

【作者】 兰继军

【导师】 刘新科;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 教育史, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 传统上我国是以身心缺陷儿童作为特殊教育对象的,目前能够享受一定特殊教育服务的残疾儿童仍然是少数,相当多的特殊儿童尚未受到良好的教育.忽视了广大特殊儿童的教育,普及教育的目标就难以实现.而特殊儿童得不到合适的教育也就意味着素质教育体系还没有完全建立起来.二十世纪末,伴随教育发展的新趋势,也出现了一些有利于特殊儿童教育的因素.如教育的民主化为更多的特殊儿童接受教育提供了可能;教育的现代化为发展特殊儿童的教育提供了物质基础和技术保障;教育的法制化为保障特殊儿童的受教育权提供了依据;教育的终身化客观上要求加快特殊学校的改革步伐;人才的多样化使人们更加重视开发儿童的潜能;学习的个性服求教育抓对特殊儿童有着的特点因材施教.在以上这些趋势推动下,体现了特殊教育改革的必要性、可能性和紧迫性.在这一进程中,正确认识特殊教育对象的概念就成为一项重要工作.鉴于各国对特殊教育对象的理解不同,在教育措施上也有一定差异,有必要通过分析中外特殊教育对象的演变历程,来把握特殊化对象演变趋势,为改革中国特殊教育提供一些思路和建议. 为此文章通过中外特殊教育对象变迁历史的回顾,对近代世界特殊教育的起源进行了探讨.夸美纽斯、狄德罗等从理论上论证了对智力落后者、盲人和聋人进行教育的可行性.他们的财对近代残疾人教育的发展起到了推动作用.最早对特殊儿童进行的教育是以个别教育形式开展的,在这方面作出贡献的有伊塔、塞甘、阿羽依、莱佩、海尼克、蒙台梭利等人,他们的努力使近代世界特殊教育从理论走向实践.中国古代就有扶残济困的良好传统,儒家朴素的人道主传我体现了对人的重视,孔子提倡的有数无类和因材施教,更是体现了扩大教育对象、关注个性差异的精神.但中国近代制度化的特殊教育却是从国外引进行.一些外国传教士举办了慈善性质的特殊学校.之后一些中国聋人或热心者开始创建特殊学校.中国特殊教育经历了从照搬到创新的过程.一些教育家如胡适、陈鹤琴等考察了国外特殊教育后,积极推动特晰育的申目化眺.二十世纪以来,特狒育对u不断姚,不帧同一类儿童栅程以的差异进行袱,而且在横向上也覆羞更多的特殊儿童.随着特晰育对暴的多讹,传统的隔高式的安里形式也在改变,棚开履了,正常化,和’反雌运动\最终形成了特殊需要儿童的舱,极大附大了特殊儿童的范围,使特殊儿童的主体发生了转变.1994钳朋殊需”育大会强谓要实施全纳教育,满足所有儿童的教育需要.断隔禹式教育馒出了抚战,要求实现多样化的教育安 皿形式,最大贩为特殊儿童撇垃少受限制的教育毗,朋每个儿童的 幡况制定个别教育计划,以Wtj乙童和谐友展. 近年来,口内学者对口外特晰育对象问题的敝集中在以下方面:*)关于特似育对象的分类;0)对特殊儿童的邯与诊断;O)对不同特枫象的不同安里形式;*)对特扮队行分类和安里的法律贱.通过比较,可以认识到在不同国家,特的育对象的舱和分类的标准是不同的,不能简单帅以比较.即使对同一概念,在各口其舍义访一定差异,在状比玻和腑时要克分考虑吠差异性. 当代特刺宵对象演变趋势砒为:*)重新认识残疾和障碍的关系,使残漳儿童教育转变为以学习障啄儿亡教育为重点;Q)各口权重赃常儿童教育,当代科学研究对发展超常教育洲了理论依据;O)加强生计囊育,将着旺点放在儿童的优点或潜能上;*)促进特殊儿士终身教育体系的完善,特特筛育向两端延伸,加强学校与社会的联系;O)众育扩大到儿童的生活申,将各方面力量统一起来,开在全方位的一体化教育服务. 仰对特附育对象演变的分析,可以对中目特晰育改革产生以下启示:*)务力扩大特晰育对汞,坚持以人为本的精神,实现教育机会均等理想;Q)贯彻园材施教原则,更新观念,提供适合儿童个性特点的投育;O)依铝特殊儿童的特点馒供生计教育以提高他们适应社会和参与竞争的能力;*)贡彻素质教育精神,培养高贵质人才,进一步发庆赵常儿童技育;O)正确认识一体化项目申的功珠儿女;aA确特殊儿童的主体地位,发捧他们的洛在优势子 O)改革师资培训制度,健优师资椿制度,鳅高质量教师队伍 0加强特殊儿童的家长工作,实现旱期发现和旱期训练.

