


【作者】 官威

【导师】 蔡家强;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 新闻学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 经济全球化是全球经济发展的客观规律和不可抗拒的大趋势,人们只能利用而不可违背,中国加入WTO融入世界经济大潮中是不可避免的选择。随着科技日新月异,传播科技同样也是突飞猛进,尤其是以因特网为基础的信息高速公路极大改变市场营销的方式和营销理念。知识经济快步走来,跨国公司在世界经济中扮演的角色越来越显出举足轻重的作用。这些经济、科技和社会环境的变化,使得作为经济社会灵敏晴雨表的广告出于生态环境的变化,内涵不断充实、扩大,广告传播的性质、结构、方式、功能也都相应地不断调整变化。广告在整个产业链中发挥作用,广告服务已经渗透到国民经济的各个部门,因此广告业的发展也有利于促进我国市场经济的健康发展和完善,两者相辅相成,相互促进,同时由此而对环境的依赖性较强,自身较为脆弱。我国的现代广告业伴随着改革开放的深入经历了恢复、发展的阶段,但与跨国广告公司相比,本土广告公司整体实力还有较大差距。加入世贸组织将对我国产生深远影响,也肯定会对我国的广告业带来较大程度的冲击,生态环境的变化使中国广告业面临各种严峻挑战,但更多的是机遇。只要在所允许的过渡期,我国的广告业重新定位理性预期未来,转变观念,抓紧时间进行必要的调整,提高行业监管部门的管理执法力度,大力整顿广告业市场,加强广告教育,组建行业舰队发挥“计划体系”的规模优势以提高广告行业自身战斗力,充分发挥本土公司的比较优势,是有利于我国广告业整体发展的。面对加入WTO时间渐渐的临近,如何趋利避害地使用这把“双刃剑”,使中国广告业在市场经济中纵横捭阖竟天下,更好地为我国的市场经济开山劈路,尤其是在树立民族品牌上有所作为,成为广告人关注的焦点。本文从中国广告业发展、嬗变的角度,采取比较的路径和方法,对加入WTO后中国广告业发展进行研究、剖析,并在此基础上进行思索和探究。 本文从三个部分进行论述。 第一章介绍了本文的研究方法、理论框架和意义,并描述了中国广告业的背景、加入WTO后的特征和面临的挑战。 第二章主要分析中国广告业的现状,并在一些方面与世界广告业作了比较,单独对曾如过江之鲫而又筚路蓝缕的广告公司图景进行描述分析。 第三章从广告理论变革开始,前瞻性分析入世后的广告业变化,阐述了中国广告业在培育民族品牌中的重任,提出了中国广告业发展的对策和措施。

【Abstract】 The opportunity and challenge always come together.The economic globalization is the objective law and the irresistible tendency ofthe global economic development, which people can only use but not go against, soChina’s entering into WTO is an inevitable choice for being part of the world economy.With the improving of science and technology, the transmission technology isdeveloping forward; especially the information highway based on the Internet greatlychanges the means and concept of marketing. The knowledge economy is comingcloser and the transnational corporations play more and more important role in theworld economy. These economic, technological and social environmental changesenrich and enlarge the deep meaning of advertisement that is considered as thebarometer of the society so the nature, structure, means and functions of advertisingalso adjust and change accordingly. Working as the link in the whole industry,advertising has already permeated into every corner of the national economy, so thedevelopment of advertising is helpful to promote China’s market economy developinghealthily. But while the advertising and the market economy supplement and helpeach other, the former one relies on the latter one quite strongly with weakness inside.With the deepening of the reform of opening to the outside world, China’s advertisingrecovered itself and developed initially. But compared with the transnational corporations, the domestic advertising companies are still lag quite far behind.Entering into WTO will cause profound influence to China, which will definitely bringstrong impact to China’s advertising. But as only as it seizes, in the allowabletransitional period, the opportunity to make the necessary adjustment by strengtheningthe administrative power of the relative monitoring department on the one hand and it’sown strength on the other hand, it can benefit from that on the whole. Onlyadvocating the protection of national industry may result in the protection ofbackwardness, which is, in fact, bad for the advertising and the other departments aswell. Since the time of entering into WTO is coming closer, the advertising insiderspay great attention to how to better use this "two-blade sword" so that China’sadvwhsillg can full play itSelf tO work as the fOrerenner for China’s market economy,esPecially fOr establish the national famous brand names. This thesis, from the angleof the developmat and trgnsmutation of China’s advertising and in the way ofcomParison, stodies and analySes its development after entering illto WTO andconducts Wer discussion based on that.This thesis is divided intO three chaPters.The first chaPtee after giving the related methOd, theory and meaning of thestUdy, Presots the backgrOund of China’s advertising and its characteristics and thechallenges it must fase after enering into WTO.The second chaPter analyses the crmt situation of China’s advedising andcomPares tha with the worid advotising in some asPects. In addtion to that, it alsodescribes the curred situation of China’s numerous advertising comPanies that arefasing various difficulties and analyses the causes of the sitUation.Begiwhng with the theoretical reform of advertising, the thrd chaPter predictsthe changes that China’s advedising may experience after entering into WTO andpoints oot its task of establishing the national brand names. The relatve measures thatChina’s advedising comPanies should take for further develoPment are also putrorward.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】F713.8
  • 【下载频次】454

