

The Study on The Processing of Brewing Triticale Beer

【作者】 刘慧

【导师】 张兰威;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 食品科学与工程, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验针对国内外啤酒酿造原料的变化,运用优质价廉的小黑麦替代传统大麦酿造啤酒,对其制麦、糖化与发酵工艺,以及小黑麦啤酒的非生物稳定性进行了详尽研究,旨在降低产品成本,扩大啤酒花色品种,为大规模生产风格独特的小黑麦啤酒提供依据。 本研究首先筛选蛋白质含量相对较低,无水浸出率及发芽率相对较高的东农92021号小黑麦为酿造啤酒原料,用湿法浸麦与发芽增湿工艺,研究浸麦度与浸麦温度、发芽水分与发芽温度、发芽时间对麦芽质量的影响。结果表明:采用浸麦度为38%,发芽水分为40~42%,浸麦与发芽温度为13~15℃,发芽4d,可提高麦芽酶活力,促进麦芽蛋白质良好溶解。并在此基础上,采用两因素完全交叉分组设计,研究焙燥工艺与焙焦强度对麦芽质量的影响。结果显示:采用前缓后急速升温法的焙燥工艺,即凋萎期与干燥期温度为45℃→55℃→65℃,焙焦强度为75~78℃×2~3h,总焙燥时间为17~19h,可提高小黑麦芽的麦芽糖化力与α-氨基氮含量。 采用L9(34)正交设计,研究糖化料水比、糖化温度与时间、糖化醪pH值对麦芽汁质量的影响。确定最优糖化条件为:麦芽与糖化水的比例为1:6(m/m),醪液pH值为5.3,糖化温度与时间为62~63℃×60min→67~68℃(时间以与碘反应不变色为准),可提高麦汁可发酵性糖、α—氨基氮含量及糖化浸出物收得率,并促进麦芽蛋白质在糖化过程中进一步适度分解。 采用逐级递降温度法驯化酵母,研究扩培比例、培养温度与时间对酒母质量的影响。确定酵母扩培工艺条件为:温度由25℃递降至12~15℃,每步平均降温2~3℃;扩培比例由1:20~1:10降至1:4~1:5;移种时间为对数生长期。 采用经最佳制麦与糖化工艺制备的麦芽汁进行传统啤酒低温发酵。研究发酵接种量、发酵温度与时间、主酵下酒条件、后酵初期温度与酵母细胞浓度对发酵液质量的影响。结果显示:采用发酵接种量为1:5、冷却麦汁温度为7~8℃、主酵最高温度为8~10℃、下酒温度为5~7℃、下酒时酵母细胞数为(10~15)×106个/mL、下酒时外观糖度为3.0~4.0oBx,可缩短主发酵时间至4~5d(传统大麦啤酒为7~10d)。同时采用前高后低的贮酒温度,即后酵初期温度为5~7℃,贮酒温度为0~1℃,以及下酒时加入适量高泡酒,调整后酵液酵母细胞数控制在(15~20)×106个/mL,可以加速双乙酰还原,促进啤酒成熟。与对照组相比,缩短后酵酒龄2~4d。 通过采用上述优选的制麦与酿造工艺,使高蛋白小黑麦中的蛋白质在发芽与糖化过程中适度分解,并在麦芽焙焦与麦汁煮沸工艺中使其蛋白质充分变性,以及采用低温长时间的贮酒工艺(1~2℃×15d以上),使冷凝固蛋白质沉淀析出,促进酒液自然澄清。于此基础上,采用硅藻土配合硅胶过滤酒液时,利用SASPL值分析硅胶添加量与吸附反应时间对啤酒非生物稳定性的影晌。结果显示:适当增加硅胶添加量为1200mg/L与延长吸附反应时间为20min~25min,可选择性吸附啤酒液中易引起混浊的高分子蛋白质,达到提高小黑麦啤酒胶体稳定性之目的。最终产品质量符合部颁啤酒酿造标准。其酒体醇厚,风味柔和,泡沫洁白细腻,具有浓郁的小黑麦香味及酒花香气。

【Abstract】 The cheap and highest triticale is used to take place of barley in the breeding of beer. The study of the processing of saccharification and fermentation, and noniological stability of triticale beer are carefully carried out in order to reduce the cost, extend varieties, and offer warranties for producing triticale beer of unique aroma in large scale.Triticale, Dongnong 92021, which has relatively low component of proteins, high ratio of germination and immersion without water, is selected as the breeding material. The processing of wet steeping and germinating with increasing humidity are used, and the degree and temperature of steeping and the effect of moisture, temperature, and time on the character of malts is studied. The enzymes in malts can be greatly activated and the good dissolution of malt proteins is promoted when steeping water is 38%, germinating water is 40-42%, and germinating time is 4 d. On the basement of the upper study, the groupividing design of complete crisscross of 2 factors is adopted, and the effects of base and desiccative processing and base and coking intension on the malt character are gone into. To increase the malt saccharification of triticale and a mino nitrogen, we should introduce basing and drying processing with promoting temperature, slow firstly and then fast, that is the withering period and drying temperature are 45C?5?5C, basing and coking intension is 75?8CX2---3 h, and totalbasing and drying time is 17?9 h.The effects of water and material ratio, temperature and time, and pH of saccharification, temperature and time of protein cessation time on malt character are investigated adopting L9(34) orthogonal design. The best saccharification conditions are determined: the ratio of malt and water is 1:6 (rn/rn), pH is 5.3, temperature and time are 6263CX6Omin, which can increase the amounts of the ferrnentative sugar and a mino nitrogen and productivity of saccharification steeping, and also promote the resolution of malt protein during saccharificat ion.Yeast cultures are cultivated in the method of decreasing temperature stepby step. The effects of the ratio of expanding cultivation, time and temperatureof cultivation on the character of yeasts are researched. The best processingconditions of expanding cultivation are stated; temperature is decreased from25C to 12?5t step by step, and the average decreased temperature is 2?C every step; the ratio of expanding cultivation is decreased from 1:20:l02to 1:4~5; inoculated time is in logarithInic growth period.The traditional beer fernentation in low temperature is carried out usingthe ma1t juice produced by the best processing of malting and saccharification.The actions of the vaccinal amount, temperature and time, conditions of f1owingin main fementation, early temperature of 1ater fermentation, and concentrat ionof yeast cel ls on the fementation solution are inquired. The total fermentationaltime can be reduced to 4~5 d (that of traditional barley beer is about 7~l0d) when fermentational vaccinal amount is 1: 5, cool ing temperature of ma1ts juiceis 7 ~ 8 t,the highest temperature of main fermentation is 8 ~ l0 ’C, f1owingtemperature is 5~7C, the amount of yeast cells in f1owing is about (l0~15) xl0’/mL, saccharides is 3. 0~4. 0oB x. The storing temperature adopted is highfirstly and 1ow second1y, that is, temperature is 5~7’C in the early period oflater fermentation, the temperature of storage is 0--1’C. At the sane time, properamount of high foan beer is added, the amount of yeast cells is contro1led toabout (l0-- 15) x l06/mL in later fermentation, diacety1 reduction and beer maturityare accelerated, and the later fennentation time are shortened to 2~4d comparingvith the control.By assuming the reasonab1e malting and breeding processinmroteins inhigh protein tritica1e are hydrolyzed properly during fermentation andsaccharification, proteins are degenerated fully during malt basing and cokingand malt juice boiling processing,

【关键词】 小黑麦酿造工艺啤酒稳定性
【Key words】 Triticale Breeding processingBeerStability
  • 【分类号】TS262.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】715

