

【作者】 汪琼枝

【导师】 李雅儒;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 在世纪之交的重要历史时刻,以江泽民同志为核心的党中央总揽全局,及时做出实施西部大开发的战略决策,这是关系到21世纪我国现代化建设的大思路、大战略。西部大开发必须同大开放相结合,走以开放促开发实现超常发展的道路是西部地区实现经济腾飞的必然选择。全文从三个部分研究了对外开放在西部大开发中的作用以及扩大西部对外开放的基本思路。 第一部分从历史和逻辑的角度阐述西部大开发战略的形成渊源及其意义,为下文奠定理论和实践基础。本部分先回顾了西部开发曲折的历史进程,然后分析了建国后西部开发的成就,并重点分析了西部在与东部相比较中呈现的差距,从而引出了西部大开发战略形成的必然性和必要性。本部分的第三点主要从理论和政策的角度阐述了西部大开发战略的形成过程及其意义。 第二部分集中论述了扩大西部对外开放对西部大开发的作用。首先客观地分析了70年代末以来西部对外开放的历史进程和现状及对西部建设的贡献,并着重论述了西部现有对外开放水平的不足。实现西部大开发面临种种困难,包括资金约束、观念约束、经济结构约束和体制约束,扩大西部对外开放,有利于在更广阔的空间和更高的视野上应对这一系列的问题。 第三部分主要论述了当前扩大西部对外开放的有利时机,以及扩大西部对外开放的对策。西部对外开放面临着有利的国际国内环境。考虑到西部地区有限的对外开放能力和水平,扩大西部对外开放必须将着力点放在营造宽松开放的软硬环境,发挥资源优势,发展有市场竞争力的特色经济和优势产业上。与此同时,发挥区位优势,积极发展同周边国家的对外经济关系。

【Abstract】 At the turning of centuries ,the CUPC with Jiang Zemin as the core made the strategic decision of western development timely ,which connected with the modernization construction of the 2lth century .Western development should be connected with the opening-oriented policy ,and the due choice of western areas? development is opening .This article expounds the usefulness of opening-oriented policy in western development and the foundmental thoughts of western areas? opening-oriented policy with three sectors. The first sector discusses on the meanings of the western development strategy with history and logical ways .This sector first retrospects the history progress of the tortuous development of western areas ,and explains that the current opening-oriented policy is not enough .Then ,it analysises the achivement of western development and the gap of economic level between the east and the west ,after the foundation of CP~ .The third point elaborates the forming process and its importance of the strategy decision of western development with theory and policy. The second sector focuses on the function of expanding western opening .Firstly,it analysises objectively the history and present situation of western opening ,and which contributes to the west .Then it stresses the shortcoming of opening standard .In order to realize the development of the west ,we need overcome kinds of difficulties ,which include the binding of fund ,idea ,economic construction and system .It is good to solve these questions in a wider space and higher vision to widen western opening. The third sector discusses the advantage and remedy of widening opening policy .It faces a advantage international and internal situation .For the limited ability ,we must focus on making a opening surrounding ,giving free rein to the superiority of resources ,developing the competing characteristic property and advancing economic relation with the adjacent.

  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【下载频次】133

