

Capital Flowing and Exploration of the Western Region

【作者】 屈曙光

【导师】 耿明斋;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 国民经济学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 1999年党中央提出的西部大开发战略,既是一个区域性开发战略,也是关系到21世纪全国发展的一个大战略。西部地区按目前的行政区划包括重庆、四川、贵州、云南、西藏、陕西、甘肃、青海、宁夏和新疆等十个省、自治区、直辖市。国土面积约为540万平方公里,占全国的56%;1998年末人口约2.85亿人,占全国的22.84%。但是,1998年西部各省、自治区、直辖市的人均国内生产总值仅仅相当于全国平均水平的30-70%。西部地区经济发展水平不仅在总量上很低而且在质量上也差,与其国土和人口所占全国的比重相比具有明显的反差。 对西部进行大开发涉及到政治、经济、文化、环境、区域发展等各个方面,但核心是资本问题,资本要素是经济增长最直接的动力,资本的流入是开发西部的首要条件。90年代以来,随着国家地区政策的重新调整,西部地区的资金供应条件有了较大的改善,但是,东部沿海地区的资本形成条件却远高于西部地区。因此,随着利率的下调和资本市场的不断发育,追逐高回报的动机使注入西部地区的大量资金又通过资本市场流到东部。所以在西部大开发过程当中如何正确处理这种资本流动的矛盾,吸引资本向西部流动就显得尤为重要了。 本文运用国际资本流动理论、区域经济学、比较利益学说、成本收益分析等方面的知识,从资本的本性出发,阐明资本流动的趋利性,即市场经济中资本只有向比较利益更高的区域流动;同时借鉴国际资本流动理论及(动态)比较利益学说,对国际资本流动的历史变化及现状进行分析,将其运用到国家区域间资本流动上来,力求从中找出资本流动的基本规律,并对其进行理论剖析,提出模型。该模型认为,各地区的资本利润率的不同导致了资本在不同区域间的流向不同与流量大小的差异,并影响各地区资本供给。而一个地区资本利润率的大小是由资本流入的成本与收益来决定的,是由实现资本利润最大化的各种因素综合决定的。模型通过对资本流动的原因、条件等方面进行深层次地成本收益分析,从理论上得出资本流动的条件和区间。之后,本文对我国东西部的资本形成和资本流动方面的相关数据进行细致的整理、计算、分析,从中得出我国目前产东西部资本流动上存在的问题,并分析其成因,从而得出为加强西部吸引资本流入而应在积极培育西部资本市场、调整金融货币政策、财政税收政策、投融资政策、扩大对外开放等方面所作的对策。 全文共分为四个部分: 第一部分为引言,着重介绍了本文的研究目的、研究方法、研究内容、新见解、研究意义等,为正文作好铺垫。 第二部分首先讲述了资本流动的概念及分类,探讨了国际资本流动的历史变化及其现状,并对国际资本流动理论进行了一般性表述,然后将这些知识运用到区域间资本流动的理论分析上,得出本文的新模型、新见解。 第三部分主要对我国西部地区资本流动的历史变化、现状等的相关数据进行整理、分析,从新模型角度分析我国西部地区资本流动现状的原因,从理论上给予合理的解释。 第四部分针对当前我国西部资本流动存在的问题,从其根源出发,运用新模型的理论分析,提出了加大我国西部资本流动的对策和措施。

【Abstract】 The PCCC made out a plan of exploring the Western Region in 1999 This is not a regional exploring plan but a great strategy related to the development of all the country in the 21st century This region concludes chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet, Shanxi, Ganshu, Qinghai, Ningxia and Xinjiang It has an area of about 54 billion km2 and is equal to 52 percent of all the area of China There are 285 million people live on this region and are equal to 22 84 percent of all the country But the GDP of Western Region is only equal to 3 0-70 percent of all the GDP in China The economy developing level is too low which serves as a foil to the proportion of people and area The exploring of Western Region is touched upon such areas as politics, economy, culture, circumstance and regional develepment, but the nucleus is related to capital Capital:s the first motive force of economy growth and the in-flow of capital is the first conidition of western exploration Since 1 990s, with the re-adjustment of governments regional policies, the capital supplying couditions have been improved to some extent But the conditions in the Eastern Region is greatly better that that of the western Region So, with the declining of rate and the improvement of capital market, a great deal of capital has flowed from the seek profits Thus, in the course of developing the Western Region, how to deal with this contradiction of capital flowing, and how to abstract the capital to flow into the Western Region are appear very important The article is related to such knowledge as International Capital Flowing Theary, Regional Economics. Compared Profits Theory, and Cost-income Analyse It starts from capital’s natural instincts, and expounds the capital’s seeking profits──capital in the market oriented economy only flows to areas of higher compared profits In the same time, the article draws lessons from International Capital Flowing Theory and Compared Profits Theory After analysing the historical variation and present of international capital flowing, it makes use of the analysing to explain the capital flowing in one country and tries to find the law of capital flowing Then it expounds the law and puts forward model The model holds that the difference of capital rate in different areas makes the direction and discharge of flowing differently, and influences the capital supply in different areas Yet the rate in one area is determined by the contrast between the costs and incomes of capital flowing and also determined by other factors After deeply analysing the reasons and conditions of capital flowing, it gets the conditions and areas of capital flowing After detailed sorting out, calculating, analysing the related numbers in relation to the capital flowing between the Western Region and the Eastern Region, the article finds the problems existed in Chinese capital flowing between the western and Eastern Region, and explairns their reasons Then it achives that we should cultivate the Western Capital Market positively, re-organize financial an monetary policies, finance and taxis policies, investirg policies, and enlarge the scope of opening to the foreign countries The article can be divided into four factors Factor one it introduces the study target, study methods, study, contents, study significance, and new viewpoints, thus foreshadows the following contents Factor two after examining the definition and category of international capital flowing, it probes into its historical varlatian and its present condition, and gives a general explanation

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】191

