

On the English Translation of Ci Poems by Li Qingzhao

【作者】 杨健

【导师】 梁义华;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 翻译理论与实践, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 词,一种特殊的文学形式`在中国文学史上占有非常重要的地位。人 们常将唐诗宋词相提并论,它们写下了中国古代文学史上最辉煌的篇章。 从某种意义上说,宋词比唐诗更美丽,因为它所表达的思想感情比唐诗更 深刻,更细致,更微妙。可以说,宋词以其独特的艺术魅力,在文学史上 打开了一面新的门户,与唐诗相映成辉,经久不衰,成为中国古代文化遗 产的重要组成部分,其翻译之必要性显而易见。然而,诗词之不可译沦在 国内外翻译界早已有之。本文通过对文学史上最杰山的女词人──李清照词 不同要译文的比较,对词是否可译以及如何译进行了初步的探讨。 要研究词的性以及如何译的问题,首先要了解词的形成和发展及 其特点。这不仅是必要的,也是有益的。因此本文首先对词进行了全面的 概述,论述了词在文学史上的地位,词的发展史以及词的形式、韵律、内 容和语言等特点。 其次,为了更好地理解和把握李清照词的艺术特色,本文概述了李清 照的生平和成就,时李清照各时期的词作进行讨论,分析其词作的主题和 语言特点,深入探讨了李词的艺术美。 枯讨论词该如何译时,本文提倡诗体化译法,并采用许渊冲的“三类” 翻译理论,以李清照的词为例,从意美、音美、形美三方面探讨词类的再 现,认为在保征传达词意类的前提下,应兼顾音美和形美。笔者认为为传 达意美姜,应尽量使译词精确、镇密、俏美,侧重表达深层内容的意味而不拘泥于表层形式;以押韵、重复、节奏表达原词的音美;以工整、对仗使译文句子的长短与原词句子的长短相若来表达原词的形美。认为在传达这“三类”时,意美应放在首要位置,音美次之,开美最后。 在对李清照词的翻译中,由于理解成表达的原因,造成同一首词的不同翻译。通过对不同译文以及译文与原文进行比较与评析,笔者尽力阐述自己的观点,或同意三方,或赞成一方,或提出自己不同的看法。

【Abstract】 Ci, a special form of literature, occupies a most important position in the history of classical Chinese literature. Song ci is often mentioned in the same breath with Tang shi, and these two together add a most illustrious chapter to the annals of classical Chinese literature. In a way, Song ci may be said to be more beautiful, for it can express more refined, more delicate, more subtle feelings than can Tang shi. It thus opens a new field for Chinese lyrics and becomes a most important part of Chinese cultural heritage. With its unique artistic charm, it makes a brilliant contrast with Tang shi and enjoys an ever- lasting popularity. Consequently, the necessity of translating it is self-evident. However, the untranslatability of poem has been long proposed in translation circles home and abroad. On the basis of different translations of ci poems by Li Qingzhao梩he greatest woman poet in literary history, this thesis makes a preliminary discussion on whether ci is translatable and how to translate it. To discuss the problem whether ci is translatable and how to translate it, we should first get to know the formation and development as well as the characteristics of ci. This knowledge is as beneficial as necessary. Therefore this thesis first makes a comprehensive introduction to ci, including the position of ci in literary history, the development of ci, and the characteristics of ci in form, rhyme, content and language. Secondly, in order to better understand and grasp the artistic features of Li Qingzhao ci, the thesis describes the poetess?life and achievement. Through discussing Li抯 ci poems of various periods, the thesis approaches the artistic beauty of ci by Li Qingzhao from different respects including its theme and language. Upon discussion on how to translate ci, versified translation is advocated. Besides, the thesis adopts Mr. Xu Yuanchong translation theory of three- aspected beauty and approaches the representation of ci from the respects of ii Abstract beauty in sense, in sound and in form. According to the author, beauty in sound and in form should be reproduced on the premise of reproducing the original beauty in sense. In order to reproduce the original beauty in sense, the translation of words should be accurate, elaborate and beautiful, the stress put on conveying the significance in the depth of the content instead of in the superficial form. The beauty in sound should be reproduced by means of rhyme, repetition and rhythm; the beauty in form be reproduced by means of symmetry so as to make the length of sentences in the translation nearly even with that in the original. Beauty in sense should always be given priority, beauty in sound comes next and that in form last. In the translation of the ci by Li Qingzhao, differences arise owing to different understanding and representation. By comparing different translations and the translations with the original, the author tries to state her own viewo approve all parties, to support one party, or to put forward her own opinion.

【关键词】 李清照三美比较
【Key words】 ciLi Qingzhaothree-aspected beautycomparison
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】H315.9;I046
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1045

