

【作者】 谭曙光

【导师】 艾伦;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 《汉语普通话测试系统》旨在利用人机交互优势,解决现今普通话人工测试的一些缺点。实验证明,利用计算机进行普通话测试,有利于统一测试标准,克服人的主观意识带来的缺陷,弥补普通话测试人员的不足,推广普通话。 《汉语普通话测试系统》是一套应用Visual C++开发出来的听写系统。它依凭自己建立的强大语音库,对被测试者语音与标准语音库进行匹配、比较,然后统计出比较结果,以此分析判定测试者普通话的水平。 《汉语普通话测试系统》主要解决单字、词组的测试。通过大量的实验测试,对实验数据、在测试过程中出现的噪音、重复词以及各种词汇出现的正确率进行仔细分析,并通过比较同一个人的多次测试结果,以及不同人的测试结果来判定系统的效果。本文还通过比较测试单字、词组的不同正确率来判定该系统受语音库的影响程度。多次测试结果显示,这个软件对单字的识别率能达到70%以上,而对词组能达到85%以上。这些测试表明利用计算机进行普通话测试是可行的。本文还对消除噪音、去除重复词的重复记分等情况提出了详细解决方案。 《汉语普通话测试系统》以Visual C++作为开发工具,利用C++的强大功能,对底层接口进行封装,实现了代码重用,为后续开发打了一个良好基础。在这个接口中实现了应用程序与引擎之间的通讯(包括打开、建立连接、听写、断开连接)、对引擎的管理以及对语音库词汇的管理。 《汉语普通话测试系统》要真正达到实用阶段还需要经过一个漫长过程。但是随着人工智能的发展,它必然会越来越成熟。

【Abstract】 Mandarin test system utilizes the computer to solve the limitation of manual test. It is useful to units?the test standard, overcomes the shortcoming of subjective awareness, makes up the shortage of testers and popularizes the mandarin. The system is developed by Visual C++. It can test the speech level of the speaker by comparing the speaker抯 speech with the speech library and analyzing the data. This system mainly tests the words and phrases. A lot of experiment data, noise and repeated words are analyzed in my paper. These test results show that the recognition rate of words and phrases can reach 70 percent and more than 85 percent. So we can say it is possible to test mandarin by utilizing speech recognition technique. At the same time, some detailed schemes to eliminate the noise, repeated words are brought forward in the paper. In this system, I utilize the powerful c plus to encapsulate the speech interface. It can be used by anyone and is a good way for last development. It has realized the communication between application with engine including open, connection, close, engine management, speech library management, and grammar management. It is still a long term that Mandarin test system can be applied. But with the development of artificial intelligence, it will be more intelligent.

  • 【分类号】TN912.3
  • 【下载频次】283

