市建筑要发展不可或缺的元素。 地理环境方面,是山多平地少。城市占地自世纪初的约1平方公里,到世纪末增至3.4平方公里,是由于在鸦片战争后的大势中,澳门城市吞并了北部至关闸一带的大片农田及村庄、以及世纪末的填海造地所致。 1849年以前,对澳门的城市建筑管理,是用“禁擅兴筑例”,这条款沿用了235年,也是澳门的城市建筑首例。当时西式建筑都是沿用欧洲流行的风格建造,有新古典主义、折衷主义及浪漫主义等风格;中式则沿用一贯的岭南风格建筑。本文附上望厦香山县丞衙署图及大关图,更考绘了1800年及1899年澳门城市规模地图等。 整个世纪的澳门城市建筑发展是在“修葺期”、“扩展期”及“黄金时代”三阶段所概括。“黄金时代”的四十年中,完善了城市设施、奠定了二十世纪城市建筑发展方向,在后期更出现了中西合璧的建筑。

【Abstract】 The political background and control of the Chinese/Portuguese governments were shown in their influence towards the architectural development of Macau. Through the analysis of the east and western architecture, we can imagine the whole of Macau during the 19th century.Either the Chinese/Portuguese governments’ mixed political management to Macau in the first half of the 19th century, or the unique power to rule Macau in the second half of the century, it was an important influence to the development of Macau’s architecture. Economic and political considerations were responsible for the population growth, thus affecting the city architectural development.The Macau peninsula was mostly hilly with scarce plains. The city area was approximately 1 sq.km in the early part of the 19th century, increasing to 3.4 sq.km towards the end of the century. It was due to land reclamation and illegal occupation of the northern part of the peninsula.Before 1849, a regulation of "Building construction without application was forbidden" was being used to manage the city’s architecture in Macau by the Chinese official. It was the first regulation in the architectural field in Macau and being executed for 23 5 yearstduring the Ming & Chin Dynasties. The western architecture always provide popular styles from Europe, such as Neoclassicism, Eclectic, and Romanticism styles among others. On the Chinese architecture field, there were always the ’Ling-Nan’ architecture style in Macau city. Attached you can find a re-built drawing on SHIANG-SHAN government office houses in village ’Mong-Ha’ in Macau in the 18th century and also the Chinese custom house drawing at praia pequena.In the 19th century, there were 3 stages of the city’s architecture development -repairing, extension, developing. For the last 40 years of the century, the city’s infra-structure works were mostly completed. Numerous plans were prepared for the city’s development into the 20th century. Chinese and European style structures were noticeable then.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】K296.59;TU-092
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】435