【Abstract】 This article looks back to the history of special education both in China and abroad.This can help us to understand the origin of the special education in the world Sometheorists and educationists Such as Comenius and Diderot discussed Possibilities ofeducation of the persons who were deaf, blind and mentally retarded Their ideaspositive to the development of the modern spcial education. Special education in theearly times,as a kind of individual education. Itard, Seguin, Hauy, L’ Epee, Heinickeand MOntessori were pioneers of the practice to teach the special children. Thus thedevelopent of special education in the world Passed through theory to practice.However the modern special education system in China,as imprted from abroad. At firstsome foreign missionaries set up several charitable school for the special children.Later some Chinese included some deaf persons began to set up special schools. Thedevelopent of special education in China Passed through imitation to creation. Someeducationists such as Hu Shi and Chen Heqin had visited some foreign countries andrealized the imprtance to educate the special children according to Chinese condition.Since the twenty centuries, more children have been included in the special children.On one hand, each kind of special child wes divided into bore kinds according to theirdegrte: on the other hand, some other kinds of children were also considered as specialchildren.,ith the change of the special children, it was necessary to reform thetraditional isolated system. Thanks to the mvements of Normlization and No Labeling,the expression SPECIAL CHILIDREN was taken place by CHILDREN WITH SPECIAl. EDUCTlON NEEDS.Thus more children have been included in special education programs, and the mainl bodyof special children has changed. In l994, Inclusive Education was announced at the worldi Conference on Special Needs Education. It called that all the children should go to school.It was quite different from the isolated systems. lt requires offering flexibleamepent to the special children, Which should be the least restricted enviroarentfor them Every child should be taught according to its own Individual Education Plans.In recent years, mny artic1es concentrate on the fO11o,ing fie1ds: (l) about thec1assification of the special chi1dren; (2) about the identification and diagnose ofchildren,ith specia1 needs: (3) about the settlement of different chi1dren,i th specialneeds: (4) about thee 1a’s on the chi1dren,ith special needs. 1n different countries,the concept and c1assification of specia1 chi1dren are qUite different.There are severa1 trends of specia1 1earuers, such as: (1) rea1ize the difference bet’eenhandiC8P and disability, Pay sore attention to the education of children,ith 1earningdisabi1ity: (2) based on the 8cientific research, the education for the gifted andtalented chi1dren are t.ken into account; (3) Qffer surviva1 education to the chi1dren,ith specia1 needs, emPhasize on the chi1dren’s advantage and POtentiality: (4) offerlife-1ong education to the children,ith special needs, increase the co--operationbeteeen schoo1s and society: (5)serve fOr the children through a11-round ray.The effects of the trends to the special education in China are: (l) helping more specialchi1dren to enjoy edUcation under the gUide of huamism and eqUal edllcation opPOrtunity’ for a1l: (2) teaching the chi1dren,ith specia1 needs according to individua1 characters,dra’ up individua1 education p1ans: (3) offering surviva1 education according to thechi1dren’s characteristics, help them prepe fOr the socia1 1ife and competition: (4)insisting on qlla1ity edUcation, paying attention to the gifted and talented chi1dren,training high-quality citizens; (5)understanding the POsi tion of the special learnersin the integYating prope, exerting their potentia1 and advantages: (6) reforming thespecia1-teachet Itraining syste’ estab1ishing the system of certification of sP

  • 【分类号】G769.1;G769.21
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1529

