

On Reasons of the lag of Urbanization in China

【作者】 王巧玲

【导师】 阎革;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 政治经济学专业, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 城市化是一个变传统落后的乡村社会为现代先进的城市社会的自 然历史过程,它是一个国家或地区社会。经济现代化过程中的重要结 构转换,包括人口的乡城地域及职业转换,产业结构及其布局转换, 人们生活方式及其价值观念的转换。在处于工业化阶段里,城市化水 平是衡量一个国家、一个地区,乃至一个城市聚集区的工业化。现代 化水平高低的重要标志。但是,我们对城市化的认识绝不仅限于此。 除了关注上述转换这种表面研究外,还应关注产生这种变化的背后因 素以及这些因素对城市化的影响。起步于20世纪50年代的中国城市 化进程,为什么步履蹒跚,在这方面,笔者认为,制度的安排及其变 迁起着非常关键的作用。对此,曼瑟尔·奥尔森(Mancur Olson)曾 经作过一个经典而形象的说明:在传统经济学家眼中,经济增长和发 展的源泉常常被归结为资本、劳动投入及技术进步,制度经济学认为 上述理论仅仅从细流汇聚的角度解释了经济发展之江河的形成,而没 有触及更为根本的东西:降雨和淤泥。奥尔森这里所说的“降雨和淤 泥”即是指制度安排及其创新。 对于城市化的研究同样适用于此。作为社会经济现代化过程中的 重要结构转换,城市化的发展固然受技术创新和要素投入的影响,但 更为重要的因素是与城市发展密切相关的制度安排及其变迂。因为, 任何技术创新和要素投入总是在一定的制度环境中发生,并在一定的制度环境下产生作用。换言之,技术创新、要素流动及集聚是相关的制度安排及其变迁的函数。基于此,本文研究的基本目标是分析自中华人民共和国成立以来,我国城市化水平滞后的原因分析。首先从作为城市化载体的城市的发展及其特点和涵义入手,接着从多学科的视野和多层次上考察城市化的内涵和城市化的生成机制。在此基础上,比较系统而又简明扼要地对世界及中国城市化的进程阶段。发展模式及其特点作出实证描述与理论分析,为下文分析中国城市化水平滞后的原因作背景铺垫。然后,本文重点从生产关系的角度,基于新制度经济学的制度分析方法和比较分析方法,对中国城市化水平滞后的原因进行了具体分析。笔者认为,中国城市化水平滞后的主要原因不在于经济发展或工业化水平低下,而在于制约、影响城市化发展的社会经济机制。也就是说,我国城市化水平滞后的真正原因是实行赶超型工业化战略所带来的一系列对城市化的制度约束,以及由此而带来的城市化认识上的偏差造成的。最后,笔者认为中国城市化的发展方向,关键是进行相关的制度创新。 全文共分五章,第一章到第三章比较系统地实证描述、分析、总结中国以及世界城市化的发展理论与实践:第四章重点剖析我国城市化水平滞后的具体表现以及原因;最后一章探讨中国城市化发展的制度创新空间。 由于本人水平及时间有限,对文中涉及到的一些实际问题难免认识不够,敬请各位专家予以批评指正。

【Abstract】 Urbanization is a natural and historical process which translates atraditional and laggard society into a modern and advanced society and it isa very important structural transition of a country or an area whichincludes the transition of population from rural to city and career fromagriculture to non-agricultural, and the transition of industrial structure.During the process of industrialization, the level of urbanization is animportant sign which can show the level of industrialization andmodernization of a country or an area or communities of a city but weshould pay more attention on the deep factors other than the skin factors.Why China’s urbanization processes so slowly? I think the institutionalfactor is very important. Mancur Olson gave this a clear figuration. Hesays the traditional economists owns the economic growth to capital, laborand technology progress, while the institutional economists explain thatcapital, labor and technology progress are only trivial brooklets, and themost important factor is institution which is just like rainfall and silt.As an important structural transition of modernization, urbanization isinfluenced more by institution than by technology innovation and otherfactors, because any technology innovation and other factors are occurredunder institutional condition. That is to say, technology innovation andother factors are the functions of institution. The main aim of this articleis analyzing the reasons of China’s lag of urbanization. First, thispaper begins with the city’s development, characters and definition,and then reviews the content of urbanization from different subjectsand levels and its forming mechanism. On this basis, the paperanalyses the phrase, model and characters of China’s urbanizationsystemically and concisely so that gives the background of China’surbanization in the next chapter Then it analyzes emphatically thereasons of China’s lag of urbanization on the basis of the institutionaland comparative analysis. The author thinks the main reasons of thelag of urbanization is not the low level of the economy and industrybut the economic system which restricts and influences theurbanization. That is to say the reasons of the lag of urbanization inChina are a series of institutional restrictions which are brought by theindustry strategy, and are the bias of idea on urbanization. In the end,the author regards the key of the direction of China’s urbanization issystem innovation.There are five chapters totally. From the tirst to the third chapters,it depicts mainly the theory and practice of urbanization. ln fourthchapter, the paper analyses the reasons of China’s lag of urbanization.In the last, this paper discusses the system innovation of China’surbanization.

【关键词】 城市化
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】F299.20
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】639

